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'Duck Dynasty' to resume filming with Phil Robertson

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posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

The ratings will be higher than ever! Geez, I should have bought stock in Disney.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:24 PM


Hollyweird moneygrubbers don't understand those kinds of things.

A&E is based in New York, not Hollywood, but in any case its decisions were not based on the strength of conviction of the family. They were based on the executives' perceptions of the impact of the Phil's statements upon their advertisers. They couldn't care less about what Phil said or meant when he made his homophobic comments.

edit on 12/27/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

I don't give the folks at AandE credit for pr stunt. Based in new York they were literally worried about the gay and lesbian back lash despite having the number one show. They completely underestimated the loyalty of the people in the south and the rural christian base that lives elsewhere.

First off, these folks could care less how the guys look at them and complain. Phils statements were from the bible and the network knew this was what they were getting when they signed the whole family. He is not a homophobe, he is a Christian. There is a huge distinction between the two.

What advertisers, this brand brings in 400 million estimated for next year in brand sales alone. This is just in shirt sales at wally world etc. No advertising money necessary. As a partner in this brand they get a piece of every sale. Yes they make money selling the advert space during the show. Yes they were worried about losing money from those spots.

They quickly learned the strength of the Christian market block. Their money talks period.

The Bot

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:25 PM
So how do you think this went down exactly?
phil and A&E producers sat down together and plotted the whole thing?

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:25 PM

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by antonia

I am amazed how many intelligent people refuse to understand it is all scripted and A&E just won the lottery. Funny how many people continue to say how stupid Hollywood/tv land is and then get taken by this. It was 100% a setup for higher ratings.


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by OLD HIPPY DUDE

This whole pr stunt angle is overlooking some basic points.

The show was already doing incredibly well and merch was already flying off the shelves. Why would AE willingly take on the roll of villain against their own cash cow and court public backlash when things were already going swimmingly? The brand wasn't flagging; there was no need for artificial stimulus.

What about the glaadiators? After all, they are the wildcard in this pr mix and they have had enormous backlash. Do you think AE willingly snookered glaad?

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:29 PM


reply to post by antonia

Amazing how those on the Progressive side of things like to point out appearances of other people while screaming "Racist" and "Intolerance" every chance they get........

Yea, I am pointing out what they looked like. It's indicative of the scripted nature of their show. The controversy was never real. A&E never intended to keep him off the show permanently and that is the point: people getting outraged over fake, scripted BS.

The fact the robertsons made their fortune long before A&E was in the picture sort of debunks your little conspiracy theory. A little research would have cleared that up for you, but it seems a viral youtube/facebook post is good enough for you.

The guys in the show don't even try to hide the fact they were clean cut in college. They show it right on the show. Phil senior was clean cut too when he was playing college football. But I guess that means the whole thing is a scam and it was all scripted (never mind the years they spent doing hunting videos long before the A&E show).

It's sort of funny seeing all the PC libs crying fowl (pun intended) when for once they don't get their way. Suck it up. I'm sure you'll have a new cause to champion on facebook within a few weeks.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:29 PM

So how do you think this went down exactly?
phil and A&E producers sat down together and plotted the whole thing?

No, they probably didn't discuss it with him, but he probably knew. They probably called him when it broke and they discussed it. There is no way A&E did not know the content of the GQ interview before it's publication. It is general practice to send an interview to publicists for editing in many cases. They knew what he was going to say and they milked it for every cent they could get.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:31 PM
Publicity stunt or not, lets not forget the passing of the NDAA that was done without a word while all the quacking about Duck Dynasty was going on.

Besides, if I were the Robertsons, I would say thanks, but no thanks to A&E. Apparently they tried, but they are bound in contracts, each individually. Although I am sure with all the money they have made, and some good attorneys, they could have gotten out of it.

But it all does boil down to money, and A&E didn't want to lose their viewership and advertisers.

Meanwhile, no one has paid attention to the NDAA. Sad the citizens of this country don't pay attention to more important things.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:33 PM


Hollyweird moneygrubbers don't understand those kinds of things.

A&E is based in New York, not Hollywood, but in any case its decisions were not based on the strength of conviction of the family. They were based on the executives' perceptions of the impact of Phil's statements upon their advertisers. They couldn't care less about what Phil said or meant when he made his homophobic comments.

edit on 12/27/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)
How much difference is there between the execs in NY and hollywood? It still is agenda driven dribble. I have no time to watch TV and when I do it is not any thrill, they are all the same....

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

Oh please, almost everyone in the TV industry thinks this is little more than a fake, drummed up stunt to get ratings. As for Dynasty being scripted, the family admits on their own facebook page that it is. Phil even admits A&E adds beeps for fake profanity where there was none to make them seem cruder than they are.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Phage

They couldn't care less about what Phil said or meant when he made his homophobic comments.

You're spot on about A&E, they care about one thing, money and getting more of it.

I don't think you're totally on base with stating that Phil's comments were "homophobic". I'm sure you know what that word means and so do I so I'm confused why you would label what he said as such unless you believe that he is somehow afraid or threatened by homosexuals.

If that's what you believe, what reason do you have to think that and not just think that his Christian faith and upbringing leads him to just believe it is simply sexual debauchery along with sleeping around with other women and other things most southern Christians consider sins based on their faith?

edit on 27-12-2013 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:44 PM



reply to post by antonia

Amazing how those on the Progressive side of things like to point out appearances of other people while screaming "Racist" and "Intolerance" every chance they get........

Yea, I am pointing out what they looked like. It's indicative of the scripted nature of their show. The controversy was never real. A&E never intended to keep him off the show permanently and that is the point: people getting outraged over fake, scripted BS.

The fact the robertsons made their fortune long before A&E was in the picture sort of debunks your little conspiracy theory. A little research would have cleared that up for you, but it seems a viral youtube/facebook post is good enough for you.

The guys in the show don't even try to hide the fact they were clean cut in college. They show it right on the show. Phil senior was clean cut too when he was playing college football. But I guess that means the whole thing is a scam and it was all scripted (never mind the years they spent doing hunting videos long before the A&E show).

It's sort of funny seeing all the PC libs crying fowl (pun intended) when for once they don't get their way. Suck it up. I'm sure you'll have a new cause to champion on facebook within a few weeks.

To your point, don't you think A&E knew about Phil's previously recorded rants about homosexuals? They knew, and they used it to keep the cash cow flowing.

And yes, reality tv is scripted. As in, they know 100% what is going to be aired before it is shot. BTW, I have a piece of the Brooklyn bridge I'd like to sell you.


posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

I just find it odd that people care so much about a reality tv show... I don't watch it, but this topic has dominated ATS since the issue went down...

I don't care a fig for the show. I've never watched it and never will. It's not about the show nearly as much as it's about this incident being a catalyst for bringing the underlying issues of the culture wars and PC madness into focus.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by antonia

There is a difference between certain episodes being "scripted" and A&E being in on some conspiracy to hype ratings via the recent controversy. A big difference. As for the bleeps, Where is your evidence for this? I've watched a few episodes of the show and I don't think I've ever heard them swear. Nevermind. Seems you don't have any evidence for any of your conspiracy claims. You simply didn't like the outcome so now you are crying conspiracy. If A&E had canned phil senior or scrapped the show altogether I'm sure you'd be here applauding their decision instead.

edit on 27-12-2013 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I'm satisfied with his reinstatement. When this first came out, I thought it was a sad testament to American culture and its "first world problems." However after hearing the visceral attacks by the racist Jesse Jackson, and über liberal GLAAD, I found myself backing the redneck. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of the show, but I am a fan of free speech.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:51 PM

reply to post by antonia

There is a difference between certain episodes being "scripted" and A&E being in on some conspiracy to hype ratings via the recent controversy. A big difference.

I've worked in the entertainment industry. I know how PR works. They knew damn well what was in the interview before it was published and they could have told GQ not to publish it. The very fact they let it go should tell you they had an agenda. They knew it would cause controversy. Controversy brings money. They knew and they let it happen.

As for the bleeps, Where is your evidence for this?

“They inserted fake beeps like somebody had used profanity, but no one had used profanity,” he explained. “…So I asked those guys who produce the show, I said, ‘Lemme ask you something. What’s the point of the fake bleeps?’”

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.": H.L. Mencken

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Helious

He didn't have christian upbringing, and they didn't use homo phobia back in the day.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:56 PM
I hope all the cry babies who so worried about the millionaire Hillbilly Phil Robertson ( poor old Phil and his 15 million net worth) who thinks black people were happy under Jim Crow because he didn’t hear them complain, are happy A&E caved and ( probably doing the right thing, imo) and let old Hillbilly Phil back on the show.

Of course this was an economic decision, it will be generally understood. But to me this is an example that the clueless American people don’t really understand the real issues of our wealthiest country in history, backward country.

The real issue is the more than I million Americans tomorrow night are going to be taken off unemployment insurance!

Children included will suffer because the spineless bought and paid for politicians in the congress and Senate don’t give a hoot about real middle class and poor Americans. If there is anything to the idea of a test from God than this is it.

I hope those who went to all the trouble for this hunter millionaire and his feelings also get in gear to help the more than a million plus American who tomorrow night will be destitute.

I hope ALL THESE CHRISTIANS will make as much noise for those people getting thrown under the bus as they made for this guy.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

In an interview phil said they added the bleps to make it look like they swore and took the name of Jesus out during the dinner prayer, after they complained A&E eventually stopped.

The video is online.

I suspect they will find any reason to vilify them, they will Sarah Palin them now.
edit on 063131p://bFriday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

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