posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 12:53 AM
It gets better. Santa as you know is a tech genius, what with a flying sled powered by flying reindeer - light years ahead of his time. Tired as he
was after the big day I was able to reach him back on the Pleiades [contrary to common belief his true home]. Santa told me that he has now developed
a communication device that will allow direct conversation with the reindeer and that I will be given exclusive rights to an interview with Rudolf.
Rudolf as most of you know is the lead reindeer and some believe he is the actual brains behind the entire Santa Claus line of universal marketing.
Santa as pointed out from my previous interview has a great affection for these animals [or are they computer generated robots?]; At any rate as soon
as the communication device is complete and Santa tests it on Rudolph I will get back to you. My feeling is if Santa allows Rudolph to speak freely
one of the greatest conspiracies of all time will be revealed and we will see that Alien reindeer have been known and have been subject to a
government cover-up and yes, hard as it may be to believe, Santa might be involved - Knowing Santa though he'll put some spin on it - Flying through
space the way he does Santa is a master of spin.