reply to post by Christian Voice
Okay, I'm calling you out. I've heard quite enough; this has gone beyond pathetic.
You constantly roam around these forums itching for gay threads so that you can puke out the same old arguments that get proven invalid time after
It's so unbelievably childish that I can't express any patience for it anymore
If you want to be taken seriously, get a real argument, these ones you've been using are so f&%^ing dead that I can't find the words to describe the
idiocy it would take to keep parrotting them ad ridiculum for YEARS on this website:
"Gay is unnatural"
You're typing on a computer. Is your computer natural? Are you a sinner for using it?
Here's the real kicker, though; MARRIAGE ISN'T NATURAL EITHER. Humans created it and they did so long before Christianity ever existed.
Sorry about your luck.
"Gay doesn't reproduce"
Neither do infertile people. Are infertile married heterosexuals immoral? Are they full of sin and woe? Will Hell be as hot for them?
Is the only good thing you could possibly do is reproduce?
What's more magnamous:
-Producing your own child
-Adopting a child that already exists and doesn't have a home
"Gay doesn't has the sex orgunz"
Yes it does. "God" (I hate that this is at the beginning of a sentence so that I have to capitalize it) sure has a sense of humour if he put that
prostate glad conveniently right there. Must be there to test our faith like fossils and stars and oxygen, right?
"The Bible Says..."
Your ridiculous book has been on the losing end of peer review for more than a century. Nobody cares what it says. It's nonsense,
get over it.
It has zero power in a secular society, and shouldn't have power over your independent mind.
This book was written for and by a bunch of nervous, ignorant, stupid bronze-aged mesopotamians and nobody with a head on their shoulders would even
entertain the thought of pretending that it has any bearing whatsoever on their own lives, much less
an endorsement to control someone
"It will change the definition!"
First of all, human rights trump the definition of words.
Secondly, the definition of marriage has been changed hundreds of times over the course of history, and if it hadn't then women would still be
property of the men. Is that what we want? No changes on the efinition of marriage?
"It ruins the sanctity of marriage!"
This is the stupidest one by far. It actually makes absolutely no sense at all and nobody has been able to explain it. Ever.
I mean honestly, what are you saying? Gay people getting married will make straight peoples' marriages crumble? A sporatic amount of divorce?
Ridiculous. You would actually ahve to have a serious intellectual disability to be convinced of this ultimate stupidity.
It will harm the children"
Multiple studies across the social sciences have repeatedly demonstrated that there is no difference in psychosocial outcomes between children raised
by opposite-sex couples and those raised by same-sex couples. There is no evidence that children are psychologically harmed by having two dads or two
moms. The American Psychological Association (APA), the American Sociological Association (ASA), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has each
endorsed the legalization of same-sex marriage and its capacity to provide a stable familial framework for children.
"It will lead to pedophelia, bestiality, and polygamy!"
Easy, dumbass, hold on a second. None of these have anything to do with two consenting human adults in a legally recognized relationship.
Go ahead and name one country that has legalized these after legalizing same-sex marriage. It must be easy, because these slippery-slope arguments
that you rely on are so "consistent throughout history", right?
I look forward to seeing you vomit up one of these idiotic arguments in the next gay thread.
You're making me wonder if consistent intellectual slaughter is fun to be on the losing end of.
Please, for the love of god (no capital; nailed it), get fresher material. Your arguments have gotten staler than a communion wafer.
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20-1-2014 by TheRegal because: (no reason given)