posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 08:41 PM
BUT IT ISN'T. It seems hypocrisy is abundant everywhere I fricken turn!!!!!!!!!
It's ok for Homosexuals to talk about what they think, feel and believe but not for Christians.
It's ok for men to do (fill in the blank, this goes for almost everything that is gender bias) but not for women.
It's ok for women to say sexual things, but not men.
It's ok to be atheist but not to be of any of the organized religions.
It's ok.... ETC!
I'm so sick of seeing things like this. I feel like most Americans (or is it people in general?) act like a bunch of whiny toddlers. As long as
they are getting their way, it's ok. I hate to say this, but I see this more in minorities than I do the majority. Seriously, if you think it's ok
to say how you feel, what you believe and to live your lifestyle, why can't it be ok for others to say, feel, believe or live differently? How is it
freedom if we are tethered by the politically correct police.
I get some things are offensive. Using derogatory language or being insulting is one thing, but if a christian points out to an atheist they are
sinning, how is that wrong? Why would it matter to the atheist if they don't believe in a deity in the first place?
Or if Muslims don't agree with christians and how they live? Why does it matter?
Why can't women be allowed to do the same as a man, if they are physically capable of it? Why can't a man tell a lude joke infront of a woman with
out fear of "sensitivity training"?
Why can a homosexual talk and live their lifestyle but if you disagree with how they live (not try to ban it, or even interfere but state an actual
religious belief about it's morality), is it treated like the worst thing ever?
Why can't everyone agree to disagree and move on with their own lives??????
Why is it ok one way, but not another?