posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 08:57 AM
Well, I heard somewhere that when something terrible happens you should write it down. So here I am. This year has had its ups and downs, normaly Im
good, but not now. December 14 th at 10:45 Am, my mother passed. Christmas is never going to be the same. I never really liked Christmas anyway,
because my parents were seperated for a good number of them, and the other half yelled at eachother, but that is a different story.
My mother was an awesome lady. I remember she used to bake cookies on christmas, she also made fudge, pumpkin rolls, and baklava (lots of Greeks in my
family). It was okay. We had the big dinners where everyone showed up, smoke in the air, loud laughing (We used to call it cackleing because all the
sisters sounded like Everyone was happy, nobody fought all was good when the whole family were together.
Then we moved from Indiana, to AZ. I HATE IT HERE. I really do. The weather sucks and palm trees for Christmas...bulls#it.
So now my time with my mother was spent at the pool. I enjoyed it a lot. She would play with me in the pool she was laughing, and she was still
working (before she knew she had Cystic fibrosis).
Then shoot years later, she found she had it, and then just gave up. Death sentance for her in her mind I guess. Years went by, and she became
depresed and I watched her waste away. Now she is dead. I miss her but keeping it together (mostly).
Now my father cant afford to live in his house (no survivors benefits) and is beging me to go back to indiana with him. I cant do that. I have a soon
to be wife, and friends and family out here. I have been working the same job since 2000..
This year sucks, and I allready didnt like Christmas, now I fcuking hate it. Not going all bah humbug, but not wanting to be all happy for others.
Just had to get that out, for those of you who still have your mothers just remember the good times.
Time for me to work my s#itty cube job, hence my name.