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Radiation Effects in U.S. from Japan Nuke Accident

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posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 04:07 PM
Even if people were aware little would change. Society does not have the means of relocating to South America. If it is not going to kill me today I can wait till it tries to kill me tomorrow.....

There is no doubt in my mind that Fukushima is going to have worldwide consequences. There is little to nothing that can be done about it at this point. I stopped reading ENE news and the other sites simply because other than relocating my entire life there is no escape.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 04:27 PM

Even if people were aware little would change. Society does not have the means of relocating to South America. If it is not going to kill me today I can wait till it tries to kill me tomorrow.....

There is no doubt in my mind that Fukushima is going to have worldwide consequences. There is little to nothing that can be done about it at this point. I stopped reading ENE news and the other sites simply because other than relocating my entire life there is no escape.

sad and true to a degree.

It reminds me of the fall of Babylon, when the "writing was on the wall", they continued to celebrate while the Persians entered the temple.

God Bless,

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Bootifool

I think all the world governments might put a group of scientists on this in many areas of the situation, to see if they can come up with short-term and long-term solutions. This group should then report to their leaders and to the UN and then Publish their report for the world. There should be scientists who work on the environment impact - humans and nature. Then there should be nuclear physicists and other scientists who can try and figure out a way to neutralize the effects of the Cesium and other harmful isotopes that are floating around the Sea and the air.

I thought I had read on ATS where someone had found that the half-life of these isotopes were less than everyone thought. Is that really the case? Is there anything that will react with the elements in a positive manner - for example, Na and Cl make table salt. Or, if it attracts to some element like a magnet, where it could be stuck to the other element, which would make it visible, and then they would scoop it out and dump it in a volcano, providing it did not trigger a volcanic eruption with all that energy being released.

Just trying to think outside the box, but the sooner they work on solutions, the sooner they might find a solution that will benefit humanity and the ecosystem.

Any thoughts??

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by jrod

Well the way I see it is it's no different from Nepotism and discrimination in the workplace, it's hideous and it's there and no one wants to get involved.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

What makes you think it is not affecting humans and animals? Aren't the photos of the polar bear, the sea lion, and what looked like penguins be enough for you to realize that there is huge affect to life everywhere?

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Bootifool

This time next year it will be all over the news. In fact the effects of radiation will be the main topic of conversation in the US.

Even with the government controlled media the truth will eventually become widely known due to the medical establishment finally admitting the huge spike in birth defects and cancers.

Anticipate very soon a propaganda blitz funded by the energy companies trying to fend off anti nuke sentiment.

The political ramifications of this event will be huge.

And also expect to see plenty of debunkers on ATS telling us to "move along nothing to see here" like in the BP oil spill.
edit on 18-12-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Bootifool

I'd love to hear what you think... does this article paint a realistic picture? Or is this sensationalism and fear-mongering?

I'm guessing the latter. One thing that jumped out at me was the maps, which had this lead in:

The Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC) provides free radiation monitoring information to the public from about 300 private monitoring sites and many more government monitoring sites like "RADnet" from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In the past ten days, the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC) has issued radiation alerts for several major U.S. cities after background radiation levels in those cities suddenly spiked to record high levels or jumped to fifty percent higher than normal in the "Counts Per Minute" (CPM) of deadly Gamma Radiation in the 600 - 800 keV range.

That does sound pretty serious, though I wasn't too sure about "300 private monitoring sites"... why would an official service use private monitors, which are not likely to be standardized and super accurate? That sent me off to find out what government department the "Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center" was under.

Whoops, come to find out it has nothing to do with the government, it's a private web site that... wait for it... sells radiation monitoring supplies and subscriptions if you want to "drill down" on the maps to see where their data is coming from.

While looking around, I also came across this: More Fukushima Scaremongering Debunked on Skeptoid, from last October, which pretty much comes to the conclusion that this is fear mongering in an attempt to make money.

But your mileage may vary.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 06:43 PM
Personally I hold any website that tries to sell me anything while telling me how badly I need it as anything other than junk. It never ceases to amaze me what lows people will stoop to in the pursuit of a dollar.

That being said, I am none to happy about the long term effects of Fukushima.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 07:01 PM

What makes you think it is not affecting humans and animals? Aren't the photos of the polar bear, the sea lion, and what looked like penguins be enough for you to realize that there is huge affect to life everywhere?

How about showing some evidence, any at all, that it is a result of Fukushima?

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Bootifool

First i would like to ask that in your next thread please post what you want to talk about because for many of us it is difficult to follow outside links and or play videos.

Having said that this does not just affect our west coast but the whole world. People do not realize it but the algae of the ocean accounts for sixty percent of the world's oxygen. Yep that's right. The radioactive waste water they pumped and continue to leak into the ocean is killing this life giving algae.

Listen this is the very building block or basis for all life in the ocean and ultimately for us too. We are already seeing a drop in atmospheric oxygen levels as well as die offs of other life in the ocean.

I am not claiming doom porn here, yet. But it is serious. When we have fires and hurricanes we can plant trees that grow fairly rapidly but these trees only account for small portion of our oxygen. Most people never realize this. Unfortunately we don't have an algae and plankton rehabitat program lol.

In fact it is the opposite, we harvest allot of krill and other algae and plankton for consumption. The krill are are controversial in their own right but that is another subject lol.

The Bot

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 08:51 PM
"Japan has recently seen an increasing number of children diagnosed with thyroid cancer"
Read more:

"Fukushima disaster is the worst case of nuclear contamination in history — It’s a crisis for all humanity — Building up to something much worse?"

I don't know why the entire world didn't immediately jump in to help with this the moment it happened. This isn't just Japan's problem, it affects us all.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 08:58 PM
My gut is telling this is real bad. Much worse than the media and the governments want the average sheep to know. With the very touchy removal of fuel rods now happening, a small quake or human error can make things much worse.

The facts that I know, is there were 3 total meltdowns, which means there are 3 'elephant feet' of molten fuel that are still leaking radiation and possibly decades away from being contained. Radioactive water is being leaked and at times even dumped into the ocean. The entire crew of the USS Ronald Reagan was exposed to radioactive water during the initial rescue mission and many who served are now dealing with cancer and tumors. It is too dangerous for anyone to go near the molten cores, they have cracked the ground, made it to the ground water and steam is now coming out of those cracks.

Wildlife all over the Northern Pacific are showing abnormal signs of cancer, tumors, bleeding, loss of fur, ect. and there are many mysterious deaths and die offs currently occurring. While there has been no 'smoking gun' leaking these cases to Fukushima, it can be reasonably assumed that there is a link imho.

Yes there is a lot of doom and gloom in the mainstream media, so one would assume they would jump all over this, after all doom and gloom is great for ratings. However most 'doom porn' more or less scares the average person to accepting a police state for their own protection. My speculation is there has been an intentional media black out of the scary facts, after all most of us ATSers have a pretty good idea who controls the media.

Damage control is on and they do not want to create a mass panic event.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 09:03 PM

and many who served are now dealing with cancer and tumors.

Do you have a decent source for that claim?

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 09:07 PM

"Japan has recently seen an increasing number of children diagnosed with thyroid cancer"
Read more:

"Fukushima disaster is the worst case of nuclear contamination in history — It’s a crisis for all humanity — Building up to something much worse?"

I don't know why the entire world didn't immediately jump in to help with this the moment it happened. This isn't just Japan's problem, it affects us all.

The Japanese were offered help on their nuke problem. They accepted very little of it preferring instead to save face, which they failed at miserably.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

From Al-Jazeera:

Fifty-one crew members of the USS Ronald Reagan say they are suffering from a variety of cancers as a direct result of their involvement in Operation Tomodachi, a U.S. rescue mission in Fukushima after the nuclear disaster in March 2011. The affected sailors are suing Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), alleging that the utility mishandled the crisis and did not adequately warn the crew of the risk of participating in the earthquake relief efforts.

Crew members, many of whom are in their 20s, have been diagnosed with conditions including thyroid cancer, testicular cancer and leukemia. The Department of Defense says the Navy took "proactive measures" in order to "mitigate the levels of Fukushima-related contamination on U.S. Navy ships and aircraft” and that crew members were not exposed to dangerous radiation levels.

Charles Bonner, attorney for the sailors, says the radiation the USS Ronald Reagan crew was exposed to extended beyond the tasks of Operation Tomodachi. Deployed ships desalinate their own water, so crew members were unknowingly drinking, cooking with, and bathing in contaminated water due to the ship's close proximity to the disaster site, according to Bonner. The USS Reagan was ultimately informed of the contamination after a month of living approximately 10 miles offshore from the affected region.

Other links: shima-nuclear-rescue-efforts-video-reports#sthash.1gMaYxV1.dpbs

edit on 18-12-2013 by jrod because: attempt to fix broken link

edit on 18-12-2013 by jrod because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 09:17 PM

reply to post by hellobruce

From Al-Jazeera: shima-nuclear-rescue-efforts-video-reports#sthash.1gMaYxV1.dpbs

So basically all you have is 1 source, a lawyer, for all the claims - as expected, no decent source!

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Restricted

If your house catches fire with the wind blowing towards my house, you don't get a say in whether I try to put out the fire. Japan's meltdown affects the U.S. ( and rest of the world) and we have a right to protect ourselves from the radiation flowing from their country. Sanctions just won't do in this instance. They need a global effort of cleanup crews before we're all poisoned.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

I have friends who have served and currently serving on the Reagan. The cancer cases are real.

Believe what you want.

I still eat seafood from the Atlantic, however as much as a like king and snow crab I've quit eating it as a precaution. I've been staying away from canned tuna too.

I hope the affects in the North Pacific and North West American coasts are minor if any, however I've done my own research and very alarmed about the situation.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 10:10 PM

reply to post by Restricted

If your house catches fire with the wind blowing towards my house, you don't get a say in whether I try to put out the fire. Japan's meltdown affects the U.S. ( and rest of the world) and we have a right to protect ourselves from the radiation flowing from their country. Sanctions just won't do in this instance. They need a global effort of cleanup crews before we're all poisoned.

Well, they've been talked to by some of the best and brightest and GD if they don't want to handle it themselves. It's stupid, I know, but so far no one is willing to violate their sovereignty to address the problem.

posted on Dec, 18 2013 @ 11:17 PM
Maybe depopulation is part of the plan? *sigh*
I wonder if humans will be the only species to ever walk this earth that were responsible for its own extinction?

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