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GIVE IN to the robots- soon there will not be a choice

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posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:32 PM
Good afternoon gents, I have returned with a pressing insight which I feel needs to be represented at this current moment in time and thusly here it is.

This current push for mass-droning of the states is, if my hypothesis is correct, nothing but a testing-of-waters for something much more scarier and robotic and that is with robot warriors representing as the ground force for these drones. Now this part is the most obvious to most especially with Google buying out so many robot designers while their CEO's up in the cabinet calling the shots.

Now lets combine this with the NSA revelations, the fact that they have the data of every single cell phone and internet user, and the fact that this snowden figure isn't actually opposed to it all, and you begin to see that something bigGER is in the works.

We all know the speed and agility, let alone the physical stregths of robot technolgies that are ALREADY in production, and a simple youtube search will reassure that notion. So what, we ask, if google wants to capitalize on the industry and make robotic servants for every store? Well, do you really think the government will let individuals program their own potential monsters without having monsters of their own to counter them with? Who knows what exactly they would do when this technology first started showing up on the streets, maybe they would just sit back and wait for some lunatic to rewire his robot, thus unveiling their 'new' need to get their own bots... and this is where the fun begins.

Of course, Google will most likely be the first to come out with robots, and since Google is buddy buddy with the big one, well then of course they wont let consumers have the strongest, fastest, or most repariable designs. But when even these relatively weak robots start creating mayhem, it's going to be absolutley imperative for the government to get the best of the best. These robots will have all the programs any NSA or federal agent can get ahold of (prism etc), and they will be absoultely profiecent while tracking suspects with multiple sources of info coming in at a live pace. Soon all the roboterrorists will be rounded up and much harsher restrictions placed on the robot community for consumers.

It is at that time that they will be re-programmed to go after ALL criminals- starting first with felony and bench warrants, then later as a constant monitor/enforcer of all internet and celluar content. Just like today keywords will be made and the user will be tracked after they say enough of them, only now there will be a plethora of super-strong enforcement officers available 24/7 to do their job for pennies on the dollar.

Here's some of the technology these robocops will be capable of having by this time:

camera/microphone capable of miles of zoom and possibly 360 degree view at all times (already being implemented)
brain-scanning laser that can read thoughts- already being made by DARPA
all sorts of tasers, non-lethals and lethals, of course they would be super-accurate with firearms with the lock-on technologies we have avaible today.
real-time GPS and/or drone tracking of criminals that are programmed into and cross-montiered by the officer.
Ultimate in armor, dont count on finding any exposed wires or anything of the sort on these things.

My concluding thoughts are this: get away from the madness. Learn to live independantly now while you still have the resources available to you, and then do it as soon as you can. Location is a big one here, but there are bigger things to focus on, farming for example. Don't pull out loans or become a slave to the economic system, as the indebted may very well be the labor force of the future. Stay neutral as far as political alliances go, PETA and the NRA both could potentially be targets depending on who controls what. And watch where you go online,Some may claim they would be fine because they don't make posts like mine on this website, I say they won't look that far into it in the future... theyre going after groups instead of individuals. Instead, start re-imagining your hobbies and go to other forums as well that are completely un-related to this one here. And finally and most imporantly, anything that has been done can be undone (for the most part.) As long as you haven't commited any crimes yet, you still have a chance to reclaim yourself in a sense.
edit on 27-12-2013 by doesntmakesense because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:38 PM
I, for one, embrace our new robotic drone technology overlords.

They're key toward technological singularity, eventual self directed evolution, and even immortality.

edit on 12/27/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:49 PM
So that's your answer, hide in a cave? I would rather live my life, for what it's worth. Don't hide, get the knowledge out. Either way, you talk as if evil has all the power, but good has some power too and you need to have hope in that.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:57 PM
You will just have to fight back. Some high powered IRLEDs will take care of those cameras.

Then you also have those signal blockers for cell phone jamming.

Then you just need this for the rest of your worries.

If all else fails get a EMP DIY kit.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:05 PM
Someone else watched the new Total Recall movie! I just watched it yesterday for the first time and it makes you wonder...... If you have not watched it you should. I give it 3 to 4 stars. It goes in line with the OP's thoughts.

Good movie but I still like the original where they go to Mars!

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:15 PM
The 2nd amendment speaks to our right to bear arms. Since robots will need arms they are by extension covered by this amendment. Therefore:
    I demand my right to have a programmable killer robot (with arms.)

All other killer robots can be dealt with by armor piercing bullets.

Also the DIY EMP thing posted above is pretty cool.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by doesntmakesense

I bought a Neato Signature Pro for Christmas and now when I come home from work my carpets/hard wood floors are clean. Sure, one morning I found it going thru my browser history and I swear it was having unnatural relations with my iPhone, but the floors are clean and I'm happier for it.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Feltrick

They are known to commit suicide on stoves. Be careful.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

I checked the FAQs in the manual, apparently they can get a little "JIHADy" and will try to burn down your house. The manual suggests to never speak badly about robots in front of your Neato.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by doesntmakesense

I'm really not understanding why we want to accept that the Terminator movies are going to come to life ?? I'm hoping for an EMP or a CME, if only we can figure out how to shut down all the nuclear reactors safely. Why is it that we all want to run off a cliff holding hands with our beloved electronic devices ?

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

That's absolutely correct but it may be that the technocratic globalists get all the advantages and the rest of us are left in the dirt per Elysium.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:06 PM
This thread has a published time line of what the plans are as far as deployment and development.

Robots will use ultra high speed networks to communicate with each other as if they were a single machine so that they can act in concert. Each robot will be able to “see” what all of the others can see. Their computers will be just another node on the network so that information sharing is almost instantaneous. They will be able to search integrated internet databases at very high speed and access visual information from networks of surveillance cameras or even access other robot visual systems and data banks. Another development will be the use of swarm intelligence technologies either with small or large robots to make escape from capture impossible. When set in automatic mode, the robots will be able to collectively plan at very high speeds and communicate directly through their computers without giving anything away to suspects.

As in anything there are possibilities for both good and bad... Time will tell.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 11:26 PM

I, for one, embrace our new robotic drone technology overlords.

They're key toward technological singularity, eventual self directed evolution, and even immortality.

edit on 12/27/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

Alice have you ever heard of a book called Monocyte? The more I read you posts the more it reminds me of the themes within that graphic novel

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

That is a really big promise that your tecky overlords are making.

Do you think that you will have access to this technology?
Do you think you are worthy of immortality?
Who will get chosen for this special privilege?

Technology is not the answer to everything.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 01:58 PM

reply to post by doesntmakesense

I'm really not understanding why we want to accept that the Terminator movies are going to come to life ?? I'm hoping for an EMP or a CME, if only we can figure out how to shut down all the nuclear reactors safely. Why is it that we all want to run off a cliff holding hands with our beloved electronic devices ?

Have you not noticed life follows sci-fi. The Japanese are leading the way to terminator land. It will start innocent enough, robots for servants, to go into fire and hazardous areas etc. Our new drones are really another life imitating sci-fi and we know how those turned out. As we build more aware ai systems for everything it is really inevitable. Especially as we begin to integrate into our own bodies. Nanotechnology is also poised to change everything.

Think 3d printing on steroids. Replicators for real. Is it just me or do people not realize we are on the verge of the next plateau. Tech nirvana where literally startrek, robocop, terminator, all the wildest dreams of sci-fi are for real. Not a year or so ago they were saying some of these things like 3d printing, nanotechnology and the like we're impossible.

Nothing is impossible........

The Bot

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 03:39 PM
For everything good to come of robotics there will also be something negative just like every other technology we've developed.
We were supposed to have invented our way to prosperity, peace and leisure long ago .......did you benefit?
Having a PS3, an Iphone and a laptop connected to the web are mere toys to keep us amused while the truly hi tech stuff is squirreled away for those in charge.

Immortality? Darth Cheney will live forever?
God help us.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 03:54 PM
All hail Google, your new all-knowing Master!

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 04:29 PM

reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

That is a really big promise that your tecky overlords are making.

Do you think that you will have access to this technology?
Do you think you are worthy of immortality?
Who will get chosen for this special privilege?

Technology is not the answer to everything.

Do you think that you will have access to this technology?
Yes, and for the same reasons Captain Kirk's communicator of the 'future' is outdated and quaint in the present.

Do you think you are worthy of immortality?
Yes, because I say so, and because I'm the only one that should have say so over what I am and am not 'worthy' of.
If I was suffering from old age right now and I really wanted, the technology is available right this very second for me to schedule an appointment to have my head transplanted onto a young donor body.
Since I'm not suffering from old age or any troubling age-related concerns, I'll be satisfied to wait for other technologies to mature and develop.

Who will get chosen for this special privilege?
What makes you think there is or will be a 'Chosen' process?
Is there a process of being "Chosen" to carry around more processing power in one's pocket than the entire NASA space program from its inception on up to the start of the Space Shuttle program combined? No. That's just the nature of a cell phone, and it's readily available to pretty much anyone and everyone to varying degrees.

There's many wonderful technologies in development, research, and on the horizon.
The first people that will have access to optional mortality are alive today.
The first people that will have access to non-medical cognitive prosthetic augmentation are alive today.
The first people that will ever meet a "non-human" intelligence, ie, an AI and even an AI created by an AI, are alive today.
The first people that will have fully synthetic bodies, whether the synthetic bodies are biological 3D printed replacements, or fully artificial/"cybernetic"/android bodies are alive today.

We might not ever have flying cars, or, perhaps we might, but, for certain, should anyone care to keep their eyes on emergent, emerging, developing, and evolving technologies, in biotech and engineering, it doesn't take a Nostradamus to see the future.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

I, for one could never accept them because it would be such a cold, heartless, un-emotionless, un-emphatic world devoid of human emotion. I will take the human condition any day, any week over robotics. Much more interesting I would have to surmise. More fulfilling, to be sure.
edit on 29-12-2013 by queenofsheba because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

I agree with this. The trajectory of human evolution points in a direction that unites us with technology...holding onto the past (standard evolution) and harboring prejudice towards robots or technology will only delay our inevitable future.

Rest assured, you may live to see the first cyborg or witness the singularity, but you are already a relic of the none of this will effect you too much, same as your children. Now, your great grand children who are born in the year 2050 will be faced with this world. Your grandchildren will be faced with the question of genetically designing and altering/fusing their unborn children with a technology that is vastly more efficient than the technology of our own bodies.

At that point, there will be a number of ethical and practical choices they will need to make regarding their children..until that point, don't worry. A drone here, a smart phone there, a brain scanning laser over yonder won't effect your daily lives all that much.

Carry on...

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