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Origin of the Species: Rise of the Reptilian Alien Mythos and Its Unlikely Source

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posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 01:44 AM
When it come to reptilian aliens then there's a very good chance that they do exist.

The only reason why dinosaurs aren't around today is because of the K/T extinction, other planets may not have had an extinction level event and therefore their dinosaurs would have a chance to evolve into intelligent bipeds.

It probably would've happened on earth if the Cixclulub asteroid didn't hit, but would be hard to imagine them still being reptilian, after all we are unrecognizable compared to our ancestors and that's maybe 4 million years at best of evolution, imagine how big the changes would've been after 65 million years.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by JadeStar

Not saying they exist or anything Im pretty open minded

the reptilian species well , they must have evolved as pointed out before the KT event then left earth to go into the heavensssss
they were smart and collected all the remainssss of their dead (lol) so that us humanssssss
wouldn't discover their existenccccce

I liked your thread you brought in all the popular sci fi on where they come from

You didn't make any mention of the rhesus negative / blue blood angle though
AB- apparently is reptilian bloodline as only 1% of the earths population has AB negative

Now my girlfriend has AB negative blood and apparently this blood group is common amongst royalty
or powerful people
her great great great great grandfather is supposedly the earl of sea forth in the UK
(I know alot of supposedly)

here is a link to ickes blog post on it Reptilians ball

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 02:15 AM
Well from the 80's to the 70's to the 60's all in the first 1/2 of the OP 1st page, forgive me for not going thru 4 of 'em to see if you got back to the actual origins before saying ptthhhht fail.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 03:04 AM

Icke had begun to flirt with fringe medicine and New Age philosophies in the 1980s in an effort to find relief from his arthritis,

That's what did him in - the arthritis.

One problem (well besides the whole lack of actual evidence that intelligent Reptilian exist thing) is that Draco and all Constellations are not actually places in space.

They are just places on our Earth's view of the sky. The stars within these constellations have no positional or evolutionary relationship and are often separated by hundreds and thousands of light years.

That is the most glaring mistake in modern UFO'logy, in my opinion - because a lot of the societies, such as the Orions, are centered around constellations that only exist when viewed from Earth.

But here. One facet of the Reptilian agenda, that they come from underground, actually stems from before Hitler and during Hitler's reign.

Even stranger still, it is a known fact that Adolph Hitler read a book by Rosecrucian Grandmaster E. Bulwer Lytton, titled The Coming Race, about a subterraneous race which possessed supernatural technology and who, according to the novel, were intent on one day claiming the surface world for their own. Probably due to his fascination for occult legendry and of mystic tales -- such as the Bhuddist's traditions of a vast underground world called Agharti and the Hindu legends of a reptilian cavern world called Patalas, etc. -- Adolph became obsessed with the novel and was apparently fanatical over the prospect of an imminent underground invasion of the surface world in the future, and wanted to make alliances with these underground races so that once they emerged he could rule the earth in joint capacity.

Sketchy Source (I already knew this information somehow, so this source can at least make do and speak its piece)

From 1939-1939, the Germans sent an expedition to Tibet - an expedition that many say included a search for subterranean entrances to the Alien Underworld.

Hale also recalls the existence of a secret warning issued by propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels to German newspapers in 1940 saying that "the chief task of the Tibet expedition," was "of a political and military nature" and "had not so much to with the solution of scientifc questions," adding that "details could not be revealed."[6]

Wikipedia: 1938-1939 German Expedition to Tibet

That's because the Germans were looking for Reptilians, in addition to the Grays that they may have or may not have found using astral methods.
edit on 31amTue, 31 Dec 2013 03:07:44 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 03:32 AM


Icke had begun to flirt with fringe medicine and New Age philosophies in the 1980s in an effort to find relief from his arthritis,

That's what did him in - the arthritis.

One problem (well besides the whole lack of actual evidence that intelligent Reptilian exist thing) is that Draco and all Constellations are not actually places in space.

They are just places on our Earth's view of the sky. The stars within these constellations have no positional or evolutionary relationship and are often separated by hundreds and thousands of light years.

That is the most glaring mistake in modern UFO'logy, in my opinion - because a lot of the societies, such as the Orions, are centered around constellations that only exist when viewed from Earth.

But here. One facet of the Reptilian agenda, that they come from underground, actually stems from before Hitler and during Hitler's reign.

Even stranger still, it is a known fact that Adolph Hitler read a book by Rosecrucian Grandmaster E. Bulwer Lytton, titled The Coming Race, about a subterraneous race which possessed supernatural technology and who, according to the novel, were intent on one day claiming the surface world for their own. Probably due to his fascination for occult legendry and of mystic tales -- such as the Bhuddist's traditions of a vast underground world called Agharti and the Hindu legends of a reptilian cavern world called Patalas, etc. -- Adolph became obsessed with the novel and was apparently fanatical over the prospect of an imminent underground invasion of the surface world in the future, and wanted to make alliances with these underground races so that once they emerged he could rule the earth in joint capacity.

Sketchy Source (I already knew this information somehow, so this source can at least make do and speak its piece)

From 1939-1939, the Germans sent an expedition to Tibet - an expedition that many say included a search for subterranean entrances to the Alien Underworld.

Hale also recalls the existence of a secret warning issued by propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels to German newspapers in 1940 saying that "the chief task of the Tibet expedition," was "of a political and military nature" and "had not so much to with the solution of scientifc questions," adding that "details could not be revealed."[6]

Wikipedia: 1938-1939 German Expedition to Tibet

That's because the Germans were looking for Reptilians, in addition to the Grays that they may have or may not have found using astral methods.
edit on 31amTue, 31 Dec 2013 03:07:44 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

I've never seen Reptilians mentioned in regards to the Theosophical 'hidden master' stuff in my readings, or Nazi occult stuff. They were all after Tibetan Buddhist related stuff.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 03:53 AM
This is what I think I can be sure of. Whatever we have evolved from, if we did in fact evolve naturally, must have been around while the 'Dinobots' roamed. If this statement is valid then perhaps there were similar species that evolved also. Maybe faster, we are talking millions of years and I still don't know who built the pyramids yet.
I think it is possible that some bipeds have remained undetected in deep caverns, possibly even left the planets surface. I have never seen one myself so until such a time occurs and I am aware of it, It can only be my imagination entertaining me.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by 1ofthe9

is that not what the polar expeditions for newschwaben land were all about finding the entrance to Agartha
the same with in tibet trying to find shangri la as an other entrance to agartha

I never knew this underground species were reptilian in nature , just that hitler was searching for them

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 04:39 AM

Dinosaurs lived for over 250 million years, it seems like they had plenty of time to evolve into higher forms before the k/T event. If they did evolve how would we know?
edit on 30-12-2013 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

For arguments sake, what if something environmental caused an evolutional leap, such as the astroid that supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs?

What if the Dinosaurs weren't entirely wiped out?

Survivors may have sought refuge underground, in deep cave systems, far from the harsh conditions of the ensuing 'nuclear winter' caused by dust and debris thrown into the atmosphere by the impact.

Over the millennia, could this have facilitated such an evolution to the intelligent humanoids of here say?

I don't know, but it would tie up these loose ends, as well as the equally far fetched notions of a hollow Earth.

Like i said, just spinning the yarn, but it's neat all the same.

edit on 31-12-2013 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 05:09 AM


Dinosaurs lived for over 250 million years, it seems like they had plenty of time to evolve into higher forms before the k/T event. If they did evolve how would we know?

Fossilized Bones. Plain and simple. The same way we know they existed at all.
edit on 30-12-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

That assumes we can find a series of fossils that follows a hypothetical linear progression of a given species...and that is a tall order.

We have difficulty finding complete animals, let alone a series of the same sub-species, separated by millions of years.

Think about the numbers of animals that must have lived throughout all of geological time...then think about how many of their bones we have found over the last few centuries.

It's a drop in the ocean, it's certainly not as simple as thinking we can discover the evolution or otherwise of the dinosaurs by finding their bones.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 05:19 AM


Dinosaurs lived for over 250 million years, it seems like they had plenty of time to evolve into higher forms before the k/T event. If they did evolve how would we know?
edit on 30-12-2013 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

For arguments sake, what if something environmental caused an evolutional leap, such as the astroid that supposedly wiped out the Dinosaurs?

What if the Dinosaurs weren't entirely wiped out?

Survivors may have sought refuge underground, in deep cave systems, far from the harsh conditions of the ensuing 'nuclear winter' caused by dust and debris thrown into the atmosphere by the impact.

Over the millennia, could this have facilitated such an evolution to the intelligent humanoids of here say?

I don't know, but it would tie up these loose ends, as well as the equally far fetched notions of a hollow Earth.

Like i said, just spinning the yarn, but it's neat all the same.

edit on 31-12-2013 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

All of the dinosaurs didn't die out, at least not technically.

The shark has been around on Earth as long ago as 400 million years, it's body shape has changed little over that time...nature hit upon the perfect body for this creature and it's environment and needs, and stuck with it.

They have been on Earth for much longer than the dinosaurs.

Crocs and gators are essentially dinosaurs, modern day dinos.

I don't think there is an all encompassing explanation for what has happened to the creatures over millions of years..we can't say this or that happened to 'the dinosaurs' because lots of different things happened to lots of different dinosaurs...some died out, some were made extinct in cataclysms, some changed body shape over aeons, some took to the air, some went underground, some stayed in the seas...there's not a single 'thing' that happened to all of them.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 06:03 AM
lies lies lies! They are here, th...they hide! Among us. Maybe you are one of them?

One thing is for sure is that humans have been fascinated with snakes and snakes or some kind of reptile was incorporated in their culture and beliefs.

I think there is something to this. Not necessarily human like reptiles, but some kind of way of thinking or cult or something along those lines.

You always see references to snakes in so many things: The Egyptians, the Sumerians, in the bible, other African tribes, Hindus, Chinese (dragon), South Americans. Different continents with the same animal revered in some way.

Something tells me that this snake business is something that I should not dismiss as being hogwash and needs more attention.
edit on 31-12-2013 by bitsforbytes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 07:28 AM
Anyone remember the 'Gargoyle' movie from the early 1970s with Cornell Wilde? Underground reptilians waiting to return to the surface. Excellent movie.
If there were reptile biped/humanoids the gargoyle myth might have come from that.
Also there was a Kolchak episode involving a large bipedal reptile living underground.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by bitsforbytes

The snake is a representation of DNA.

It's as you say, in represented in many cultures as a bearer or wisdom or knowledge.

The question arises, how did ancient people, all across the globe know about the helical (snake like) nature of DNA, let alone know about it's existence at all?

IMO, 'we' have been here before, technological civilisations i mean...probably many times before spanning aeons and oceans of geological time, and we're now just the latest in a rising and falling cycle of civilisation and technological progress...and losing that.

We will probably discover (or i should say, our arrogant elite may condecend to inform us) that what people think of as ETs are actually related to earlier incarnation of us at least, that moved off into space perhaps tens of thousands or more years ago.

Just a sneaking suspicion, absolutely no conclusive proof of course.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 08:55 AM


Dinosaurs did evolve into an advanced species 100,000,000 millions years ago, and left this planet eons ago to escape some apocalyptic event that re-terraforms the Earth to begin anew. Suppose they left to solar systems uncharted and unknown?
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

From my understanding dinosaurs didn't quite survive there ELE, and apparently people trying to convince me that they turned into birds or something like that. If it took so long for a species to change into another species but this "race" left early on how did they have the dexterity to build the required systems to just get up and go especially without any prior research or a plan? I think that reptilians is kind of a fairy tale entertaining but kind of silly.

How did our present day reptiles survive? What made them more able to when other dinosaurs could not?

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 10:39 AM
Actually i dont know if I've ever seen the pic of the evolved dinosaur you posted or any of the others you posfed... except the one of the queen. But then i tend to visit serious ufology sites and not new age crap. I first heard of them from accounts of actual eyewitness encounters. And they don't have to be "space aliens"... they could have been here all along.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 12:02 PM
Oh... such a stuffy exposition, but what about the cat ladies and marginal folks getting on marginal TV and even more marginal Youtube videos telling of their love affairs with well endowed reptilians?

Can Icke be spinning tales to sell books and clinch speaking engagements? Can all 14 of the eye witness accounts of shape shifting reptoids all be fabricated or hallucinations?

Not to say there isn't weird #e and reptile humanoids can't be stomping around somewhere, but our leaders are plainly just screwed up and soulless humans, by dna definition of the species, at least.

I wish a reptoid invasion were the answer to how humans can be so horrid.

But if the reptilian neo mythos is repeated enough it will be true... right?

Anyway, good thread about an irritating and embarrassing addition to paranormal discussions on Earth.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by JadeStar

What better way to make people less likely to believe stories about reptilian aliens than to create movie and SC FI versions of them. Then any tales about them would be called " copy cat".
Art has an odd habit of imitating life.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

Dungeons and Dragons had lizard men as a monster in 1974 as well (i think)! Im a nerd .....

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by JadeStar

Excellent thread jadestar. The lizard-man archetype is definitely fascinating. I believe when you have the right combination of sub conscious and pop culture, you get a phenomenon like this. Reptillians are definitely ingrained in us.

Good call on the sleastack and the Gorn.

In the original Battlestat Galatica tv show, the Cylons were the creation of a race of reptillians. That was 1978 but I don't think they were ever depicted.

posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 02:07 PM
Using one myth to support another is not evidence nor does it refute the original post. I'll tell you why in a bit.

Myth simply is not evidence in support of another more modern myth no matter how much it is repeated. Can you not understand that?
edit on 31-12-2013 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

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