While preparing myself for the education of my son, I was asking myself questions I remember having when I was very little. Like almost every boy, I
was really into Dinosaurs, my parents got me a dinosaur encyclopedia that I read all the time, I was a total little dino-nerd. It got me excited about
learning. So I wanted to get into that with my son.
Well here's the problem. Im not so enirely convinced that we really know # about #. This is something that Ive kept a close eye on my entire life,
and the story has kept changing. Well, you think, of course, we're learning more all the time!, but this isnt really a solvable mystery, there are
way too many puzzle pieces missing, this has lead scientists heavily invested in the theory of evolution into mental gymnastics and intelectual
dishonesty, in order to maintain some sense that they are experts, with special brains that cannot be wrong, or questioned. #in' birds?! Seriously,
please dont be dumb enough to think that dinosaurs turned into birds.......
The fact that (I know I have to)I have to explain why is the reason Im homeschooling my kids.
This is important because it sets up the basics on how one would view all of reality. I want my son to have a good grasp on critical thinking and the
In school, I was taught about evolution over and over like it was fact. Pictures, charts, graphs, heirarchys, # all thought up by people who should
have #ing known better. Why should they have known better? Because the man they are writting all these books about (Charles Darwin) was clearly right
when he clearly stated that if his theory is true it will be proven by finding transition stages of creatures turning into other creatues, if not, the
theory of evolution will be disproven.
Well there are none, not one, not even a mistakably close transitional fossil of any kind of anything, NOTHING. Bam. Period. Overwith. Plus over 50
years of research into bacteria and fruitflies, where scientists have attempted to force evolution, have proven, over millions of generations of life,
not even one new enzyme, or beneficial mutation to be passed on, has ever been generated.
Ive done alot of research into this. Evolution would violate the Law of Entropy, which no creature is exempt from, in fact all life has been
genetically degrading over time, with each generation we've been losing little bits of DNA code. Ive learned alot, but its left me with alot to make
sense of, and lets face it, our most overeducated scientists best effort on the subject from the begning was, when they came across a bunch of
fossilized bones and dug them up, if there was only one recognizable skull, when they went to put them together they would assemble all the pieces as
if it were one creature, and then others would build off the work that has been done. I remember thinking it was kinda strange that as time went on we
were finding larger and even more impressive dinosaurs, like Gigantosaurus and Argentinasaurus, Giga is a super T-Rex and Argen is an even more super
sized Brontosaur, both found in Argentina around the same time and both suposedly from the same time period, before this no one really thought T-Rex
types and Brontosaur types ever existed together, and they were trying to say how Gigas would pack hunt Argens, and blah blah, all just best guesses
based on the works of others and a good imagination.
Its important to note that it takes a very special set of circumstances for bones to fossilize. This process has basically left us with the well
buried sets of bones that would only be from layers of earth millions of years old (we find modern human bones and metal artifacts in millions of
years old earth layers too
There hasnt been many dragon sightings in the last thousand years, but they are there. Most would be lead to believe, by the combination of old ass
bones and the lack of creatures resembling them, that these creatures must have only existed during some magical form of pre-history that allowed for
the existance of creatures of truely Epic proportions.
Here we are, finally, the point.
These are the questions that I want to have better answers for my son, than were given to myself.
How long have humans like us existed on this planet?
Were there ever conditions on Earth that would have allowed for the growth of creatures, like Dinosaurs, despite Galileo's Square-Cube Law (This Law
specifically shows how size matters)?
We're all familiar with the friendly Brachiosaurus. There is some serious doubt about how an animal like this could exist. Muscle and bone can really
only support so much, and it just gets way more complicated when body fluids are added, see Galileo's Square-Cube Law. This isnt like a Giraffe,
which we all know has special valves that run up its long neck and a wierd long heart just so that it can lower its head to drink water. There is no
evidence of this with Brachio vertibre, nor any other specialized parts, such as those giraffe have, that allow the creature to run without snapping
its own neck. Even with all these specialized body parts, a giraffes lifespan is very low. A Brachiosauraus'heart wouldnt be able to pump blood up to
its head, its bone strength wouldnt be able to support its mass, its muscles lack the strength to lift or move its mass.
In fact, we know that the largest animals we have alive today are pushing the limits in regard to what muscle and bone can support.
I mentioned dragon sightings earlier. If you look into these, you will find what seems to be accounts of witnessed living dinosaurs. Many famous
people in history have chronicled a dragon sighting. Remember, the term Dinosaur is only a couple hundred years old, invented by someone who thought
they were discovering something for the first time, and for most it would have been something new. Before the term dinosaur made its way into knowing,
if someone saw something that looked like THAT, they would no doubt call it a dragon, which is something that all cultures have known about and have
many stories of.
So there it is, more or less a belief I have grown to have on a subject Ive been interested in and spent alot of time studying in my life.
I dont believe in evolution, I think its a loaded idea that has been pushed by insane people who would use it as justification for insane ideas.
I believe that humans, like us, have been around much longer than we even have evidence for (duh, of course we are going to of existed for longer than
we have evidence for)
I believe that Dinosaurs existed, smaller than we imagine, we used to call them dragons, and we probably spent a good time hunting eachother before we
just got way too good at it.
"If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of Giants."