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Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson: The Latest Victim of the PC Police

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posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by the owlbear

So political correctness (PC as the op put it, should be swept under the rug... In other words, those who don't believe what you believe has less value in your eyes and should be "swept under the rug"... You don't even see the irony in what you post...

Did you even read what I said? Putting words in my mouth ...You are using a straw man argument. If I give you a quarter will you go back under your bridge ?

I see what you did there

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:46 PM


This had very little to do with "targeting gays" and everything to do with religious beliefs and traditional morality.

I disagree. This is a SMEAR campaign. This is about politics. Phil is a genuine person with strong beliefs(religious & political) and a calm manner. He's been gaining SO much popularity that the establishment(Rep's AND Dem's) took notice and action. I haven't checked but I wouldn't be surprised to see a website named No, really. He resonates with everyone because of his ethics and the manner in which he delivers it. In an HONEST way.

I disagree with his stance on homosexuality(My son is gay) but I see where he's coming from. I trust the guy. Hell, if he runs I may emigrate to the States. Better politician either of our countries would have. Don't you think that scares the hell out of today's politician?

Btw, this took me about 10 minutes to get the code right. Does THAT say something?

Not to be off topic, but your statement displays the same reason that Dr. Ben Carson gets vilified by the MSM; he scares the mainstream politicians because of how he resonates with the public.

Phil is getting made into an example of "you've got to go along to get along" in today's society. It's disgraceful.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:50 PM
Why does this guy get canned for telling the truth. Homosexuality is a sin. Is A&E claiming it's not? It's lumped in there with every other sin, such as beastiality.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:52 PM


Not to be off topic, but your statement displays the same reason that Dr. Ben Carson gets vilified by the MSM; he scares the mainstream politicians because of how he resonates with the public.

Phil is getting made into an example of "you've got to go along to get along" in today's society. It's disgraceful.

If this Phil resonated with more people than he offended A&E would keep him on. They are a business and the bottom line is advertising dollars and cents. Not the right to free speech. Not political correctness. Money.

He is a product, to be hired and fired, developed and withdrawn, as the company sees fit.

It takes a pretty hefty inferiority or persecution complex to read anything more into it.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by technical difficulties

So, if I murder someone, I'm not immoral. Got it.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:53 PM

Why does this guy get canned for telling the truth. Homosexuality is a sin. Is A&E claiming it's not? It's lumped in there with every other sin, such as beastiality.

To be fair, it is not a sin to people that do not believe that it is a sin, however it is common knowledge that it would be considered a sin by someone with Phil's belief system, so this is clearly a setup to send a message to the public.

"Accept and/or embrace things that you disagree with, or you will be punished."

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:54 PM



Not to be off topic, but your statement displays the same reason that Dr. Ben Carson gets vilified by the MSM; he scares the mainstream politicians because of how he resonates with the public.

Phil is getting made into an example of "you've got to go along to get along" in today's society. It's disgraceful.

If this Phil resonated with more people than he offended A&E would keep him on. They are a business and the bottom line is advertising dollars and cents. Not the right to free speech. Not political correctness. Money.

He is a product, to be hired and fired, developed and withdrawn, as the company sees fit.

It takes a pretty hefty inferiority or persecution complex to read anything more into it.

Apparently, you haven't paid any attention to the public backlash against A&E's decision, then.
edit on 12/19/2013 by ProfessorChaos because: added comma

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:57 PM

Why does this guy get canned for telling the truth. Homosexuality is a sin. Is A&E claiming it's not? It's lumped in there with every other sin, such as beastiality.

What if I were to say being a homophobe was a sin?
I don't need tv to tell me that we all have our rights to our own opinions, but sometimes...DISCRETION IS THE BETTER PART OF VALOR...
That goes for everyone, myself included

Owlbear out.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Makes you wonder ....

Phil Robertson is ruffling some feathers once again, and this time he is offending African Americans. The star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty tells the January issue of GQ, that not only being gay is “just not logical,” but that he never noticed racism in the south before the Civil Rights Movement in the 50s.

Apparently he wan't looking very hard or it could be that the anvil that dropped on his head when he was a baby affected his ' sight ' !

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:01 PM

the owlbear

Why does this guy get canned for telling the truth. Homosexuality is a sin. Is A&E claiming it's not? It's lumped in there with every other sin, such as beastiality.

What if I were to say being a homophobe was a sin?
I don't need tv to tell me that we all have our rights to our own opinions, but sometimes...DISCRETION IS THE BETTER PART OF VALOR...
That goes for everyone, myself included

Owlbear out.

Since we're using famous coined phrases, "Honesty is the best policy." or how about "The truth will set you free." ?

Why should anyone be compelled to saying anything that goes against their sincere beliefs in order to appease a certain group of people?

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:02 PM

the owlbear

Why does this guy get canned for telling the truth. Homosexuality is a sin. Is A&E claiming it's not? It's lumped in there with every other sin, such as beastiality.

What if I were to say being a homophobe was a sin?
I don't need tv to tell me that we all have our rights to our own opinions, but sometimes...DISCRETION IS THE BETTER PART OF VALOR...
That goes for everyone, myself included

Owlbear out.

You do realize he was asked a question by the interviewer, right? Maybe the person doing the interview should have used more discretion. Seems like a set up if you actually read the article. This guy knew what the answer would be. Go read the whole article. I did. The interviewer is making little snarky remarks all throughout the article.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:03 PM
A&E needs Phil more than Phil needs A&E.

I very much agree with everything Phil said, along with probably most of society.
Most of us don't get to express our opinion in such a public forum because we are the majority. Its only the minority groups that want the attention. If you want to be gay, have same sex marriages, go ahead and do it, but don't expect everybody to believe its right.

The Robinson's strike me as a very proud and loyal family. So should A&E continue on its present course they will lose.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:08 PM
This was a set-up by GQ magazine. They knew what his answer would be because they know he is a religious man. Then, they parade around showing people, basking in the "outrage". These people at GQ are as disgusting as the leftist losers at TIME magazine. A & E is obviously run by homosexuals. It's also amusing how people are insinuating that Phil is dumb because he's from a rural place, but I guess they're too ignorant to understand that Phil is college educated, as are his sons. Try again Yankees.
edit on 19-12-2013 by Fylgje because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:11 PM


Apparently, you haven't paid any attention to the public backlash against A&E's decision, then.
edit on 12/19/2013 by ProfessorChaos because: added comma

No. because I don't care for entertainment news, but I'll give you any odds that A&E's accountants have. As I said, they look at cold cash. Not column inches. Not how loud the reaction. Dollars and cents.

If the backlash is hefy enough, A and E will cave in. If it's just the concentrated bile of the usual poor victimised suspects amplified in the internet echo chamber, their decision will stand.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:12 PM

If this Phil resonated with more people than he offended A&E would keep him on. They are a business and the bottom line is advertising dollars and cents.

Which is why the end result here will be a real hoot to watch. Duck Dynasty is the most watched reality series and the #2 most watched original series on TV in 2013.

Think advertisers will keep paying top dollar for a slot that *used* to get 9 million viewers a week after that number has dropped by 4, 5, 6, maybe even 7 million viewers? The networks have ways to work around advertisers that bail, as there will always be a sporting goods dealership or firearm manufacturer eager to spend top dollar to advertise to 9 million people. I'd think it would be far easier to deal with one or two bailing advertisers than dealing with 20 of them all clammoring for a rate cut thanks to you hosing the patriarch of the show and FANS boycotting.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

(and yes, the Duck Dynasty camo caps and shwag that's wrapped and under the tree for my kids will remain under the tree until they happily open the package on Christmas morning. GLAAD can blow their calls for boycotts out their rear ends.)

You... bought your children Duck Dynasty camo caps for Christmas? I just... I... well, Merry Christmas!

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:14 PM


Why should anyone be compelled to saying anything that goes against their sincere beliefs in order to appease a certain group of people?

You're absolutely correct. But, similarly, nobody has a right to a job. Why should an employer keep someone on who is going to cost them money?

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:15 PM

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Because TV company planners don't know what a sigmoid curve is? Come now.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Well, said Beez.

I still like watching the old Adam Sandler/Alec Baldwin Boy Scout sketches, but my favorite so far has to be the Matt Foley sketch.

On the topic at hand, being a gay (trans)man, I have no qualms with Phil's remarks. It's just his choice to believe that unless he meant it as a direct threat to the LGBT community.

Just remember he is "old South", and despite that, I kind of have a bit of respect for him. Even though the stores I go to are just indunated with DD merch.

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