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The Devil is the God of Jesus (this video proves it)

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posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 02:26 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by conspir81

I really do not think a Youtube video holds enough water to prove anything. People are reaching in this day and age to disprove or mock as much as they can about the Bible and Christianity. This video is just another retarded attempt at doing so.

I think it's quite hilarious how you so blatently replied in this case without even watching the video lol. At least, everything in a straight forward and logical world seems to suggest you did.

Don't get me wrong though, I read the full description and a lot of it is incoherent BS. It is true however that 'God' is is described in the scriptures of Christianity (and the further back associated texts as having qualities of good and evil (from our perspective at least). You don't have to be a genius to figure that one out. This actually causes a lot of confusion if you read the main texts as the lines between God/Devil/Snake of Eden/Angel/Demon/Son of God/Human are always changing and getting blurred.

Regarding the OP, the most consistent story of the 'devil' would be that he was of the older creation (the Jinns, the angels/demons - whatever), and he had a dislike for Gods preference for humans and asking the Jinn/Angels to bow to humans. In Islam, it is at this point that Samjaza (the only true name stated for him - Book of Enoch) was banished to Earth with humans. Christianity he tempted humans with knowledge as the snake (he is often depicted as a reptile creature) and we were banished from 'Eden'. Samjaza and 200 Jinn/angels/demons (described as being made from smokeless fire in Islam, and made of light in general Christianity) decided to follow us 'down' to Earth because human women were beautiful. They 'bred' with us and the offspring were the Nephilim/the sons of Gods. It is this which causes God to flood Earth and so forth. But he is consistently described as a seperate entity to his creator, God.

The whole God vs Devil/Good vs Evil/'the devils exists only in your head' stuff is actually an incorrect interpretation of the story the bible and its stronger supporting texts tell regarding the Devil. It tells a very specific story infact.

I'm an agnostic though, so I don't hold a definite opinion on this. What is interesting to me however is the overlap between modern day UFO/orb sightings and alien abduction experiences compared to the ancient depictions of entities made from smokeless fire/light that can take any form (in your perception, which is why many now view the alien phenomenon as 'spiritual' not physical) and their interaction with us. Especially considering the recurring theme of DNA/hybridisation in modern Abduction experiences and the ancient stories of these higher 'entities' breeding with us. The ancient gnostic texts called them the 'Archons' - meaning those before human time. The Book of Enoch refers to them as 'the watchers'.

I don't know if we're clever or stupid as modern humans to brush a lot of these stories aside as complete nonsense/primitive fairytales and lack of understanding or pseudo-control mechanism type things. These are the first stories we were imprinting in physical form across the world and continued to do so for thousands and thousands of years.

edit on 20-12-2013 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2013 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 02:33 PM
I like it, it's brilliant. Whoever wrote it (in the "see more" section of Youtube vid) is an excellent researcher and very original thinker. People like that are the real "thought leaders" these days, the real subversives - people who do their own research and make their own, very original connections. Everyone else is just lagging...

Thanks for the link!

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by rawheroine

Are you serious dude...

that write up was retarded... did you actually read it?

That same Father lost in a wrestling match in Gen 32:24-32, so why can't the losing wrestler stand on a mountain in Ex 24:9-12? While standing there, his body got surrounded by a cloud of heaven in Ex 24:9-18, & he stood on earth again during Christ's lifetime in Lk 9:35. The Father sometimes spoke lowly as if he was underneath himself (Zech 2:8-11), like when he offered Joshua & Jesus the kingdoms of the world. Joshua still worshiped the Father when he spoke like that but Jesus didn't. Notice Jesus never directed the term "worship" to himself - so even when speaking lowly, the son who is the Father still speaks greater than the son who is not (Josh 5:13-6:2 & Lk 4:5-7). If the Father's evil was decreased by a lot he'd be rap evil, & after permanently destroying his memory he now is. I'm rap's All Seeing Eye. My birth name Pyron means fire & I'm that nigga, the God of writing - the Devil (Dan 7:9-10). Yo I appreciate the hot girls who in this lifetime sucked my d**k. Haha.

I wish I had the last five minutes of my life back...

This thread belongs in the trash bin

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by butcherguy

According to Genesis, it was "they" who created everything. That Yahweh guy only created Adam and Eve and then founded principles based solidly in jealousy and genocide. Blame him for that but I wouldn't give him credit for creating Hitler (unless he was a descendant of Adam and Eve).

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 03:02 PM

reply to post by butcherguy

According to Genesis, it was "they" who created everything. That Yahweh guy only created Adam and Eve and then founded principles based solidly in jealousy and genocide. Blame him for that but I wouldn't give him credit for creating Hitler (unless he was a descendant of Adam and Eve).

Well the evil is still there in the beginning, with the principles that you cite. Not disagreeing with you, I just feel that good and evil go hand in hand, and the evil is from the creator as well as the good.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 03:22 PM


reply to post by butcherguy

According to Genesis, it was "they" who created everything. That Yahweh guy only created Adam and Eve and then founded principles based solidly in jealousy and genocide. Blame him for that but I wouldn't give him credit for creating Hitler (unless he was a descendant of Adam and Eve).

Well the evil is still there in the beginning, with the principles that you cite. Not disagreeing with you, I just feel that good and evil go hand in hand, and the evil is from the creator as well as the good.

Absolutely, which is how most pagan deities are mapped out in a mythological sense. The Christian god is rather unique in the fact they tried to paint him as an "all good" figure which is very unlike most myths in the world. We know that he is obviously not "all good" as we can see him torturing Job and commanding the murder of children and entire cultures. But to balance this out, they also made the devil, who is supposed to be "all evil". In most religions/pantheons, the two of them together would probably be two aspects of the same god.

Without convincing people he was "all good" and that the devil was "all bad", there would be no reason for people to go with the "one true god" since he wouldn't be any different than the gods they already revered. Without actually reading the OT, a person might actually believe it, too.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Without actually reading the OT, a person might actually believe it, too.

Yep, what you said. ^^^

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 06:54 PM
Around the time Jesus was around, there were no cameras or anything that would make any video possible.

So the only proof here is that the video is not to be taken seriously, for the fact that it is a video about a time where there were no videos.

Jesus is the man ! If more people lived more like him... That would be cool.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 12:16 AM
Read it, and it's simply flat out lies. Gen 21:1,2

Gen 21:1
Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah what he had promised.

Gen 21:2
Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.

So God "fixed" Sarah and Abraham got her pregnant. The video you posted claims God the "Father" stuck his dick in Sarah and that is why he is called "Father". Pretty much just total nonsense.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 02:53 AM
For those who hate it and disagree with it, can you write something against what he wrote? Go in detail, sentence by sentence, & counter the points he brings up in his paper. Then put what you wrote here.

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