Have you or anyone else ever had proven awareness separate from themselves? If so can that awareness be shared because if you have a physical body and
artificial body it is my belief there can be only one. You will be aware in your body and your copy will also be you as a copy with awareness BUT IT
My reasoning of why the transhumanist movement is religion for scared atheists...
Methinks when/IF (big "IF") the technologies arise that would/could allow such, that can be a quite valid and interesting argument.
Is it Copy/Paste, or is it Cut/Paste?
We've already the technology to transplant a human head onto a donor body.
Head transplant now possible
That's one solution that is, as of yet, to be tried.
As a last ditch life-extension, I'd do it if I could afford it, but, I wouldn't be keen on recovery, mismatch, rejection meds, etc.
As far as downloading to an entirely synthetic prosthesis body, such could verily be achieved by degrees of activation of prosthetic neurology.
You wear a leap-frog brain, and while parts of the bio-brain syncronize with the synthetic brain, the biobrain parts could be turned off.
In such a way, one would step by step unplug themselves from the biology, never losing consciousness along the way, and never losing identity
Of course, right now, such a thing is science fiction and can only be speculated on.
IF ever there's neurological prosthesis available, it'll come into the medical market, and then eventually break into, if possible the skills and
augmentation market. From there, the biological brain for business professional performance fidelity might be too slow and people will then become
more and more reliant upon dedicating more and more of their Personal cognition over to Prosthetic augmentation.
Eventually it's just a matter of degrees where prosthesis, double prosthesis, and so on becomes the standard in some circles until 100% synthetic
becomes the only way to compete in any real market economy especially where there's AI in representation.
The waters then become quite muddy with what and who is human, especially when/if the reverse process is carried out in decanting from a machine into
What happens when/if an AI prints out, or grows a biological body for itself and downloads into it?
As far as immortality goes?
Well, we can get into arguments about Atheism and label tagging about Transhumanism being a 'religion', but, IF immortality whether artificial or
biological becomes a real option, I think you'll find more and more people gladly trading some ambiguous maybe possibly afterlife for a chance at
actual real demonstrable immortality.