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It is a breath of fresh air to watch Putin.
A man that stands by his convictions.
Sure he was part of the KGB, that just means he actually has power
unlike his American counterpart that holds a meer tocken possition.
Putin would beat the crap out of Obama, Bush and Dick at the same
time. Biden can stand there looking like a goof as usual
American men are so frail. It is pathetic really.
Go Putin! Men face their accusers. Cowards hide and deflect away
from theirs.
Yeah...s'pose your right....I guess that's why he rigged his re-election, put all national television networks in Ru back under state control, pays his gangs to beat up and 'disappear' people he doesn't like, assassinates any political opponent of merit, ignores the institutional and social abduction, abuse and murder of gay people, is afriad of four little pussy's, cant keep his hands to himself at dinner parties, is still abusing the human rights of Russian citizens living in Chechnya, now deciding daily life for Ukrainian citizens too, and has harassed Human rights organizations, imprisoned journalists and had aid workers thrown out of the country!
Sure he faces his a very dark room...with his thugs....and their guns.
He's just another two bit dictator..with emphasis on the dic
edit on 22-12-2013 by Rosha because: (no reason given)
Some of your points were valid, the rest a bit bellow the belt yet all of them could be said about American leaders as well. The only difference is, it is done more Clandestine in America. I don't think Russian people would take the amount of lies that get fed to American people. I think in Russia it is understood that the KGB is steering the ship and if you mess with that you will be undone. In America, nobody not in "in the know" knows who or how many is or are actually steering the ship or whether they even agree. Ask a Russian what he thinks of American politics; the term Amaalikin Eadeote would probably swirl in their mind somewhere.
If the absolute truth about American political, military and corporate history ever came to light in its entirety... I don't even think there is a word for the amount of betrayal and horror that would inflicted on across the globe and you have to know that.
It's not a low blow imo to talk truthfully about a man willing to murder and sanction murder in order to further his personal need for control. I do 'get it'..don't get me wrong , I just wont buy into leader worship of any sort. Never have and have always been bewildered by it..especially watching US presidential elections. That said, Putin is not the hero he is appearing to be. He did rig his re-election and is claiming a mandate falsely in Russia where people en mass DID protest and vote against him, but just like protests in the USA, it didn't matter, he took power anyway. So yes I eeked and puked when I saw some of the comments above. Its all a big shell game to me.
reply to post by RocksFromSpace
Something seems very Orwellian about this to me.
Remember, he is/was KGB.
The bellow the belt points that I meant were the "keeping his hands to himself" and being "affraid of 3 little pussies" lol. That is just my opinion. NOW AGAIN *in a De-troit accent* both of those could be attributed to American leaders as well. Remember Bush trying ring German Chancellor Merkel's neck? Lol... TOO good. And lets not forget Boston and the 3 little wanna-be Muslims... How many LE were out in force?
Keep in mind as well what it would actually take for a hero to stand up in America and take the reigns from corporate, military and intelligence power circles. I am not attributing this to Putin, but if someone was going to save America at this point it would take a LOT of illegal and seemingly immoral activity to make it happen. Most might not understand that in the long run it was all worth it. An example of that is that Russia is really without any need from China. Who else can say that? If they had a "system" that needed to be followed it would have been hacked and penetrated by China just like the US and Canada who are not going anywhere at this point without China's needs considered. I could be wrong about that but somehow I got the impression Russian ain't buying into the whole 'made in china' craze.edit on 22-12-2013 by MALBOSIA because: (no reason given)