The thought of collective karma has been tickling my brain for a long while. I am undecided on if it exists or not. I'd like to know what ATSers
think of collective karma. Please provide some insight for us all to think about.
And in the spirit of SO's thread about being respectful when
discussing religious issues (I'll add metaphysical issues as well), please don't insult anyone who you disagree with. Just discuss the topic. Thank
Collective Karma - The karma we create when we act in association with others. Those who create karma together also experience its effects
Karma - the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences
- Does collective karma exist?
- For that matter - does karma exist?
- If collective karma exists, is it a fair system?
- Is there interest accruing on unpaid karmic debt?
- Do we see any real life examples of collective karma?
- Both Jesus and Buddha said 'let the sins of the world fall on me' (to pay for). They both believed in paying for the karma/sin debt of others.
Buddha believed paying the karmic debt of others would help those others to move off the reincarnation wheel. Jesus believed paying the sin debt of
others would 'save them' as long as they accepted His payment of it. Does that mean that both Jesus and Buddha believed in 'collective karma''?
- Some people use Karma as an excuse to disparage those suffering some misfortune or illness. Some say that those who are suffering illness or
poverty have 'earned' that suffering in previous lifetimes. Others say that those suffering aren't just paying off their own karmic debt, but the
debt of many others and to do so is a holy calling. What to you think of this?
So if collective Karma is - "The karma we create when we act in association with others. Those who create karma together also experience its effects
together" - then would that mean that
- (example) all the people of Germany would have to pay the 'collective karma' debt of WWII in Europe ? All the death, destruction, murders, pain ..
all that war Karma sits on all the shoulders of Germans equally? Is that how it would work?? (I"m asking ... like I said, I don't know how this
works). Would the entity 'Germany' suffer or would the people or is it both?
- (or another example) all of America would have to pay the 'collective karma' debt of 50 million abortions in the USA since it has become legal??
(assuming bad karmic debt for killing unborn humans). Would even those who work for an end to abortion being used as birth control, have to 'pay
karmic debt' of abortion because it's legal in the country they live in? (I'm just using this as an example, not to debate abortion itself ... I
say karmic debt from abortion because it's a death and to cause death is to cause karma).
- (or another example) all of the Catholic church would have to pay the 'collective karma' debt of the pedophilia scandal. The church as an entity
will suffer ... the people who are leadership will suffer ... catholics will suffer ... etc. Can an entity suffer collective Karma?? (I'm asking ...
I don't know the answer) Or is this really just a 'cause and effect' thing and not what 'collective karma' really is about?
Would folks please provide their insight on these questions. I've been reading up on 'collective karma' and I need some further insight to help me
understand. Insight .. in easy to read terms .. keep it fairly simple please.
And like I said ... I"m not sold one way or the other on it.
edit on 12/27/2013 by FlyersFan because: spelling