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How Are We Not Sheeple?

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posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:44 PM
Time and time again I've seen ATS members refer to those who follow the MSM as sheeple. Some do it in a way as if to say, "Oh, they don't know any better." Others mean it to be disparaging and insulting. Either way those who espouse this view are clearly stating that because we are on ATS and sites like ATS it somehow makes us better than others. As if somehow being on these sites makes us enlightened and allows us to rise above the squalor of the masses. During my time I've come realize that this sense of superiority is nothing but a thin veil and that in truth we are no different than those we mock. I feel this fact has been best illustrated over the past 24 hours.

Currently the most active thread on ATS is about a reality star who got fired. I see people on here constantly railing against the MSM and yet what is more mainstream than reality TV. Now that's not even the most ridiculous part. I'll get to that in a second. I do just want to reiterate though that currently the most active thread on this site is about a complete non-issue that only gained attention because of the MSM. Despite what some are claiming this is not a 1st Amendment Right issue. It is merely a business decision on A&E's part. Now comes the part I found to be shocking. At the time of this posting the thread in question has been up for a few minutes over 24 hours. It just started on its 28th page of posts. It took the original Fukushima thread just about 39 hours to reach the same number of posts.

So according to the activity of ATS members Duck Dynasty garners more immediate attention than Fukushima. Explain to me again how we're any better than the "sheeple?"

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

I think being truly awake ebbs and flows, and the trick remembering how to ride the waves.

Never be to proud to learn the biggest lessons from those you might have considered soiled....they been working hard.

I don't or can't yet see the door fully opened, a tide without end nor do I want it everything in its time...

So I guess an honest answer is baaahhhhh! Ram ewe, and yet awake but drowsy.

When I'm awake I'm really alive, and when sleep takes me I learn to take bigger steps.


posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:13 PM


posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

Not all of us watch that reality TV stuff. Some of us don't even have a TV (like myself.) Whoever that guy (Phil?) is the only thing I can tell you about him is his pic turned up on Drudge (didn't click it) and he looks like a stand-in for ZZ Top.

Now if you're interested in the upcoming debt ceiling issue or want to talk about what going to happen with the Feds (mini) taper of QE, the EU banking crisis (that they deny) then we're around.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

Ha ha, I do like this rant. I'm pretty sure I had a mild sardonic aneurysm earlier today when I spotted that same thread because my sentiments are identical to yours. And it wasn't that long ago that Miley Cyrus and her twerking was being heavily discussed as well. I'd say that there could very well be a difference here than on other sites in that one may find people, like yourself, stating the relative unimportance of a particular heavily MSM propagated subject but you can sometimes see that in the comments on those MSM sites, too. Heck, I saw a choice tirade about it on facebook today even.

Baa ram ewe, baa ram ewe--to your breed, your fleece, your clan be true?

Though for the record, I do not consider others to be "sheeple" or hold myself any higher than another human being. We all have our little mind traps if you think about it. How many times have you seen someone espousing New Age beliefs telling others that they just haven't awoken yet?

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 09:34 PM


So according to the activity of ATS members Duck Dynasty garners more immediate attention than Fukushima. Explain to me again how we're any better than the "sheeple?"

I follow your point. First, I can say, apparently I am one of a small legion that has never watched Duck Dynasty. However, what the MSM has apparently done is to use comments from one of the reality players from the show and use them to create the "Controversy" that the MSM wants people to focus on:

1.) Debate on Religion
2.) Debate on homophobia
3.) Debate on race tensions
4.) Freedom of Speech

The controversary apparently has nothing to do with the show per se. It stemmed from remarks made to an article for GQ magazine. So the MSM want the sheeple to focus on the four issues above and enhance an already divided country by having a bunch of talking heads on all of the MSM outlets show shout howe terrible it all is and others on how it's an attack against religion or free speech. At the end of the day, the sheeple just want to watch their brain numbing shows and neither care, nor wish to care about the horrific happenings at Fukishima or other terrorist atrocities that are happening every day in the M.E. All they want is their MTV!!!

Thats how I see it............back to the Science Channel.

edit on 19-12-2013 by ItDepends because: sentence structure

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

I have no idea what the duck dynasty is ( I assume it's about a family of ducks) but I think it was only the homophobic rant that got him his own thread, not the show. I can agree there are more pressing issues on ATS, but I wouldn't go as far as calling them sheeple, they are probably just airing their disgust over this guys rant.

Besides If you want to see the real sheeple go to the TMZ website, or better yet don't.

These types of shows will attract the kind of people who like to watch mindless drivel. Swamp people, turtle man, iceberg hunters, sock finders, they need to roll all these shows into one and call it the 'god almighty crap hour.'

Great, now i'm annoyed. What the hell happened to TV? I might have to start a rant of my own.

edit on 20-12-2013 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 05:20 AM
i turn the t.v on and read the news and sport yes i read the tv
i cannot remember the last time i watched anything on it 1000 channels of nothing most say 10 or 15 minutes in the morning while i pile myself with coffee and maybe 1 hour of news from rt at night while i am on ats .

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 01:21 PM

Time and time again I've seen ATS members refer to those who follow the MSM as sheeple. Some do it in a way as if to say, "Oh, they don't know any better." Others mean it to be disparaging and insulting. Either way those who espouse this view are clearly stating that because we are on ATS and sites like ATS it somehow makes us better than others. As if somehow being on these sites makes us enlightened and allows us to rise above the squalor of the masses. During my time I've come realize that this sense of superiority is nothing but a thin veil and that in truth we are no different than those we mock. I feel this fact has been best illustrated over the past 24 hours.

Currently the most active thread on ATS is about a reality star who got fired. I see people on here constantly railing against the MSM and yet what is more mainstream than reality TV. Now that's not even the most ridiculous part. I'll get to that in a second. I do just want to reiterate though that currently the most active thread on this site is about a complete non-issue that only gained attention because of the MSM. Despite what some are claiming this is not a 1st Amendment Right issue. It is merely a business decision on A&E's part. Now comes the part I found to be shocking. At the time of this posting the thread in question has been up for a few minutes over 24 hours. It just started on its 28th page of posts. It took the original Fukushima thread just about 39 hours to reach the same number of posts.

So according to the activity of ATS members Duck Dynasty garners more immediate attention than Fukushima. Explain to me again how we're any better than the "sheeple?"

pop culture has essentially masked any sort of danger unless it is right in your face, happening to you and effecting you. I think everyone is essentially become more brain-dead, albeit at a slower pace with not too many signs of decreased capacity of awareness. We can all be aware, have plans, feel like we have a safety net or security. But the hard truth is, a lot of society has been changed into a massive comfort zone of escaping the nature on this earth. We put blindfolds on and live inside boxes. We're all essentially hypocrites because there will never be a dramatic impact of foresight for human and societal evolution by discussing things on this forum. Nor will any of that happen as many minds are wasted on the mundane or superficial ways to escape reality. We all think we have power but all it is, is manipulation of reality.

but there also has to be strategy involved. only time will tell what the future truly holds. Still, it is easy to look to the past, observe and analyze the present days and try to foresee the changes that will ultimately come.

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