posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 08:32 PM
This system has been created to confuse you, to distract you from what's important, to make you fearful and insecure about future prospects. All of
the major facets of our society serves to only further differentiate ourselves from one another, to segregate us into tinier and tinier camps.
Bigotry and religious clashes on a micro level are taking place, and gratuitously displayed on our 42 inch screens for further scrutiny and
indoctrination. Gay marriage was just legalized in Utah, for the love of Christ. If that's not just asking for sharp division of peoples and
heightened awareness of our differences, with resultant anger and solidified hatred, I don't know what is.
Even down to friendly football rivalries, never mind things like religion and politics. These things, like fashion and gadgets, have us constantly
chasing the next best thing, and it's always eventually just the next best thing.
In order for some uniform conglomeration of thought among people to occur, we will have to set aside those things that we mistakenly believe make us
different, and somehow better than another. These divisions and distractions have been offered to us by life itself, with all it's seeming inherent
contradiction. But it has been discovered that these divisions and distractions can be used against us, to sow resentment and fear. Our own
legislative body was borne to a divisive state, separated one party against the other by an aisle. United States divided by party politics - from
inception. The founding fathers considered just about everything but that. Or didn't they?
The culmination of a massive power, money, and resource grab is about to rear it's ugly head, and with it horrific plans to move forward onto
'their' vision of what the globalist reality should be. Most of us don't really matter to them. They don't care about Americans, only American's
ability to spend outrageous amounts of money on things they don't need.
They certainly don't care about those in the third world, because they don't draw paychecks at all. No paycheck, no food, no shelter, no cellphone
and contract, no computer with internet and contract, no television and contract service, no houses with garages for cars. You get it. 'They' would
rather not even deal with people who have no money. So what would be their plan for them, if their plan for us is to just suck us dry?
This has gone on far too long. This post I mean.