posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by ChefSlug
WoW ! Funny how you brought this up.
3 weeks ago I started seeing what I thought was spiders out of the corner of my right eye, but I could never find them.
6 months ago I had catirac surgery in my right. My vision was not blocked but I did have floaters in my right eye.
The floaters were shape shifting. It's like looking through a lava lamp, also like Mon1k3r's avatar.
The shapes were a spider, a web, a butterfly, a scorpion and just stringy blobs.
After a week I went to an eye surgen, he was concerned that it may be retanal detachment. It wasn't. It was a ruptured blood vessel in my eye, there
was no rip or tear and no new bleeding. Your eye is filled with fluid the blood in that fluid does not mix, so it's like water and oil ie. the lava
lamp effect in the eye.
Dr. said it would take 8 weeks for it to clear. All I can do is sit back and enjoy the show, Oh hell theres that spider again gotta go.