posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 09:13 AM
My premonitions for 2014:
The economy will continue to stumble through 2014 with no collapse (as was predicted during the Carter era), and will rebound in 2018 through 2028
which will be extraordinarily prosperous.
Obamacare will be repealed once the press opens their eyes and Obama steps away from the Oz booth.
Putin will become more popular and desired as a leader and will eventually become "the" leader of the world.
The "Tea Party" will run candidates for congress who will all win.
People will awaken to the fact that "climate change" laws, regulations etc are just money making schemes by the rich.
The incandescent bulb will be legalized.
A new more powerful antibiotic will be discovered "in the nick of time", just as doom and gloomers have convinced people that it can not be done.
The American people will realize that China and Russia are EMP proof (grid hardened) and will demand that the US grid be hardened once they realize it
can and has been done and the US is lagging so far behind as to be vulnerable to returning to the stone age if an EMP attack or super solar flare
People will come to believe in and accept the population implosion as a positive and keep encouraging it to the point humans will be nearly extinct by
2450. Long before 2450 humans will be kept as pets by sentient robots who will take over the planet. Sentience in AI will occur by 2018.
It will be revealed Obama was long ago assassinated and has been replaced by a series of look and sound alikes who have been surgically altered to
fool the american people, Pelosi is the power behind the idiot replacements, most of the replacements are high school dropouts.
edit on 31-12-2013 by grandmakdw because: changed order