Here are some ideas for your signature IrishCream.
I tried to keep them in line/color with your avatar. If there is one there you like, just save it to your computer. You will then upload it to your
ats upload. When you've got it there - you want the bbcode. It will have [pic] brackets around the file number. That's what will go into your
signature bar at your account page.
Thanks bunches Cirque... but now I think I messed up my avatar .
Probably too early in the morning for me to have attempted that hehehe!! Oh well, I'll get around to fixing it at some point today after work. But
seriously, thanks for the sig-tar !
Agreed. Just for the record, the maximum allowed size for an avatar is 75K... which makes it very challenging, but not impossible, to pull off decent
If you get bored you can animate me riding off into the distance, the ex wife would recognise that one immediately, and the current misses C could get
used to it for future reference next time she makes a Cornish pasty using black pepper instead of white, the bloody heathen LOL.
Thinking about it
Could you make my monkey on my shoulder blink and look a little evil ? He represents the battle I had with alcohol and reminds me not to go there
again.A little evil would be good.
If you get a chance
I'll clean the litter tray when it's your turn
ETA Little
edit on 8/8/14 by cody599 because: (no reason given)