posted on Dec, 31 2013 @ 04:13 PM
This Near Earth Object is arriving along with the Meteor Debris field expected to impact FEMA Region Three.
My Friend....... if you look into the reported impact site....reported to be in FEMA Region 3
You will find that Region 3 (having been given lots of recent press as amassing much resources & supplies)
well region 3 is the States of: Pennsylvania-West Virginia-Maryland-Virginia
FEMA Region 3 is a long distance from Porto Rico or some where in the Islands east of Florida that the supposed report mentions as being hit with an
asteroid and causing a massive Tsunami wave
i do not think the Russian missile tracking radar is adequate enough to target & follow NEO (near-earth-orbit) objects, so that is clue #1 this is
a BS article (doom porn)
the crash into the continental shelf off Florida being confused with FEMA Region 3 is another give-away of doom-porn garbage...designed to attract the
unwary (like shiny objects attract crows, pack-rats & others)
the supposed news alert is more a 'TALL TALE' than a real News 'Story'
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edit on st31138852881831262014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)