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The most convincing UFO video footage we have.

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posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:46 PM

This is a mad one,but iv'e been blessed in life to have had absolute clear daytime sightings,one was a metallic saucer and the other was an Orb much like the one that buzzed Concorde.
ATS members have posted that there was a documentary explaining the Concorde video shows an artifact of the camera's image stabilizer, which makes perfect sense since that's exactly what it looks like. However, the documentary appeared quite a long time ago and so far nobody has provided a link to it. So it wasn't a hoax, but it wasn't a real UFO.

About the video you posted, the shadows don't look right They don't follow the terrain or background. Like so many others in this thread, it appears to be a fake/CGI, and not very convincing.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 05:48 PM

BomeZ... Thank you!
Guess you could see I was having some difficulty.

I did notice, and I was waiting for you to edit your post with the full URL of the videos, which you did.

I've watched your video several times, and thought i recognized what was going on. What you videoed was a military refueling operation. I will first point you to the following images:

And a view from directly behind the refueling plane:

As you can see, refueling planes utilize a lot of spotlights in the rear of the aircraft so that pilots of fighters can see where they're going when approaching a refueling aircraft.

Now on to your image:

And tracing out the refueling aircraft:

It's difficult to trace by hand, but you get the idea. You can just barely make out the shape of the rear of the refueling aircraft in your video due to the spotlights lighting up the body of the aircraft. It's easier to make out when it's highlighted like I did.

You'll notice all of the lights on the rear of the refueling aircraft. And the three smaller lights that are further away from the refueling aircraft are the fighter aircraft waiting to refuel, or just practice the exercise.

And finally, the large red light is more than likely the light on the refueling boom so that the boom operators can see where to guide the boom, and so the pilots can see the boom without being blinded.

The flashing strobe light is an FAA requirement on almost all aircraft, and is very noticeable in the video as well.

I hope that finally lays to rest what you've recorded.

edit on 27-12-2013 by _BoneZ_ because: sp

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:03 PM
Probably already listed, but my vote would have to go to the Phoenix Lights.

UFO or not, that was some pretty weird lightshow going down. I also vaguely remember nearby where I live a woman reported a UFO similare to a black triangle that skimmed over her house/yard.

Hartford WI UFO

additional link in case Journal-Sentinel doesn't work

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I know what i saw,it was an orb whatever it was akin to look like and it flew by itself.

I submitted that video on the link below and here was the response.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:26 PM
Whether it's a hoax or a real object with a more terrestrial origin, the Belgium UFO story has always intrigued me. I am new, and I don't know how to post images, but here is a link to a site about it - though I'm sure it's well known.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:27 PM
My thoughts on the subject of Alien UFO's is that if we ever get verifiable evidence of their existence that they will certainly be the classic disc shape. Of course that is my opinion but let me explain why I think this.

The sightings dating back to 1950's were almost always of a disk/frisbee and the design started changing in sightings about the same time as Hollywood and fiction writers started changing them so when I hear of a sighting of anything other than a disk I pretty much assume it is either a hoax or misidentification which could also encompass developmental aircraft. We are only talking about a span of 50 to 70 years and I really don't see why an alien race would suddenly and drastically change the design of a successful craft that was able to cross the galaxy. I know some people think the Earth is being visited by several different alien races but that still wouldn't explain the major design differences that have been reported.

I also have come to wonder why would an alien species need to even enter our atmosphere to collect data. Our very own internet and satellite system should be sufficient. How many cow stomachs do they need. Why would they need to tag humans a great many of us already carry around GPS trackable phones.

I think the sightings that should be taken seriously or have the best chance of being real would be in underdeveloped nations and also where we are testing new technologies like White Sands, NM. When I see a video of a supposed UFO from Nowhereville USA I don't even get my hopes up.

I am a skeptic about alien UFO visitation and sightings however I would love to be proven wrong. I do know that there are a few recorded sightings with photographic evidence that hasn't been explained to be terrestrial in nature and those are the ones I do contemplate. There are literally thousands of perpetrated hoax and misidentified sightings that have been reported as UFO's. So as a rule when I see a thread or video I think the logical thing to do is assume it is one of the two hoax or misidentification until those two things can be ruled out.

That brings me to what I think are the best threads on the subject of alien UFO's. I say alien UFO's but that also encompasses some alternate theories that they are from the future or another dimension just so I am clear. Anyway the best threads are ones where the one who presents them has already tried to rule out other possibilities or has even analyzed the video/picture to rule out the two most common things misidentification and hoax. Unfortunately the general trend I see here is someone presents a video claiming its genuine without doing the smallest bit of investigation on it then usually someone comes along and links where it has already been analyzed and debunked. Sometimes bickering ensues afterwords but not always.

Well I am glad there are people here that take their time to rule out or explain what has been presented and it is those people who are doing that which I pay attention to when they present something as the best piece of evidence for UFO's because they have already tried to rule out other possibilities.

Anyway this is a good thread not a lot of stubborn bickering and those presenting are doing so honestly for the most part.

edit on 27-12-2013 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:30 PM
Dude, do you NOT search the UFO forum on ATS????

Seriously the most convincing evidence of UFO existence was made in this thread:
650 Flags, +421 need to check it out.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

It was posted earlier. But, I'll give you the same reply I gave the last poster:

That video is very clearly a bundle of balloons. On a large screen when the video is zoomed in, you can almost see the individual orbs of the balloons in the bundle.

You can also clearly see the bundle spinning and tumbling through the air like any bundle of balloons would in the wind. And because of the stronger winds at those altitudes, single balloons are breaking free from the bundle.

I guess it's easier for some to believe that a bundle of yellow UFO's showed up, and then decided to break free and float around for no reason.

And just because a particular topic has a ton of stars, flags and replies, doesn't mean it's a real alien craft.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:49 PM
Just had this one sent to me.
First time I've seen it.

What'd 'ya think ?

Can anyone fix this link for me ?

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:55 PM

Well I am glad there are people here that take their time to rule out or explain what has been presented

Excellent points. And to be honest, any real UFO researcher would do just that. You have to look at and rule out any terrestrial explanations first, then move on to other possible explanations.

There are far too many people who want to claim "ALIENS!!!" first, and then force everyone else to prove otherwise.

Then there's the camp who just doesn't have the experience to recognize what they're seeing and think "ALIENS!!!" or something similar. Just like the last post of mine showing how someone thought they recorded a "UFO" a decade ago, when they actually recorded a refueling exercise.

Or the post just above with 600+ flags claiming "real" UFO just because it has a lost of flags and replies when in actuality, it's just balloons. That fits right in with people not recognizing what they're seeing.

It's all about perception and beliefs. But real UFO researchers will do the actual research and image/video analyses while trying to rule out anything terrestrial first. That's how UFO research has always been done.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_


Thank you for going through so much detail as to what my video looks to be. And, it may very well be a re-fueling exercise as you have pointed out.
Although, I would think that if the smaller balls of light were fighter jets, they would have a red and blue nav lights on them and not just a solidly lit white light. Also, the odd V shape of the "mother"craft and the lights on it seem to be coming from inside the craft versus exterior lights.

One thing I didn't mention and have not mentioned during my interviews about this. I simply didn't think to mention it. But... When this craft flew over our vehicle, you can hear my wife's cell phone ring a few times. Strange part about this, is she didnt have any service! We only carried it, in case we needed to dial 911. Although, maybe a strong radio waves could have triggered that? I have been traveling through a tunnel that wend under the Chesapeake Bay, when an air craft carrier was approaching and our CD/radio in the vehicle mysteriously went crazy. Started ejecting the CD, changing the station, all by itself!

I have some other videos and photos that I shot and have not shared, that I may post soon. I used to be really in to this topic and went out a few nights a week to night watch.

Thanks for your comments!

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:58 PM

Can anyone fix this link for me ?

It can't be fixed unless you post the full URL of the video.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:09 PM



Also, STS-114 UFO incident is a crazy clip in itself... NASA video shows white orb @ 2:18 mark come into frame from the right stop and then reverse. What in space can do that? Most things in space travel in straight lines and don't stop.

Now I do remember reading a discussion about this one. May of been on here somewhere. I really can't remember where, but it was about the 'stop and reverse' motion. In the end it was decided that the object never stopped at all, but was actually still moving and did like a U turn movement, but because of the angle of the camera, and the way it was moving away and round, it just looked like it stopped. But it didn't, it was just slowly curving away from the camera and then carried on. Does that make sense?

Not saying it's a hoax, just remember reading about this particular video.

i authored the thread you are thinking of.
Although the ufo does indeed look like it stops and then turns, which is what i originally thought myself, which led me to post the video.
But on closer inspection and information provided in that thread, the ufo is on a long curved trajectory which gives the impression of a stop and turn maneuver.
Here's a link to that thread

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:21 PM

Although, I would think that if the smaller balls of light were fighter jets, they would have a red and blue nav lights on them and not just a solidly lit white light.

All aircraft are required to have a red light on the port (left) wing and a green light on the starboard (right) wing and visible up to three miles.

Many aircraft also have a tail light affixed to the upper-most part of the tail fin, and it's supposed to be a bright white light visible up to three miles.

Commercial jetliners also have two rotating red beacon lights. One on top, one on the bottom. Many commercial craft also have white strobe lights.

There's no blue lighting on any commercial or military aircraft that I've ever heard of. Red, green, and white are the colors used on almost all aircraft.

The white light on the fighter aircraft was probably from the tail light. Some fighter craft also use spotlights to light up the "hole" where the boom goes to refuel.

You don't seem too convinced about the explanation, but that's exactly what it looks like. Everything is there: the shape of the refueling aircraft, the light on the boom, the spotlights on the refueling aircraft, the wingtip lights on the refueling aircraft, and the flashing strobe light. And of course the three trailing fighters. All indicate terrestrial military aircraft performing a refueling exercise.

edit on 27-12-2013 by _BoneZ_ because: sp

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:37 PM


Can anyone fix this link for me ?

It can't be fixed unless you post the full URL of the video.

Hope this works.......

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by lambros56

Here ya go:

Looks like it could be planes lined up to land at a busy airport.

edit on 27-12-2013 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:45 PM


BomeZ... Thank you!
Guess you could see I was having some difficulty.

I did notice, and I was waiting for you to edit your post with the full URL of the videos, which you did.

I've watched your video several times, and thought i recognized what was going on. What you videoed was a military refueling operation. I will first point you to the following images:

And a view from directly behind the refueling plane:

As you can see, refueling planes utilize a lot of spotlights in the rear of the aircraft so that pilots of fighters can see where they're going when approaching a refueling aircraft.

Now on to your image:

And tracing out the refueling aircraft:

It's difficult to trace by hand, but you get the idea. You can just barely make out the shape of the rear of the refueling aircraft in your video due to the spotlights lighting up the body of the aircraft. It's easier to make out when it's highlighted like I did.

You'll notice all of the lights on the rear of the refueling aircraft. And the three smaller lights that are further away from the refueling aircraft are the fighter aircraft waiting to refuel, or just practice the exercise.

And finally, the large red light is more than likely the light on the refueling boom so that the boom operators can see where to guide the boom, and so the pilots can see the boom without being blinded.

The flashing strobe light is an FAA requirement on almost all aircraft, and is very noticeable in the video as well.

I hope that finally lays to rest what you've recorded.

edit on 27-12-2013 by _BoneZ_ because: sp


In all seriousness, I have become so skeptical and cynical about the subject that I'm not even sure the phenomenon is legitimate anymore. I think the only reason I still hold some interest in the subject is solely based on eyewitness testimony. You just can't trust picture and videos as evidence these days. WAY too easy to hoax in the digital age.

Which makes me wonder why some people feel the need to hoax videos/pictures in the first place. From a psychological point, it seems alien to me. I don't understand the motivation behind it at all.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:00 PM

reply to post by lambros56

Here ya go:

Looks like it could be planes lined up to land at a busy airport.

edit on 27-12-2013 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

Thanks for fixing it for me.
Much appreciated.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:07 PM

Which makes me wonder why some people feel the need to hoax videos/pictures in the first place. From a psychological point, it seems alien to me. I don't understand the motivation behind it at all.

Some people do it for attention. A lot of people right now try to do it for income on YouTube. If you can get a decent-looking fake advertised on several UFO sites, it spreads around. The more YouTube video hits you get, the more money you can make from ad revenue.

Sites like YouTube don't care if a video is fake or not. All they care about is the traffic for ad revenue. That is caused a massive jump in fake hoax videos being produced. It's a sad reality in this day and age of UFO research.

But, once you know how standard CGI software works, you can (most of the time) spot the fakes. There are almost always tell-tale signs that the "UFO" is CGI instead of a real object on a string, for instance.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

My thoughts on the subject of Alien UFO's is that if we ever get verifiable evidence of their existence that they will certainly be the classic disc shape.

The sightings dating back to 1950's were almost always of a disk/frisbee ....

Do you know how the "disc" or "flying saucer" classification first came to be?

It was first coined after Kenneth Arnold's sighting in 1947:

the first highly publicized sighting by Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947, resulted in the creation of the exact term by U.S. newspapers. Although Arnold never specifically used the term "flying saucer", he was quoted at the time saying the shape of the objects he saw was like a "saucer", "disc", or "pie-plate", and several years later added he had also said "the objects moved like saucers skipping across the water." Both the terms flying saucer and flying disc were used commonly and interchangeably in the media until the early 1950s

Thing is, Kenneth never actually saw the classic disc that you mention. According to his account what he saw were more wing or boomerang shaped. It was the media that created the flying saucer and flying disc phenomena that gripped the country in the 50's...

So I wonder, if he'd never used the term saucers to describe the manner in which the objects he saw were flying, would there have ever been "flying discs" in the first place?

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