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Bronx: Explosion Felt Across Scarsdale, Pelham Bay on Monday Night

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posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 08:34 PM
I don't want to come off as one of the down-players on this topic, but does anyone here have any idea the size an explosion would have to be to be heard/felt at 5 miles from, let alone 50 miles from detonation?

I'll put it this way, if this explosion was indeed felt 50 miles away, then the surrounding structures at the detonation point would of suffered more than some mere broken windows. The buildings would of been blown off their foundations and crumbled. Nearby people not caught in the initial blast and vaporized would be broken in to pieces, not from debris, but merely the shockwave.

I've been on the receiving end of some mortars, seen IEDs toss 10-ton trucks in the air, cooked and assembled some homemade toys and none of these would do what is being reported here.

I don't doubt that a large explosion took place. I am merely of the opinion that it is being exaggerated. The black mushroom cloud and explosion could be something as benign as a chemical plant explosion. Loud? Yup. Scary? Yup. Rattle and break windows? You bet. But not heard 50 miles away.

Even refinery explosions aren't that powerful.

TPTB couldn't hide that sort of blast in one of the densest urban centers of the United States. Nor does it sound like their typical modus operandi. They're more subtle.

edit on 31-12-2013 by Lipton because: OMG a 'their' and 'they're' juxtoposition!

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 09:18 PM

I don't want to come off as one of the down-players on this topic, but does anyone here have any idea the size an explosion would have to be to be heard/felt at 5 miles from, let alone 50 miles from detonation?

I'll put it this way, if this explosion was indeed felt 50 miles away, then the surrounding structures at the detonation point would of suffered more than some mere broken windows. The buildings would of been blown off their foundations and crumbled. Nearby people not caught in the initial blast and vaporized would be broken in to pieces, not from debris, but merely the shockwave.

I've been on the receiving end of some mortars, seen IEDs toss 10-ton trucks in the air, cooked and assembled some homemade toys and none of these would do what is being reported here.

I don't doubt that a large explosion took place. I am merely of the opinion that it is being exaggerated. The black mushroom cloud and explosion could be something as benign as a chemical plant explosion. Loud? Yup. Scary? Yup. Rattle and break windows? You bet. But not heard 50 miles away.

Even refinery explosions aren't that powerful.

TPTB couldn't hide that sort of blast in one of the densest urban centers of the United States. Nor does it sound like their typical modus operandi. Their more subtle.

Thanks for your input.

Your point of view is one we are all pondering.

The fact that is undeniable is that Twitter feeds were going nuts with posts in Westchester, Long Island, New Jersey etc. referring to this explosion.

it's not as if one guy in Yonkers says he heard it too.

There aren't a lot of reports from 50 miles out but It is undeniable that this was heard over 20 miles away - there are multiple reports of this being heard even farther out than 20 and 30 miles.

As myself and others can attest to - fireworks are not heard this far away from detonation.

I also find it very strange that an explosion heard this far away only shattered a few windows and moved some people and furniture in a very close radius to the explosion - it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Knowing the exact geographical location and being familiar with the Park in question as well as the surrounding neighborhood it is important to note that the houses with the blown out windows are more than a few hundred feet away. I think that the closest homes to the pitcher's mound at the Park have to be at least a thousand feet away. Not sure what would have happened if this explosion were say within 50 feet of homes.

I am leaning towards believing some of the earlier reports which stated the Police detonated explosives they had found. I would think that explosives heard that far away without a more damging shockwave may have been controlled as to prevent that from happening. But I don't know - I'm only speculating.

What I do know is that thousands if not more people, felt this up to and more than 20 miles away.

Thousands of people many miles away Tweeting the explosion all at the same time.

We all who have experienced fireworks are having a hard time with that explanation.
We know what fireworks sound and feel like from many distances and none of us have ever experienced an explosion from a firework and heard it 20, 30, or 40 miles away.

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
And you are right - with an explosion heard that far away we would expect to see more damage within a close radius to the explosion - just my common sense no real experience or knowledge to back this up.

One thing is clear - the explosion was heard up to and more than 20 miles away and that is not an exaggeration by any means. Its all over the web - do a "Pelham Bay bomb" google search and see the twitter feeds as well as the comments on the news sites listed below the articles - no one believes this was fireworks.

You have a lot more experience with explosives according to your post so if I've added any information you previously did not know and you have any new ideas - Please let us know.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 09:48 PM
Regarding the 50 miles tangent, I was reading and clicking links about the story and that was the farthest approximate distance that reported hearing an explosion I came across. I specifically looked for that to gauge the power of the explosion that people were reporting.

to you point; a controlled detonation of a cache in place that was powerful enough to do what is claimed is unimaginable, unless the cache in question was on the level of ridiculous. Controlled blows are designed the concussive force of the blast in at the blast in at the target, rather than blow it to smithereens so it can rain down possible bits of UXOs all over creation. This involves using sandbags in the case of small caches, or bulldozers and large earthen berms in the case of large ones. In essence the ball field would be unrecognizable if the blast in question was this large, as the whole out and infield would of been dug out (no pun intended) to create a berm.

I like the idea of an air burst meteorite, or an 'OH #!' chemical explosion of the sort that releases some sort of nasty stuff that the public doesn't need to know about.

But IMO this has mother nature, or accident written all over it.

Please note this stand-off chart. Listed are the recommended distances for VBIEDs:


Even 18-wheelers loaded down with explosives don't require a cordon-off area the likes of which were talking in respect to this blast.

I call meteoric air-burst. But the quick cover story is indeed unsettling.
edit on 31-12-2013 by Lipton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 10:39 PM
Pelham Bay Park Blast Site

Here are some pix of the site & damage caused. Best I could do....Enjoy.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 11:15 PM

Pelham Bay Park Blast Site

Here are some pix of the site & damage caused. Best I could do....Enjoy.

Look, I don't like coming off as a dick. As a matter of fact I've been called a nice young man by several old women in my live....granted they were my great-aunt and my grandmother, but that is immaterial regarding this matter.

The fact that we have an image shown, with a scorch area of less than 20' in diameter, with no cratering, almost zero scorching of earth or grass and no visible distortion of a flimsy-ass chain link fence, means one of a handful of things:

1) You're a shill
2) I don't know
3) An act of god
4) Apparently thousands are exaggerating/mass hysteria

Honestly, the trees are still standing, vehicles bits and pieces aren't imbedded in concrete and the buildings are standing. This is a non-story.

And to think I thought something of significance had actually happened...
edit on 31-12-2013 by Lipton because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-12-2013 by Lipton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Lipton

While I respect your opinion I have to disagree with your statement that this is a non-event and nothing of significance.

I's a complete fact that this was heard and felt by many 10, 20, 30, and more miles away.

I just went on facebook for the first time in a while to wish my friends and family a Happy New Year and I see many posts regarding this explosion.

I have friends in Westchester County who not only hear but felt the blast.

I have a friend I have known for over 20 years- a good guy - also a police officer - and I just saw his post that it shook his whole house which is many miles away. These posts happened before any news media reporting of the explosion.

I have a friend who is kind of a big deal in Westchester - he has over 5000 fb followers and they are mostly all Westchester residents - his feed was going nuts with everyone posting at the same time.

These guys are by no means conspiracy theorists as I have known them for many years.

They are all calling bs on the fireworks story.

It was definitely a big explosion that was heard for 20 -50 miles out - this is a fact.

No one knows what caused it but it definitely wasn't fireworks.

This is a real story and we don't have any real answers yet.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:30 AM
I live in the area. Tonight, there were exploding sounds again.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:49 AM
Ok, let us suppose that this were just a few mortars tied together and the explosion could be heard 40 miles outward.

Would the police not comment on the cause before the suspects were apprehended?

Wouldn't they use this knowledge to their advantage to seek out the perpetrators?

They would say it was some sort of homemade bomb and when they caught the suspects they would be charged with bomb crimes and would be in a lot of trouble.

If this were fireworks and it were enough to be fused together to cause an explosion to be heard 20 -50 miles away, they would still call it a bomb would they not?

They can use the term fireworks and admit it's equivalence to a bomb.

There were fbi on the scene.

I'm sure if the firework story were a coverup, it came down from the big boys and the local police on scene were probably briefed about what to say and what not to say.

That's just a guess pertaining to what information I see that doesn't seem to make much sense many other ways.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:53 AM

I live in the area. Tonight, there were exploding sounds again.

I've lived in the area too.

I can remember it being normal to hear some loud m80's or blockusters going off on New Years as well as 4th of July in the neighborhood.

Could this be what you heard this evening?

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by csulli456

I have never heard the sound before and I have lived here for a long time. I live off the hudson river

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 01:36 AM


Pelham Bay Park Blast Site

Here are some pix of the site & damage caused. Best I could do....Enjoy.

Look, I don't like coming off as a dick. As a matter of fact I've been called a nice young man by several old women in my live....granted they were my great-aunt and my grandmother, but that is immaterial regarding this matter.

The fact that we have an image shown, with a scorch area of less than 20' in diameter, with no cratering, almost zero scorching of earth or grass and no visible distortion of a flimsy-ass chain link fence, means one of a handful of things:

1) You're a shill
2) I don't know
3) An act of god
4) Apparently thousands are exaggerating/mass hysteria

Honestly, the trees are still standing, vehicles bits and pieces aren't imbedded in concrete and the buildings are standing. This is a non-story.

And to think I thought something of significance had actually happened...
edit on 31-12-2013 by Lipton because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-12-2013 by Lipton because: (no reason given)

How or What exactly am I being accused of "shilling"?
Eyewitness accounts are considered shilling now?
I said I was going to go by there today & get pix and I did...what's the issue exactly? Did I highlight a certain area of a pic & say "OMGZORZ IT WAS A BOMB MAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!! And this is where they did it!"? Or did I just take pix of what was there for others to see?

I personally don't think it was "tptb" or the gubbermint or any of that crap. I think it was some degenerate from the area with too much money, free time & internet access that wanted to make a big boom for NYE and just couldn't wait the extra day. Do I think it was 6-8 Mortars tied together like they say it was, hell no. I know what I felt and I know what I heard and it wasn't 8 Mortars just simply tied yeah,I guess me & thousands of others are exaggerating to create mass hysteria. Who's to say they didnt take 8 mortars,empty them out and make a giant "mortar"?

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 01:37 AM

reply to post by csulli456

I have never heard the sound before and I have lived here for a long time. I live off the hudson river

The Hudson River is not near Pelham Bay Park - Hudson is about 6 miles west from there.

I've never lived by the Hudson but in Throggs Neck or Mt. Vernon it would be common to here a few large fireworks go off on New Years.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 01:56 AM

Pelham Bay Park Blast Site

Here are some pix of the site & damage caused. Best I could do....Enjoy.

Thanks for the first hand eyewitness account and damage verification.

Unfortunately we still have no explanation as to why this was heard as far away as it was.

The homes are a little closer to the pitcher's mound than I was thinking.

It's a big park.

I was picturing the homes across the street from the Park on the other side of the Bruckner - kind of forgot about the other block - forgot the name, what is that Roberts Ave?

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 02:06 AM


Pelham Bay Park Blast Site

Here are some pix of the site & damage caused. Best I could do....Enjoy.

Thanks for the first hand eyewitness account and damage verification.

Unfortunately we still have no explanation as to why this was heard as far away as it was.

The homes are a little closer to the pitcher's mound than I was thinking.

It's a big park.

I was picturing the homes across the street from the Park on the other side of the Bruckner - kind of forgot about the other block - forgot the name, what is that Roberts Ave?

Ampere Ave
MiddleTown Rd
Dwight Pl

You're thinking of Robertson,which is around the block

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by FEAR420

Thanks - don't know what I was thinking - was picturing Middletown Road but calling it wrong name.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 04:57 AM

reply to post by FEAR420

Mushroom cloud ??? I just don't know how to respond to something this stupid.

Mushroom clouds don't apply only to nuclear explosions. Infact they're quite common with conventional explosives, you just need a hot enough fireball.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by FEAR420

Should have taken a picture of the cloud with that iPhone of yours.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 10:35 AM

reply to post by FEAR420

Mushroom cloud ??? I just don't know how to respond to something this stupid.

What I find stupid is your ignorant comment. Grats on making the 2014 fail list!

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by fenson76

Newb here and just wondering if anyone can verify that the burnt area mentioned is actually the center point of where windows were shattered?

- Any thoughts on 2 seperate explosions, the local smaller one with a larger one anywhere else? This may explain the time difference.

- Any way to know if whatever caused windows to break was in a circular pattern or any other pattern?

- Could there have been a seismic event around the same time or around the time difference reported?

- Could a "device " in the ballpark have been been in a hole (maybe dug with posthole type tool) that would have only burned a twenty foot circle above ground?

- I don't know the area and several other questions come to mind after reading this whole thread. Just trying to think of what hasn't been asked or covered.

posted on Jan, 1 2014 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by csulli456

Exactly. Soo, those must have been loud fireworks.

I know what I heard and it wasn't fireworks. It was a loud sustained rumbling. And I saw no lights, just sound. With sound that loud, I assume I would see flashes. Even off in the distance. But nothing. Just rumbling.

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