part 6 a flock of birds, as framed within a generalized quantum theory: a specific application
A. The smallest unit of measure for a flock is a bird. The smallest unit of action between two birds is a ‘bird-length’. (17)
B. It is impossible for one bird to observe the instantaneous state of its adjacent birds without interfering directly with the state of those birds
(a non-interfering observation would require a measurement probe smaller than the ‘bird-length’ which does not exist in the flock system). (18)
C. A flock system cannot be reduced to any one of its constituent birds. The instantaneous collective-measurement-interference (19) of all birds
resonates coherently as a unified system state, giving rise via holographic noise, not information (20), to a level of coherent organization higher
than the birds as individuals.
D. The emergent flock is autonomously capable of making decisions which resonate in time-->backwards causality. (21) The bird generates the flock,
and is yet subject to the flock’s decisions. (22)
E. The flock system, itself, defines a ‘flock-length’ which dictates its ability to interact in time-->forward causality (25) with other similar
flocks and all other objects which may be measured at the flock-length.
(17) If one wants an algorithm that gives pixel by pixel, the momentum and position of all particles of two or more mixed gases, this algorithm would
be as large as the required information to give those data: no regularities allow describing them by a shorter program (Longo, Miquel, Sonnenschein, &
Soto, 2012).
(18) A crucial lesson from quantum mechanics is that the interaction between object and apparatus cannot be made insignificant or compensated for
(Matsuno & Paton, 2000).
(19) The quantum mechanical computation underlying the updating is extremely versatile in accommodating a huge array of parallel processing. This
competency rests upon the molecular capacity of experiencing the presented exclusively from the internalist perspective (Matsuno & Paton, 2000).
(20) Information is understood as being encoded by discrete data types; anything else is considered as noise. If a wire is compressed, pulled or
twisted, these actions will not increase the information that they are transmitting or elaborating. On the other hand, in all living systems,
compression, dilation, shearing, pulling, twisting and continuous deformations [holographic noise, not information] significantly and causally
contribute to development (Longo et al., 2012).
(21) Cause and effect appear to be inseparably looped and can no longer be treated in canonical linear fashion. (Stern, 2000). Whether we express
final causation in terms of "intentionality" or equivalently in terms of what its effect entails, final causation involves the future acting on the
present (Rosen, 1991).
(22) In the following excerpt, the desire of ‘John Doe’ to not have hay fever in the future is the final cause of the cure; the medication is the
cure, but it is not the final cause: “The resulting explanans will thus be of the following type: John Doe had a hay fever attack and took 8
milligrams of chlor-trimeton. The probability for subsidence of a hay fever attack upon administration of 8 milligrams of chlor-trimeton is high”
(Balashov & Rosenberg, 2002).
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