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Facts to know for your best mental health

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posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 10:19 AM
Facts to know for your best mental health

Edgar Cayce, perhaps the most famous and legitimate psychic once said that a person’s mental health was relative to their answers to the four most important questions in life.
The questions are:

1. What was my status prior to becoming a fetus in my mother’s womb?
2. Who am I?
3. Why am I here?
4. What becomes of me after I die?

Edgar Cayce taught that people who discover the correct answers to these four questions will be aware of the most important truth in life. This truth leads to joy and prosperity. Anyone who doesn’t experience a life of joy and prosperity is either unaware of this truth or has accepted false information as the truth.

So what are the correct answers to these four big questions?

Question Number One: What was my status prior to becoming a fetus in my mother’s womb? You were an individualized expression of the ineffable oneness, the highest wisdom and power in the universe, the unified omnipresence, the unified omnipotence, and the unified omniscience, the Supreme and Only Being, God Almighty.

In essence, like Charles Haanel taught, the truth is all of us have always been whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy. You have always been totally connected with the Supreme Being, made totally of the Supreme Being, and have always lived within the Supreme Being. There is nothing other than this Supreme Being. All of us are a part of it, made of it, and live within it. There is nothing else. There are no exceptions.

Prior to becoming a fetus in your mother’s womb, you decided precisely who your mother and father were to be. You had a specific plan for this particular incarnation. You chose, before becoming a fetus, to be, to do, and to have various things in this particular incarnation. You chose to be male or female, maybe even a hermaphrodite. You chose to be black, white, red, yellow, or some combination of these races. You chose to be a giant, a midget, beautiful, average looking, or ugly as hell. You chose it all. You had your reasons and divine and perfect reasons they were.

Question Number Two: Now that I am a human being, just Who Am I? You are an individualized expression of the highest wisdom and power in the universe, God Almighty. Like it says in the Book of Psalms, Chapter 82, Verse 6: “Ye are gods: ye are all children of the most high.” You have all the properties, attributes, and characteristics of the Highest Wisdom and Power in the Universe. You create your own experience with your thoughts and feelings. You are a creative being. Your experience is always a direct reflection of your thoughts and feelings. To change your experience, change your thoughts and feelings. According to your faith, be it unto you. This is the law of attraction, the number one law of human experience.

Question Number Three: Why am I here? You are here to discover that you are a divine being who creates your own experience with your thoughts and feelings. You are here to experience a wide range of experiences, from sad, painful, and destructive, to happy, joyful, and constructive. You are here to discover that choosing truth and love leads to excellent health, happiness, joy, peace, and prosperity while choosing error or false ideas and being unloving produces disease, unhappiness, suffering, anxiety, and destruction.

Question Number Four: What becomes of me after I die? Like a caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly, when your body wears out and is said to die, your energy that held your body together simply leaves the body behind and enters another dimension. You can never die. Like science teaches us, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. You are energy. You only change forms. If, after your various incarnations as a human on Earth, you have learned the lessons you need to learn, you may decide to enter another form of living in another dimension, choosing a higher, and more challenging and interesting form of existence. You and I live forever. We are divine beings.

Therefore, the next time you see a person living in some horrible situation, suffering from some horrible condition or having to face some horrendous event, just smile and know that they have created it for themselves for their very own reasons. Simply bless them with love.

Today, the Jesuits, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and others among the Ruling Elites are creating for themselves some very ugly Karma. They have chosen to believe false and destructive ideas and treat others in unloving ways by starting wars based on lies and deception, suppressing energy and medical technology to satisfy their greed and lust for power. They will be perfectly compensated for their erroneous and unloving thoughts and actions. Do not hate them; Instead, bless them with the love and peace they are missing out on now due to their erroneous and unloving thoughts, feelings, and actions.

The next time you see a horribly mutant, crippled and hideous looking individual being wheeled around in one of those expensive wheelchairs by his or her parents, simply smile and know that these are most probably people, including the parents, who were Jesuits, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, or some other unloving member of the Ruling Elites in a previous lifetime. They are simply encountering the Karma they created. It’s all perfectly fair. Start now blessing everything and everyone with LOVE. Simply say, “I bless this situation with love.” “I bless you with love.”

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by bwinwright

Good thread. to simplify, the key difference between the "mental health" industry and this thread is "spiritual" health as opposed to "mental" health.

Freud, Pavlov, highlight the animal side of humanity only. There is an obvious truth to that. However, they completely ignore/demean any data/possibility of the other.

The abject failure of traditional mental health industries-other than profit-is the best inductive reasoning to relook at the other side of the coin.

Spiritual health.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 10:55 AM
If someone told me that all pain and misery in the world was self inflicted by those experiencing it...

Well... Why the hell should I care ? It's not my place to try and help someone, if they apparently chose to experience it.
When there are people causing problems that interfere with my life though... Blessing them, thinking they will get it back at them... I will be a bloody idiot, won't I.
I didn't choose to let my ride ruined by others, and accepting it in peace... No this can't be what it's all about.

We are all influencing the lives of others, and when that means that a lot of people suffer it isn't fair to blame it on their own pre fetal existence.

I know people like to walk away for their responsibilities and blame others. Fair enough.
But that doesn't mean that they cause you pain, suffering and grieve, because you let them.

We are all connected to each other, but being an individual means that you can only go with the flow, and try to have a good life.

I can choose to experience drama, but I can't walk away when it crosses my path unexpected.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by nwtrucker

Our mental health issues are mostly caused by our own way of life.

We rush through our days to keep up with society. This causes stress and a lot of other physical and mental boundaries we inflict upon ourselves.

We are also taught to go forward, be successful and more is better... We are focusing on the future to find happiness and we believe stagnation is bad and expect more from life then we have...

Life is not about being happy or a conquest to achieve it. We can not be happy all the time, and focusing on the future will cause you to actually miss what is happening now.

Accepting that not feeling happy or being depressed is normal. What would feeling good be like, when you don't no what it's like, not feeling great ?

When you focus more on what's happening now, you can start to enjoy the little things that you missed.
You will learn that feeling bad is happening now and that moment will pass, just luck feeling good won't last a life time.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:07 PM
Are these questions that all life must answer? Does a blade of grass need to answer these questions to be healthy and to also fulfill its lifecycle? Since we share DNA with all living things on earth it stands to reason that even grass has a common primordial connection to us too, so what makes us special or different than grass with a before and after existence?

edit on 22-12-2013 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

I see your point. Yet, each to his own. What makes me happy may be and probably is, different than what makes you happy.

I enjoy watching my child and my grandchildren grow, put their future together. The artist lives in futures, creating. Building or buying a home, boat, so on, is all future as much as mere possessions.

Many views of it out there.

Some of the "life-style" issues have been forced on us which detracts from the futures-and nows-where happiness is obtained. That's always been true to varying degrees, though.

Still, there's plenty of "happy" out there to be had....

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:15 PM
1. Nonexistent
2. A crazy hairless ape
3. Have yet to be taken out
4. Star dust

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by bwinwright

Interesting post,,it makes perfect sense that we are a part of a supreme being and are here to experience and choose the good or the bad or love and hatred,but what is the purpose of that? why are we going to perpetually enter different dimensions and experience different feelings and thoughts? Is there ever an end to all this?

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by nwtrucker

You're right.

That we all look to better ourselves, so we can have a better future isn't a bad thing at all.
We could never get this far, if we didn't dream about what the future can be like, when we put some effort into it.

It shouldn't suck up all our energy though... We need some to experience our journey in life.
After all the future will always be some time ahead of us.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:42 PM
1. What was my status prior to becoming a fetus in my mother’s womb?

Is it really important anyway?

2. Who am I?


3. Why am I here?

Hell if I know why I am here, I guess my parents must have wanted kids.

4. What becomes of me after I die?

I used to consider myself worm food but since it is cheaper to cremate than bury me, I guess I am just going to be full of hot air....not really a change from what I am now.

I don't think any of these are really important. I must be very insane I suppose. I just want to try to enjoy the experience of life while not negatively over impacting the lives of fellow beings that are also doing this.

I enjoy being a little abnormal, if you spend your life thinking of all these things, you will not have much fun.
I guess I am now spending some time identifying how people who like to negatively impact others lives so they can gain wealth or pride are causing us such problems with enjoying our lives.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by bwinwright

Though I really do fancy this subscription and through my life have leaned towards many of the concepts in your OP, I also think you are speaking of things on the most general terms--- which is great, but not applicable to the situation on our planet. However it's a great precursor I think for some very interesting theories for as to why certain leaders in the past have ruled in the way they did.

Did you know that the Holocaust translates to "the burnt offering"?

What if the goal of Germany, China, Japan (all death camps) was to actually harvest souls- not for some death ray, but in order to create a new and large generation for the future- a generation pre-planned to become slaves?
Generation X, the "baby boomers".

I always wonder, if what the OP says is true- and these mystery school elites are fully aware of this: then perhaps they have strived to manipulate the design of rebirth. Perhaps to 'lock' us into Earth, keep us from spiritually evolving.

Wild stuff, but interesting to think about.

Thanks OP, but I don't think I'll be smiling for humanity until we've learned to unshackle ourselves from the global suffering that only seems to be getting more refined.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 06:14 PM
I think your author was saying about "best mental health" referring to religious people. People who already have all the answers and are content. In the technological age, nowadays and here on ATS there are a lot of aetheists . I guess people try to make there own mind up or fall back on science. There rebellious in their own way and may need experience or time.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:05 PM

I think your author was saying about "best mental health" referring to religious people. People who already have all the answers and are content. In the technological age, nowadays and here on ATS there are a lot of aetheists . I guess people try to make there own mind up or fall back on science. There rebellious in their own way and may need experience or time.

Allot of that is straight out of Buddhism 101. There are many things I respect and like about the philosophy especially the respect of all living things, however there are some problems with this line of thought when carried out fully. Someone is injured and is bleeding out.. Smile and bless them (keep on walking) for that is the life they chose to have. A drowning child (not your own) they chose to drown smile and keep on walking... You think I jest but I do not.

Thousands of words and thoughts written about before, during, and after life; just words and thoughts which some find comfort in while trying to figure out their place in life and the why. Because some words or philosophy give comfort to the living and make sense does not me they are correct; just words of comfort... The big questions will be answered after you die but unfortunately those who are still living can not hear you.

Reincarnation, Karma, 72 virgins or sitting around playing a harp, whatever, will be what will be regardless of how we feel about it. If people actually worked to make their lives fulfilled and stopped worrying about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin maybe the world would be a better place for all, IMO.

Not anti religion or an atheist just accept this life for what it is and what I can make of it. If there is a god he knows what is in my heart and the deeds I have done throughout my life; so I ain't worried; he/she/it will either say I did good or off to the oven with you or maybe go back and live again just do better this time... either way, it will be what it will be nothing any of us can do about it other than try to live a good life !
I read someplace that it was thought after death your veil is lifted and you see your whole life... You judge yourself; no cheating ! hahah again just thoughts and words that have very little if any credibility.

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 09:41 AM
1. You were a Spirit (quantum-hologram/lightbody model for example)
2. You became incarnate in a Earth suit
3. You're here to discover your Spiritual self (NOT Religious), and your Earthly calling of this exisitence.
4.You return to Spirit

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 11:13 AM
God gave us these lives because He knew we could handle it. If you were born blind, God knew you could handle it. If you were born defected, God knew you could handle it. If you were born in a 3rd world country, God knew you could handle it. He gave you the life you have because He KNEW you could handle it.

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by bwinwright

1. What was my status prior to becoming a fetus in my mother’s womb?
2. Who am I?
3. Why am I here?
4. What becomes of me after I die?

Edgar Cayce taught that people who discover the correct answers to these four questions will be aware of the most important truth in life. This truth leads to joy and prosperity. Anyone who doesn’t experience a life of joy and prosperity is either unaware of this truth or has accepted false information as the truth.

Edgar Cayce was a smart man, and he was smart enough to know that for the greater good, it is ok to persuade people into a certain frame of mind.

And that is exactly what he was trying to do.

He thought a religion, or a certain train of thought, that was separate from natural human instinct would be what would save use over time.

I admire the man.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

I have always liked the idea that this universal mind of which everything is made sleeps in the mineral, awakens in the plant, walks in the animal, and thinks in man. Of course, my conscious awareness of this amazingly sophisticated and complex energy/stuff of which everything consists is limited indeed.

However, since each of us is made of possibly hundreds of quintillion particles, waves, or super-strings of this incredible stuff, to label ourselves divine almost doesn't seem to be quite enough. We are some enormously powerful and amazing beings to say the least.

Since this amazing stuff is apparently love based, choosing to be loving instead of unloving seems to be the intelligent choice. Now, if I find someone bleeding to death on the side of the road, the loving thing to do would be to make the attempt to help them, even if they are a Jesuit, a Rothschild, a Rockefeller, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Benjamin Netanyahu, or some other unloving and destructive personality.

In my opinion, ALL of us are made of this sublime substance/energy/consciousness and we all have the ability to choose to be, do, and/or have anything we desire. Sometimes our choices are loving and sometimes they are not.
Our experience is a direct reflection of our choices.

Will this go on forever? I would say yes. Hopefully, there are many or perhaps an infinite number of interesting dimensions for us to play within. Living forever sounds pretty cool to me.

Whether someone has developed the technology to capture and manipulate our souls into repeating various incarnations as a form of slavery in a limited dimension of existence, I do not know. Hopefully, the highest wisdom and power in the universe doesn't allow for such behavior to exist or, at least, not be a permanent condition. I have to believe that any situation, condition, or event created by unloving motivation can be overcome and eliminated by a loving consciousness.

I am very encouraged by the responses to my post. I bless you all with all the love I have.

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