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Cuts to Military Pensions;Welfare for Illegals !

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posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 04:53 PM

reply to post by nugget1

Is this it?

[url=]Linky[/ url]
edit on 24-12-2013 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

Oh great! Now I can't do links!
edit on 24-12-2013 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

Too late 'Beezer'...the hare already won the race.

Thanks, tho!

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 04:55 PM

reply to post by nugget1

I pitched a fit about this a week ago. And then the Duck Dynasty flap hit the airwaves.

That nonsense has diverted peoples attention away from what really matters. I hope this issue does not go away until it's fixed. Keep banging that drum!

I am sorry your post didn't get noticed because of such monumental news overshadowing it....
You deserve any and all stars, not me!

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 05:02 PM

reply to post by buster2010

They should not be here in the first place, illegal, for every illegal (and their families) it brings your value as an employee down while increasing your cost of living in every aspect (supply/demand). you want to talk of a living wage, never happen with wide open borders, (supply/demand) crap jobs would pay good if there was more jobs than applicants, but the estimated 11-20 million job seekers vaporizes that possibility. Sad thing is the applicant ratio of american to non american, way the hell off balance....screwed comes to mind.....

All your complaints about this can be boiled down to simple greed. That is the reason why people choose to pay an illegal a low wage instead of hiring a citizen and paying a higher wage. And the minimum wage has be virtually stagnant since the 80's so if the illegals were deported wages won't go up. Look at it like this instead of outsourcing to a third world nation the third world nation came to us. So we should be hard asses against these people because they weren't born in a time when the citizens wasn't worried about immigrants?

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 05:03 PM


Please, nobody say vote them out! We tried to vote Nixon out, remember? Bush Jr. and Obama would never have had second terms if our votes really counted.

I don't agree.
Obama was voted in the second time because most Americans think he's going to screw over the rich and give them something for free.

Now everyone who has a job finds out that they are rich and surprised that they are getting screwed.
They did it to themselves this time.
edit on 24-12-2013 by badgerprints because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by nugget1

It's all good. The more we keep it up, the more people will take notice hopefully.

All I've seen in the MSM on this are little snippets that most people probably forget about when the next story comes up.

We all know that the majority of Pols are liars and theives and here they are blantantly showing themselves who they really are. And yet, they'll more than likely get re-elected.

Truly a sad day in America.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 05:12 PM

reply to post by buster2010

If they are here illegally, how did they get Social Security Numbers?

They are not SS numbers but Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and the IRS hands them out not Target.

Those that like to see things as black and white might not think it is "right" but it is how things are.

ETA: And before anyone tries to place the blame on the current admin, ITINs have been around since 1996.
edit on 24-12-2013 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 05:15 PM
I'm an unpopular bunny sometimes for positions so I might as well have another.

Illegals using the TIN or Tax ID # get what I'd guess they earned in this case. Sorry to upset some as I know saying that will...but the article specifically mentioned tax credits. Those don't fall in the mailbox like a gift. You did have to earn something to get it, and I got EIC the last few years on the truck. Despite the income, it's part of what Uncle offers those who get money taken out and file taxes. There is also a min. you have to earn to get it, so that one as one mentioned, is all about we're actually wanting them to do.

Personally, my attitude on illegals is simple and clear. They should be deported and encouraged to self deport through enforcement and a closed border preventing return. Whether that's the northern border, southern border or international arrivals border for flights out of Europe and Asia. Illegals come from all over....and all criminals.

Society isn't doing that and doesn't want that, so to be realistic, I have to accept that. If we are NOT arresting and deporting, then, we can't play like they don't exist either ..because righteously mad people will be heard somehow. Go with enforcement or not? This is part of it, IMO.

...On the Military Benefits? Well..that's flat unacceptable. I think the fact the former candidate for Republican Vice President co-wrote the bill removes the party issues from it. It's an election year, so once a bill is known to have what's required to pass? The rest can vote their political needs for re-election... as long as the bill isn't in danger, and this one obviously wasn't. So.... It's a two party kinda shaft we keep getting.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 05:34 PM

The GOP leadership care nothing about vets benefits they are just using it to complain about illegals. They are saying that illegals will use the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number to get benefits here is the catch to that. You have to have a valid tax return to get a Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. So these people are paying into the system so if they are paying then why should they not have access to benefits?

If you pay in $3,000 in taxes but get back $30,000 is the catch.
Many people do this by filing multiple false dependents and the IRS is under direction to not bother to check their validity.

That sucking sound you hear is taxpayer money going South courtesy Western Union.

The tax preparer told Segall that many, many such returns were filed in his part of the state every year, with heavy negative consequences to the rest of the taxpayers. The reporter tracked down one undocumented worker:

[W]ho was interviewed at his home in southern Indiana [and who] admitted his address was used this year to file income tax returns by four other undocumented workers who don't even live there. Those four workers claimed 20 children live inside the one residence and, as a result, the IRS sent the illegal immigrants tax refunds totaling $29,608.

13 Investigates saw only one little girl who lives at that address (a small mobile home). We wondered about the 20 kids claimed as tax deductions?

"They don't live here," said the undocumented worker. "The other kids are in their country of origin, which is Mexico."
edit on 24-12-2013 by Asktheanimals because: added comment

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Personally, my attitude on illegals is simple and clear. They should be deported and encouraged to self deport through enforcement and a closed border preventing return.

Society isn't doing that and doesn't want that, so to be realistic, I have to accept that.

We usually see eye to eye on this issue bunny but how is it societies fault they aren't being deported or stopped at the border? That is the Federal Governments job and apparently orders coming from the White House and others in the pecking order above I.C.E and Customs are directing them to not enforce the laws already on the books.

Polls have shown over and over again the American people including legal immigrants overwhelmingly support enforcing the laws. It isn't our fault unless you count not marching on Washington and throwing out the government by revolutionary means.

This is intentional lawlessness encouraged by the Obama Administration to suppress wages, keep real estate and rental prices high, provide cheap labor and drive the American middle class in to the ground. Picking up loyal voters later is just icing on the cake for the Democrats, yet another reason to advocate for mass amnesty.

edit on 24-12-2013 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 06:12 PM

reply to post by nugget1

Is this it?

[url=]Linky[/ url]
edit on 24-12-2013 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

Oh great! Now I can't do links!
edit on 24-12-2013 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

Gave you a star for the laugh Beezer. Merry Xmas.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by nugget1

Why does the GOP want to balance everything on the backs of the poor?

They didn't seem to be worried about cost when they shut down the government for 16 days costing our economy an estimated 24 billion.

Financial ratings agency Standard & Poor's reported this week the 16-day U.S. government shutdown costs delivered a massive $24 billion hit to the U.S. economy.

One would think that the taxes on that 24 billion alone wold have easily funded those pensions well into the future.

Funny how the GOP continually rants about cutting government cost while they're throwing money away, hand over fist, on futile crap like completely shutting down our government because they can't get their way.

As far as I'm concerned, we should mandate that Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Ron Paul and the rest of their hypocritical cohorts in Congress who orchestrated the shutdown, pay those pensions with cuts to their own salaries.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 06:29 PM

TDawgRexan OF-7 -
Here's a idea. Lets get rid of half the bloated Officer Corps. A O and above but 10 (4-star) make more in one month than a Private does all year. 19239.90 monthly base pay.

Do we need Generals, yes we do...but we have entirely to many at the moment. They're doing jobs that LTC's used to do.

I remember at one time it was stated that there were more Generals just in Baghdad than there were in WW2 throughout the world.

I once accompanied my Colonel to the Pentagon I saw so many stars floating around I had to check myself to make sure I hadn't been cold cocked. There are way to many generals in the military and their pay is something my entire platoon couldn't compete with combined when you factor in the extras.

I once looked into what they really made when you factor in separate rats, clothing allowance (their wives even get allowance because they are expected to attend balls and functions 15K I think), housing and there were a couple other things that I cant remember. Well anyway you probably already know all of that.

OF-9 with 20 years $14057.00 base pay an E-9 base pay $5674.00

I cant even find a listing for OF-8 and above but an idea of BAH for an OF-7 makes 2K to 3K plus a month depending on the

Like rock stars

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

As a E-7, my BAH did pay my rent (No base nearby, I was active Reserve) and had a little left over, though not much. The E-5's and below though really had problems. Of course I was single and didn't have extra mouths to feed or cloth and all the other trivails that a family brings into the equation. If I had a family...I probably would have had problems as well.

Living like a rock star? Not really, but I didn't have it all that bad either. Of course, hindsight is 20/20.

As a retiree, with a bad back now and no second job...I'm pretty much stuck. Though I will admit that life was good for at least two years of my retirement. This cut is going to hurt me.
edit on 24-12-2013 by TDawgRex because: Just a ETA

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 07:51 PM

the rest of their hypocritical cohorts in Congress who orchestrated the shutdown, pay those pensions with cuts to their own salaries.

I would hope that you are including the DNC in that remark. Though I guess it really doesn't matter as they've always been against Servicemembers as history shows.

Both sides are rats as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 08:25 PM
A lot of folks don't understand this issue ... and a lot of other folks ain't telling (because it's not in their financial interests to do so).

Here's some truth: ANYTIME you see anything dealing with government pay and PERCENTAGES ... somebody's getting' screwed.

Here's some more truth: Your average four-star general is 'entitled' to SO much pay ... their entitlement exceeds the federal pay cap. Yep ... that means their retirement take-home pay exceeds what a congressman makes (and we all know that's overly generous for what it is that they do/accomplish). And ... that's before adding in all the perks they take with them into retirement.

This subject frustrates me more than any other I am aware of.

On the subject of 'illegal' aliens: There are a lot of jobs that wouldn't get done otherwise. People oughta be careful about pitchin' a bitch ... without having a back-up plan, some temporary upheaval, and 'real' change/reform/re-shaping of America.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 08:30 PM

reply to post by nugget1

I pitched a fit about this a week ago. And then the Duck Dynasty flap hit the airwaves.

That nonsense has diverted peoples attention away from what really matters. I hope this issue does not go away until it's fixed. Keep banging that drum!

Please add further comments to the ongoing discussion in the above linked thread.

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