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Cassiopaean Prediction: 9.6 Earthquake, no dates

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posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 06:32 AM
Hi there guys, I just found out this new prediction from a group of entities known as "The Cassiopaeans", that there will be a 9.6 earthquake after the event of the March 11 2011 Japan 9.0 earthquake. They didn't gave out time frames or dates on when that will happen, but they said it will be some time after that 9.0 earthquake. Since we're nearly 3 tears away from that March 11th event, I think this deserves attention. You can read about that from the link below.


Big One in Japan

And of course, Japan 'buckled' on 11 March 2011 when a magnitude 9.0 earthquake (upgraded from an original estimate of 8.9) killed just under 16,000 people. It was one of the five largest earthquakes in seismic record-keeping history, causing 10-metre-high tsunami waves and resulting in the total meltdown of three nuclear reactors at Fukushima.

This quake seems to have been predicted by the Cs in another session as well, and in more detail.

Here's what the Cs had to say on 5 October 1994:
Q: (L) We would also like to have more information on Earth Changes. Is the Japanese earthquake that just happened as you predicted last week, the last of the Japanese problem? [An entire session had been lost due to tape malfunction. It consisted in part of a prediction of an almost immediate Japanese earthquake, which did occur exactly as predicted.]

A: No.

Q: (L) Can you give us more on that?

A: There will be activity about 8.9: 67 miles off Osaka coast; 9.7: central Tokyo.

Q: (L) Are all of these going to happen within this year?

A: No. Within 16 years.
The Japanese quake occurred 16 years and 5 months after this prediction, although its location was not 67 miles off the coast of Osaka.

However, in 1994, and up until the quake in 2011, a magnitude of 8.9 or 9.0 was unprecedented for Japan.

The Cs expanded on their predictions for Japan on 21 January 1995:
Q: (T) So this [Japanese earthquake on 17 January 1995] was not the quake that you predicted - the 8.9 - this was a 7.2, but it was miles distance from Osaka almost right on the money, but this was not the quake that you predicted?
(J) There's going to be another one coming?

A: Yes 14 more this sequence. [...]

Q: (T) This is one in a sequence of earthquakes that are going to culminate in the 8.9?

A: 9 pt 6.

Q: (T) In Osaka, near Osaka?

A: Tokyo.

Q: Okay, that's the one you talked about, then a 9.6, that's going to be the culmination of the quakes in this [sequence]. This is only the third or fourth in a sequential series and the 8.9 that's going to hit them hasn't happened yet.

A: 7th.

Q: (T) This is the seventh earthquake?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) 7.2 was the seventh earthquake, there's going to be fourteen of them, is that what you said before?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) So there's seven more coming? (T) So the fourteenth one will be the big one, in Tokyo?

A: 13th.

Q: (T) Okay, the thirteenth is going to be the 9.6 and I think the other prediction was 9.8, they're close. That'll be the thirteenth. What will be the 8.9, which one of those will be the Osaka 8.9?

A: Within next 4 [in the sequence?].

Q: (T) What will the fourteenth be?

A: Small.

f we only consider the quakes that caused a significant number of deaths (>1) since that time, and if the quake referred to above was the seventh in a series of fourteen, then there is a perfect match with the prediction so far:

Earthquakes in the Cassiopaeans sequence list( from the 7th to the last (14th) in their predicted sequence.)

7. 17 January 1995 (6.8 - 6,434 deaths)
8. 23 October 2004 (6.9 - 40 deaths)
9. 16 July 2007 (6.6 - 11 deaths)
10. 14 June 2008 (6.9 - 12 deaths)
11. 11 March 2011 (9.0 - 15,826 deaths)
12. ? >>>>>>>From the article, this was left blank, but I think 12th in the sequence before the 13th(9.6) would be the 7.3 earthquake at Northeast Japan on December 7 2012 last year. Info on that here:
13. predicted 9.6 in central Tokyo
14. ? (small)

Additionally, the physical stress of the actual earthquake was not the only thing to 'buckle' Japan. The Fukushima meltdowns and subsequent fallout continue to threaten the health of the region's inhabitants, and residents are confused and furious.



posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 06:36 AM

Within 16 years.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 06:38 AM
So why the attention for Japan? Earthquakes happen all around the world (granted, few have been as far-reaching as 2011 due to the fallout), I just don't understand why an ability to see into the future would be so tuned to just one area of the world. Unless of course the 9.6 will cause a tsunami capable of wiping out the West Coast and / or cause even greater devastation to a few well-known nuclear reactors....In that case, I may have just answered my own question.

Never mind

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by DuckforcoveR

I don't know why the attention was on Japan, but the Cassiopaeans did get the 8.9 Japan quake prediction right( the March 11 2011 quake). The next two quakes is supposed to end with a 9.6, and the one quake before that 9.6 might have struck already last year, with a 7.3 earthquake in Northeast Japan on December 7 2012 last year.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by Menedes567

Right and after reading your last threads I'm not believing you for a second. Good luck I'm outta here

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by ThePeaceMaker

This time, it's not my personal prediction; I'm merely quoting from what the Cassiopaeans said from the website that I linked in the first post. Also, no dates or time frames are given; just a sequence of events.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:07 AM
It should be apparent by now, after THOUSANDS of years of failed prophecies that it is exactly what will NOT happen.

I predict this prophecy will fail.
My prediction record is 100% accurate in predicting prediction failures.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:21 AM

Also, no dates or time frames are given

That is just pathetic.... "I predict something will happen sometime", then they wait until something happens then they announce "See, we predicted that"!

I predict there will be a plane crash, another shooting in a school and a train crash. As soon as one of them happen it will prove that I can predict things....

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:21 AM
I'm sorry, but my contacts from K1 Lup informs me that the Cassiopeans are frauds.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:31 AM
Well, if you study the list and sequence of events, you can find an interesting pattern. See below:

Earthquakes in the Cassiopaeans sequence list( from the 7th to the last (14th) in their predicted sequence.)

7. 17 January 1995 (6.8 - 6,434 deaths)
8. 23 October 2004 (6.9 - 40 deaths)
9. 16 July 2007 (6.6 - 11 deaths)
10. 14 June 2008 (6.9 - 12 deaths)
11. 11 March 2011 (9.0 - 15,826 deaths)
12. ? >>>>>>>From the article, this was left blank, but I think 12th in the sequence before the 13th(9.6) would be the 7.3 earthquake at Northeast Japan on December 7 2012 last year. Info on that here:
13. predicted 9.6 in central Tokyo
14. ? (small)

Notice from the pattern above, that from the 7th quake(out of 14) in the sequence, the gap in time period is decreasing....... From January 1995 to October 2004(9 year gap)....then from October 2004 to July 2007(nearly 3 year gap) followed by another one the next year. Then from June 2008 to March 11 2011, the gap was again, 3 years..... Then, last year, on December 7 2012, there was a 7.3 earthquake in Northeast Japan, that was felt in many areas in Japan..... Would the next one in the pattern be another 3 more years from 2012? Will it break the previous pattern? Discuss here.

Also, people with psychic abilities and remote viewing capabilities are welcome to contribute to this thread

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:36 AM
The biggest problem here being that these "predictions" were only made public after they happened. Hilarious.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 08:36 AM

Hi there guys, I just found out this new prediction from a group of entities known as "The Cassiopaeans", that there will be a 9.6 earthquake after the event of the March 11 2011 Japan 9.0 earthquake. They didn't gave out time frames or dates on when that will happen, but they said it will be some time after that 9.0 earthquake. Since we're nearly 3 tears away from that March 11th event, I think this deserves attention. You can read about that from the link below.


Well considering the source: and it's owner we can toss this right into the trash. I also believe any source material from this site is banned here on ATS due to very real risk of legal issues from the owner of that site I would advise you to avoid is Ms. K#####, the Cassiopeians,etc. for any threads in the future.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 09:06 AM
Earthquakes happen all the time in the "Ring of Fire". That's why it's called that. You guys are telling me that huge gap between 95 and 04 didn't produce a single significant earthquake (that is usually a 6.0 or higher) in 9 years? USGS ( states that 6 happened in Japan in 96 alone. So, why do they not fit in the 14?

I'm just curious, how all this works. How can some fit but others do not?

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 10:37 AM

The biggest problem here being that these "predictions" were only made public after they happened. Hilarious.

That is funny. Convenient too.

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 12:28 AM
"I predict that there will be an earthquake in San Francisco, Magnitude 7.8, in 1906."

I said that in 1843... therefore, I am a prophet.
Thank you for your time.

[edit] oh. I'm also REALLY old.
edit on 23-12-2013 by Awen24 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 04:44 AM
guess we're moving right along Menendes567, the strong feeling you had about the 24-27 of Dec. That something amazing or what ever something that never happened before would happen well it happened before alright. The total failure of that prediction has happened before. With each and every prediction you either make or present from others. Can't you see by now tbat no one is making any predictions that come true? Can't you see by now how this amounts to chasing rainbows and that these people that say they have received this info from off world aliens are lying. There are no aliens talking inside their heads. It's a lie. You keep believing them as they lie right to your face and you seem glad to let them deceive you over and over again. Cassiopeia is a constellation. We here on earth named it that. Do you really think that's also what off worlders would call it. They use earth words?
Can't you see it makes no sense and that you are being duped over and over again. They love that you do their work for them because you help them spread their lies. They use you to spread fear and you do it with a smile on your face. Time for you to take back your life and stop being a vehicle for these liars to spread their fear.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Menedes567

There is no planet in Cassiopeia. It's a cluster of stars that no living things can occupy so no messages could possibly be coming from there.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

Autumn I wouldn't even bother replying Menedes will only change the dates I don't give his threads any attention any more. (Apart from this reply)

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by Silenceisalie

A better question would be how can a message be received from an entity from a region of space that contains only stars and no planets. No place for these so called Cassiopeians to originate from but they are supposedly communicating to someone here on earth. Doesn't this just smack of an over active imagination ?
And of course Cassiopeia just sounds so nice as a source. That or Alpha Centauri which has also been used as a point of origination. Names that most school kids have at least heard of so they come in handy to use as a source.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 05:06 AM
Are these the same people who speak to aliens via Ouija board ?

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