ATS has reached a collaborative agreement with an up and coming, very intelligent, and very relevant TRUTH SEEKER who isn't 40+ years old (like us old
codgers that own this place) and also knows how to bring a crew together to make a video that is worth watching that we hope will bring more people
into the company of those who employ CRITICAL THINKING and will help them avoid just accepting the MSM news casts, what's next?
Well thought out, yet having a little fun, videos about ATS topics? That's the plan.
So without further ado, it is our distinct pleasure to introduce the ATS Membership and visitor universe to Josh LeCash and his production company
Josh and crew will be Video Investigative Reporters (or VIRs for short) for ATS going forward. They need your input to find the compelling stories we
all want to learn more about so, jump in and discuss what you think is worthy of a video, even if it's YOU or YOUR story.
Check out the intro below...
edit on 12-19-2013 by Springer because: (no reason given)
Josh will be along here in a minute or two to introduce himself. I have spoken with him and his crew at length and I have to say that I think they can
do a great job in bringing our topics, our thoughts and our stories to life via online video.
Please welcome Josh (and crew) to the community and reach out to him with ideas, stories YOU think are important and help him bring our thoughts to
the world in a way that reaches those who need critical thinking skills most, those coming up right behind us...
edit on 12-19-2013 by Springer because: (no reason given)
(I am using my Producer Dave's username right now ... will make my own asap) I wanted to reach out to you right away though. We are extremely excited
to be working with ATS. We've been working at banging out 1 video a week for the past couple month and we really feel this alliance with ATS will
help us reach out to like minded people like you and to a wider audience that might not know they are into these topics/issues that we are.
That being said, watch out for new videos weekly and please please please contact us about anything. If you have any leads to a story, if you want us
to cover specific topics or if you just want to say what up. We will reply to EVERY email.
This sounds very cool and I think can help further the ATS mantra of denying ignorance. People can learn in many ways and one of the most powerful is
via video media. Welcome aboard guys!
I am So very excited about this and am happy to extend a warm welcome.
As CIAgypsy mentioned above, ATS documentary, yes please. As far as on the spot reporting, are you guys able to travel or will you be enlisting Cub
reporters around the world ?
I apologize if I'm moving to fast for a new relationship my mind has already begun to imagine all the wonderful things that are bound to happen.
You gotta choose the right niche to get more audience. Nowadays things are getting saturated. You gotta target the young generation in order to get a
million views. Example
ATS can become big if you do it right. I can help if you're willing to collaborate. Money makes money!
Start with a low budget if you're willing to chip-in.
edit on 19-12-2013 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)