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Federal authorities charge white ‘knockout’ suspect with hate crime

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+11 more 
posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 11:12 AM
Another knockout game and with the exception of the one time last month where a Jewish man was attacked this is the only other time I've seen the word "hate" crime thrown around. In this case the attacker was white and while I agree this is a hate crime so were the dozens (hundreds?) of previous black on white attacks.

Federal authorities charge white ‘knockout’ suspect with hate crime

Federal authorities said Thursday they have arrested and charged a Texas man in connection with the “knockout game,” accusing him of a hate crime for targeting a black man for a vicious street attack.

Most knockout victims that have appeared in news reports have been white, but the Justice Department said in this instance the victim was a 79-year-old black man, and stepped in with federal charges.

“Suspected crimes of this nature will simply not be tolerated,” said Kenneth Magidson, the U.S. attorney for the southern district of Texas. “Evidence of hate crimes will be vigorously investigated and prosecuted with the assistance of all our partners to the fullest extent of the law.”

So I'm glad this thug will get what he deserves but I can't understand why only attacks on black or Jewish is a hate crime. Do white people no longer matter in the new America?

The “game” has spawned a fierce debate since many of the reported victims have been white and their assailants have been black, but hate crimes charges have been all but non-existent.

edit on 761am1717am112013 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

+20 more 
posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Bassago

So I'm glad this thug will get what he deserves but I can't understand why only attacks on black or Jewish is a hate crime. Do white people no longer matter in the new America?

The double standard is striking, no?

Only white people can be racist in the PC world we live in. In reality, we ALL know racists come in many colors and from all walks of life.

This isn’t a hate crime…it’s a simple assault.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 11:16 AM
Oh, what a relief! I'll bet they were beginning to worry that they were going to have to do something about the other ones.

It's a good thing this little thug stepped up to the plate and saved their bacon.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 11:34 AM
When the guy records himself on video saying that he targeted a black man just to see if it would make the news, the Justice Department really had no choice but to charge him with a hate crime.

I think that, if they had the option, the Justice Department would not have charged him with a hate crime; just so they wouldn't have to answer the questions that you ask.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Bassago

According to Justice officials, Mr. Barrett recorded himself on his cellphone attacking the 79-year-old man, laughing and saying “Knockout” as he runs away.
The 79-year-old man had his jaw broken in the Nov. 24 attack.
“The plan is to see if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised?” Mr. Barrett says in the video, according to the authorities.

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Distinction pretty clear no?

Knockout game AKA mugging or groups of delinquent teens being... delinquents, media hyped into something it's not.

+12 more 
posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Knockout game AKA mugging or groups of delinquent teens being... delinquents, media hyped into something it's not.

You're suggesting there is no racial motivation for any of the black on white attacks? Those are just delinquents acting out?

Really... really?

+7 more 
posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 12:33 PM
We had an 80 year old white man killed in a knockout "game" here in Lynchburg, VA..
No hate crime charges filed for that.
The double standard screams of injustice.

Hitting anyone is a crime of "hate".
Trying to attach emotions to crimes is heinous in and of itself as it allows for more severe punishments to be handed out for similar crimes depending on the race of the victim and the perpetrator.

Would it Still be a hate crime if someone drove their Rolls Royce over a homeless person?

Here ya go:

The “game” has spawned a fierce debate since many of the reported victims have been white and their assailants have been black, but hate crimes charges have been all but non-existent.

Last month New York authorities did charge one person with a hate crime, saying the assailant targeted a Jewish man.

It's a hate crime only if the attacker is white and the victim is not apparently.

I don't care what race the attackers are, I just hope more of them meet with the wrong end of a gun for their stupidity.
edit on 26-12-2013 by Asktheanimals because: added comment

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Would it Still be a hate crime if someone drove their Rolls Royce over a homeless person?

If it wasn't an accident and they did it on purpose or because it was a homeless person... yep.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 12:50 PM
An assault on an elderly person should not be a hate crime. It should be attempted murder. What the kid did was an act of absolute cowardice. IMO any possible enhancements to his sentence should be applied liberally.

If I saw someone assault an elderly person in front of me I will be making the news shortly thereafter. I hope this kid gets killed in prison. The world has no more room for this kind of violence. All I see and think when I hear stories like this is Clockwork Orange without the makeup. IMO it is upon the real men of this COuntry to take it back. One punk ass sub-human at a time.

79 year old victim? Screw that kid, I am just hoping he gets more than justice will give him. A lot more.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 12:59 PM

I hope this kid gets killed in prison. The world has no more room for this kind of violence.

79 year old victim? Screw that kid, I am just hoping he gets more than justice will give him. A lot more.

So you allow your emotions to collapse and allow greater evils inside?

It's a contradiction, you cannot say "end violence" and "I hope whoever get's killed" in the same breath.
It's a perpetuation of the problem not a solution.

Get's more than what is Just? Well that makes your statements Unjust.

The misguided Spirit of Hate is exactly what got us here to begin with isn't it?
So why copy paste it? I say hit Delete.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 01:09 PM


I hope this kid gets killed in prison. The world has no more room for this kind of violence.

79 year old victim? Screw that kid, I am just hoping he gets more than justice will give him. A lot more.

So you allow your emotions to collapse and allow greater evils inside?

It's a contradiction, you cannot say "end violence" and "I hope whoever get's killed" in the same breath.
It's a perpetuation of the problem not a solution.

Get's more than what is Just? Well that makes your statements Unjust.

The misguided Spirit of Hate is exactly what got us here to begin with isn't it?
So why copy paste it? I say hit Delete.

These creatures (I won't call them people) who prey on the weak are like dangerous animals. They should be put down before they kill more innocents. And they do kill. At the very least they should be charged with premeditated attempted murder.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I do not and have never said put and end to violence. I am of the camp that the only way to stop violence is to remove the violent people. A crime like this against an elderly person should result in the death of the person that did it.

Is this penalty harsh? You bet it is. The only way to stop this kind of violence is to remove the little turds from the gene pool. To simply hand out a prison sentence has obviously NOT worked.

Do violence to a stranger for the sake of filming yourself and go straight to dead. How many idiots would continue playing this game if the penalty was death?

The life of an elderly person who has most likely at some point fought a war for this Country is worth so much more than this punk ass kids life is. He really does not deserve to continue to live with the rest of us.

Funny we lock people up over drugs sometimes for decades. Yet this turd bucket excuse for a human would be charged only with assault were it not for the hate enhancement. What part of he could have killed that man did you miss?

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 01:25 PM
Personally, the idea of "hate crime" is abhorrent to me.

It's simply an attempt to try to make something that is already a crime and punishable by law something worse based on motive, but not just any motive, one that requires we attempt to try to read a person's mind and divine what their personal feelings really were.

It means that if two people are the victims of a vicious assault, you can make one more a victim than the other if you can somehow determine that one assailant hated in a socially unacceptable way because it takes a certain amount of anger and hatred to assault someone in the first place whether you do it in a hate crime manner or not.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 01:38 PM
The stupid thing here is morons(general viewers) calling every black on white attack(that happens everyday, somewhere) into a hate crime.

Tho the original "knock out" existed, but now everything like school bullying, mugging, robbery, are called as "knock out" game by bleeding hearts, which gets people like this idiot mad and he goes and actually commit the real "knock out" game.

This guy is nothing but a simple minded fool who bought into the over hype of this "knock out" game and got himself in trouble.

Now stop listening to every assault on X by Y as "knock out" game.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 02:08 PM

At the very least they should be charged with premeditated attempted murder.

For now, hopefully the victim recovers and it doesn't have to get worse.
It will take months and be expensive.

Maybe all the good-willed citizens of all races and political or religious backgrounds could come together and make a charity to support the victims of these types of crimes from all races, or religious affiliations etc.
It's a thought.

All I want is for people to forgive each other and stop wanting to get pay backs.
That's the prime motivation for these incidents in most cases.
That's why it cannot end until we fight back with kindness and charity and wisdom.
Laws are becoming meaningless at this point, it's what's inside that means everything.
Laws are only meaningful to Virtuous Peoples.

I know that almost everyone out there sees how wrong everything is, because it's obvious.
But all there actually is from our mental perception is "that which is inside",
sensory organs only translate stimuli and are very limited in capacity.

The problem is inside of us each personally primarily.
The secondary concern is "outside", and can only come after "inside" is at least initially addressed.
The "outside" can only be translated, not fully known, therefore it is elusive and partially illusion.

A great fresh new start would be for society at large to support the victims of all sides and speak out against this insanity anytime it happens to anyone of any flavor.
But also to bring the other side of the story of why they think this started to begin with.
Open discussions on these touchy topics are a positive way to start mending these rotting spiritual wounds.

This is clearly a "Socio-Political"-"Economic"-"Cultural"-"Historical"-"Philosophical" issue.
It covers vast areas of our lives. Everyone is afflicted by prejudices. Runs the whole gamut.

I wouldn't have posted normally in something like this, but I suppose I will...

-Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

-Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

-I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

-Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Quotes Link

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Bassago

I'm not saying never but a rampant epidemic? No. Just like there is no rampant epidemic of racially motivated crimes perpetrated by white teens. There's some from every culture against every culture. But mostly this is simply just more of your typical disgusting violence enacted by teenage cowards trying to feel big. Feel free to research the topic beyond news articles.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 02:37 PM

To simply hand out a prison sentence has obviously NOT worked.

Do violence to a stranger for the sake of filming yourself and go straight to dead. How many idiots would continue playing this game if the penalty was death?

That's illogical you are just upset, which is understandable, but you are allowing it to harm your judgement.

The death penalty has always been around in human civilization historically, but it didn't solve the problem did it?
It's just a reaction, a band-aid of the sorts. Tried plenty of times, never stopped the next would-be bad-guy.

We have to focus on prevention, which has nothing to do with threatening death penalties.
It has to do with love and finding forgiveness for the lost.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 02:40 PM

Every crime involving violence is a hate crime. The person's race has nothing to do with it.

I love how the justice system, is itself the most guilty of actually perpetuating racism with these idiotic laws.


posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Tenth, you are right.

Perhaps a better term would be race crime, especially if the perps are soley targeting individuals based on race. Like what happened at the state fair in Wisconsin.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

You are correct, I am upset. Few things piss me off more than violence against children and the elderly. Being upset however does not define my solutions. My solutions are proven to work. Just ask the folks in Singapore; They have a scary low crime rate because they WILL beat the crap out of your feet for doing wrong. Remember the kid that tagged a wall there? He paid for it big time.

The concepts you suggest do not work. It is great and lovely to want people to be kind to each other. I wish it could be. However with our current population has not and it simply won't work. There are simply to many turds out there that will only react to something bad happening directly to them.

You can not "love" a rabid dog enough to expect them not to continue to bite. Rabid dogs are put down. This turd is just such a beast, nothing more than a rabid dog. Wish I could prove it but if the waste of flesh was executed for what he did, I bet other would think twice about risking their own lives......

Violence can not be met with kindness, it has to be treated like the disease it is and simply cut out of our society like a cancer.

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