posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 03:17 AM
I love the new angle this is all getting.
Demonize the Left for Demonizing the Right. Hmm, this screams of generalizations and blanket statements.
I hate to tell you, but if you don't think the venom spews from the Right as much (if not more until 2004) then you are not looking at the world in a
serious light.
As a serious non-liberal and former Republican, I am a conservative that knows that the right officially sucks.
Sure, maybe it's a good idea to sack Iraq, and maybe the principle is sound, but unfortunately they don't quite look at things from our
Some may love us, and our "democracy" might "bring a light of freedom" to their world. But the harsh reality of the world is that in the world of
terror, we are painting a big fat target on our back promising more violence and more military action.
We have already extended our influence far and wide with our culture (which many hate us for alone) and certainly monetarily.
Add the military to that, and you've got problems no matter how noble the cause. There will always be some place worse to take care of.
We certainly have been neglecting the "homeland" though. If we cared so much about it, you'd think they'd have better solutions to the internal
problems rather than putting a band-aid over huge wounds.
Our industry market is acidic. Small business is the same way. People have a hard time paying for things because they tax us to hell and back.
We all know what socialism will do when applied over a capitalist frame. It would make a bad situation worse.
This short range thinking that's been going around in the Big Two really gets aggravating, mainly because the people don't even know what the
federal government is, does, or is supposed to be doing.
The Senate is not supposed to be voted in by a popular vote, but you'd be hard pressed to find people (yes, even conservatives) that would even know
that, let alone have formulated an opinion about it.
We have moved to a superficial selection process. It's simply maddening. No one seems to give a damn about fixing the problems, but rather only to
beat the other side.
I guess now it's become fashionable to snoot around about it after we have won nothing of merit.
Honestly, when the corporations have more sway over the federal government than the people in practical decisions, then we have a serious problem.
But, YEAH, WE WON!!!!!!!!!
Being one of the few conservatives not to say "Well I don't agree with everything Bush does, but what about the War on Terror" followed by some
Clinton garbage, or Kerry rhetoric.
That is simply all it is. Rhetoric. I�d hope that we all know how useless both of these two "candidates" really are.
But what's the solution?
I'd recommend the Republicans get their heads out of their....