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Russia under attack will terrorism get the Olypics canceled?

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posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 02:42 AM
Russia has been hit by two terrorist attacks today, a marked increase in activity that I fear will continue to escalate. Will this jeopardize the Olympics? Will they cancel the games to avoid more attacks?

Do the terrorists want the games canceled?

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 03:15 AM
Deleted, as I will probably get into trouble.

edit on 30-12-2013 by CaptainBeno because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 04:19 AM
I say tradition and money will see the Olympics thru. I love the Olympics. I hope nothing prevents the world its favorite games. My heart goes out to the lost lives and shattered families of the Russian terror attacks. I pray for your country and hope you host the greatest Olympic games celebration in history.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 04:21 AM
I highly doubt it - cancelling the Games is tantamount to handing victory to the Terrorists and will only embolden them further. Not really Russia's MO, tbh.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 04:22 AM

I pray for your country and hope you host the greatest Olympic games celebration in history.

It's only the Winter Olympics, so don't get your hopes up.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 07:16 AM
Since the Olympics are a NWO mass event i don't mind seeing it canceled or boycotted in the future.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 07:39 AM
You have to remember anything that lets people smile is bad if your a Mooslum. They hate people and hate fun more. It's them against reality and we must win

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 07:45 AM
I could care less about the Olympics. But it is great revenue for the cities that host them. And Russia could use the money. So I wouldn't want to see it moved. I don't even know if that is possible.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Could care less, or couldn't care less? Surely, if you could care less, that means you do care, at least a bit as there is a level of care to which you can sink down too.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:08 AM

I could care less about the Olympics. But it is great revenue for the cities that host them. And Russia could use the money. So I wouldn't want to see it moved. I don't even know if that is possible.

Russia will NEVER see a return on investment (in dollars and cents) on these games. Reports have stated that these games cost more than ALL previous winter Olympics combined. Real Sports on HBO did a nice little piece on the crazy dollars spent putting a Winter Olympics in a TROPICAL region. Lots and lots of old Soviet-style corruption there.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Putin is a "drone" unto himself, he will eliminate everyone tell he gets the ones responsible.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:51 AM
It's not going to be cancelled. Too much money invested by everyone connected, and too much ego (for Russia) involved. They'll push through and just hope that people don't get killed by the terrorists.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:52 AM

reply to post by nixie_nox

Could care less, or couldn't care less? Surely, if you could care less, that means you do care, at least a bit as there is a level of care to which you can sink down too.

Feel better now?

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:53 AM

Will this jeopardize the Olympics? Will they cancel the games to avoid more attacks?

No. Besides the argument of not giving in to terrorists, Putin is far too proud to cancel and says these are going to be the 'most secure Olympics in history".

To back out now (over a struggle against a group they have fought for a couple decades) would really hurt Russia's reputation/appearance to the rest of the world.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:56 AM
from what the news reports.... the Olympic games will be closed off to everything/everyone without the very rigid identity passes that will make the games a closed 1,500 square mile nation unto itself.
(with a 40,000 + strong security/police force guarding the games)

This is a real-time real-world exercise by the elites on learning just how to completely 'close off' a selected area or population center... the local Warlord & his cells of terrorists/Jihadists/Caliphatists are right on cue ain't they
edit on th31138841565530002014 by St Udio because: add warlord of the area

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:57 AM
This is a dipute with Russia over independence for some of the states in the south who have been trying to break free for decades. It would be highly unlikely they would hit a target like the Olympics that would bring global action against them and support for a severe Russian crackdown. Sticking to Russian only targets this close to the Olympics brings attention to their cause, makes Russia look weak and restrains Russia from a total crackdown with so much global press in country and it does not provoke the international community who see it as a internal Russian problem.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 11:03 AM
Hell it does not bother you about Japan?
I would be more afraid of the Olympics there.
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster?

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