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The Global Police State

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posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 02:51 PM
John W. Whitehead is an American attorney who established The Rutherford Institute in 1982 to aid the oppressed and persecuted in need of legal assistance. He is also the author of the book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State.

He has recently been interviewed on Red Ice Radio. I’ve listened to only about one fourth of the archive for the first hour, but I already have three pages of notes, which follow. He was talking about the United States, but he said this police state has now gone global.

America has become a place where citizens accept as normal:

• Surveillance cameras and drones
• Police and drug-sniffing dogs in our children’s schools
• National databases that track our finances and activities
• Sneak-and-peek searches of our homes
• Anti-terrorism laws which make suspects of us all

(I would add that it is the shadow/parallel/secret government that brings in the drugs in order to get additional money for black projects.)

He said that starting in the 1980’s the U.S. Dept. of Defense started handing out military equipment across the country to local police: Assault vehicles, military jackets, helmets. Corporations have a role in this in their drive for profits.

He said the local police often now have SWAT teams.

He said that all the Federal agencies in the U.S. government now have SWAT teams. They crash down doors in the middle of the night. They shoot dogs and people get killed. He said a lot of it is for misdemeanors such as marijuana possession.

He said that the Obama administration has handed out millions of dollars of military equipment to local police through the Dept. of Homeland Security. The Feds are also training the local police. (Police officers are supposed to be civilians.)

He relayed the story of Marine veteran Jose Guerena of Arizona who was killed by police doing a marijuana sweep of his neighborhood. Guerena was hit with 50 rounds. An investigation determined that he had not fired the hunting gun (shot gun) that he held standing in his hallway while his family was stowed away in a closet.

He said allegations that the crime rate in America has gone down so the police state has been a good thing are not true; the crime rate was going down previously.

He said the training police are getting is to view Americans as enemy-combatants. A lot of unarmed Americans are now getting shot. In New York's Time Square a guy was dodging in and out of traffic. Two policemen fired into the crowd, shooting two women.

He said the police having military titles and wearing black instead of blue, brown, or grey has a psychological effect on the police.

He said even a small town of 20,000 people have a vehicle called MRAP (mine-resistant ambush protected).

He also said America is a corporate state. There are 25 lobbyists per Congressperson in America. Ordinary citizens have trouble seeing their Congressperson because of the lobbyists.

edit on 12/14/13 by Mary Rose because: Typo

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

America doesn't accept this as being normal. They accept it because they feel they can't change the abnormal growth of it all. If America is a "police state", which I don't buy, it's because it's a corporate state with all the lobbyists representing big business which makes more money from outfitting law enforcement agencies and privatizing the prison system.

Get rid of the lobbyists and you'll start to get rid of the problem.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 03:16 PM
Mmmm, I think he is spot on.

Many countries have similar technology in place and it is becoming impossible to find anywhere that hasn't.

So, for sure the global police state is in place, it will be difficult for any particular group to stand up and go against them, but there is always solidarity. It appears that it has become a forgotten word, we can change that.

People need to wake up and we have a duty to inform. Of course there will be sceptics who will pour scorn over it, but more and more people are awakening and this is the very thing they fear, hence more and more surveillance measures being introduced by the PTB.

When it is illegal to grow natural plants, you know there must be something wrong with this? Why? How many deaths has it caused? Not as many as energy drinks that are allowed to be sold legally to children. What a crazy World we live in, in fact an 'expletive up'd' World we live in!!

edit on 14/12/13 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 03:32 PM
I'm speaking "globally" here of course, they can't hide in their MRAPs forever.

If push comes to shove and SHTF there could be welcoming committees waiting for the traitors when they get home (from about 500+ yards away.) Hypothetically of course.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 04:48 PM
I have said it before and I will say it again. The purpose behind this level of police training is specifically to skirt Posse Comitatus. The Feds can't use military so they train police to be military but still call them police. Pretty simple actually.

The best conspiracies are the ones no one notices, not even the people involved. Simply put; all you need is a large enough group of like minded individuals and the police state will chug right along without ever really talking about it.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 04:57 PM

He also said America is a corporate state. There are 25 lobbyists per Congressperson in America. Ordinary citizens have trouble seeing their Congressperson because of the lobbyists.

Ok, reality check. That's not that many lobbyists.

I would submit that a bigger issue keeping people from seeing their congresscritter is that Congress people tend to not spend as much time in their home districts over DC because DC is kewl and where it's at. Make them spend more time at home, and people would see them more often.

The other barrier is that the Constitutional apportioning of Representatives to people stopped some time ago. There are simply too many people to one congresscritter. If you and every other person in the district want to see your representative, he or she simply will not have time, lobbyist or no.

If you want to cite evidence of America as a corporatist state, there are better measures. Try looking at the sweetheart deals offered to Congressmen for exploitable loopholes in the law or how about the donations made to seemingly unrelated or inimical PACs that wind up pushing policies that will end up benefitting those corporations in the long run.

Look at who backs laws that make it harder for the little guy to get started under the guise of making you safer. That's where the corporatist state is found. Lobbyists have a part to play, but they aren't that numerous. They don't need to be.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 05:26 PM

Mary Rose
America has become a place where citizens accept as normal:

...that an american cop can shoot your pet dog dead, with impunity.

Tied up, indoors, in its back yard, elderly, frail, trained therapy dog, toothless, held on a catchpole, in a cage, or during a warrantless search of a wrong address, it doesnt matter to the cop.


posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 06:08 PM
It's the whole rash of pet killings that really gets me.

That's just uncalled for. You can see the videos and most of them aren't even threats. Where do they find these so-called cops?

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 06:47 PM
I know I'm going out bloody.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 09:53 PM

I have said it before and I will say it again. The purpose behind this level of police training is specifically to skirt Posse Comitatus. The Feds can't use military so they train police to be military but still call them police. Pretty simple actually.

The best conspiracies are the ones no one notices, not even the people involved. Simply put; all you need is a large enough group of like minded individuals and the police state will chug right along without ever really talking about it.

I've seen this coming for a very long time. observations and yours alone can accomplish nothing.

Sooner or later there will be another...and another and another...

Make no mistake. There are more behind us than in front of us.


posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 06:57 AM

Mary Rose
I’ve listened to only about one fourth of the archive for the first hour, but I already have three pages of notes, which follow.

Continuing, I heard Whitehead tell the story of something he did as a teenager to illustrate how things have changed. He said on Halloween he was throwing eggs at a car coming down a hill and was caught in the act by a policeman, who took him home to face the consequences from his dad. He said that today, 6 year olds in public schools are getting arrested for food fights and taken to jail: Food fights are now a crime in America.

He said he has a case now involving a ten year old who went up to a teacher's desk to get a pencil, and walking back another kid pretended to shoot him with a gun silently. The ten year old took the pencil and made it into an imaginary bow and arrow, and shot an imaginary arrow out. He was thrown out of school for this based on a "violation of a weapons policy." He now has a weapons charge on his record which Whitehead is trying to have removed with this case.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

This is a good article that sort of addresses some of what you are talking about here.

Basically, it's some of the symptoms of the post-Christian society we are living in.

A post-Christian society is not merely a society in which agnosticism or atheism is the prevailing fundamental belief. It is a society rooted in the history, culture, and practices of Christianity but in which the religious beliefs of Christianity have been either rejected or, worse, forgotten.

Even though we are taught every day that we aren't in a Christian society, much of our culture is rooted in Christian practices and beliefs and morals.

But there are consequences to forgetting truths. One consequence is that while we instinctively want to preserve the morals and manners of the Christian tradition, we cannot quite explain or defend them intellectually. So we find ourselves seeking more contemporary (i.e., in practice, secular) reasons for preserving them or, when they decay completely, inventing regulations to mimic them. When courtesy is abandoned, we invent speech codes, which are blunter in their impact and repress legitimate disagreement along with insults.

We want the politer society of the past, but we don't remember how to recreate and instill it. So, we pass laws, make regulations, form codes. Everywhere things that used to be common sense and belonged to the home and family, not the state, are being handed over to the state to regulate with the consequence that the state knows best and loves best.

Yet the natural affection between parents and children, which should therefore be the starting point of any discussion of a child’s future, is given comparatively little weight in court and casework decisions. The law now assumes that the social worker knows what is best for the child. And the social worker in turn believes that his decisions are inspired by a professional care for the child that is equal to, even superior to, parental love.

It's this sort of reasoning that leads to cases like the poor Italian women who was detained in Britain and had her baby forcibly removed by Caesarean and taken away ... all for having a panic attack.

But this is how the powers that be want it, and why they've been steadily eroding our families, faith and neighborhoods for decades now.

posted on Dec, 15 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

That is very insightful.

But I am of the opinion that all organized religions have been utilized by the powers that be to control and manipulate the masses.

Mixed in with the teachings of religions is real common sense, beauty, and truth, and that complicates things for everybody. We're drawn to religions but a lot of harm is done by religions that are organized and have a hierarchy of authority.

My personal opinion is that what's needed is for we the people to wise up and figure out what's going on behind the scenes and figure out a way to withdraw our cooperation with things that we know in our hearts are wrong.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Mary Rose
Continuing, I heard Whitehead tell the story of something he did as a teenager to illustrate how things have changed. He said on Halloween he was throwing eggs at a car coming down a hill and was caught in the act by a policeman, who took him home to face the consequences from his dad. He said that today, 6 year olds in public schools are getting arrested for food fights and taken to jail: Food fights are now a crime in America.

This kind of thing is more recent than you think; When I was a freshman in high school way back in 'ole 1997, I was with some kid from school up on a high overlook who was throwing rocks across a highway (when cars were not present). When we left, a sheriff's deputy stopped us. We were both escorted home by separate deputies to face judgement by our families. Nothing else. I learned my lesson, and watched who I chose to hang around. I probably would have ended up in GITMO nowadays.
edit on 17-12-2013 by JackSparrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 02:22 PM
This is why I vote against anything on a ballot that even resembles police funding.

I don't have any charges/convictions, nor do I typically break any laws. However, I am nearly paralyzed from my fear of the nazi jackboot thugs HIDING behind a badge. The few give them all a very bad image. I have many family members in law enforcement, and know that not all of them are bad people. Many police suffer from roid rage or tiny phallus syndrome.

posted on Dec, 17 2013 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by tamusan

I spent 5 Honorable years in the Corps, live my life as straight-laced as they come. Yet, I'm right there with you: unexplainable FEAR. I have nothing of import to hide. Aside from looking at hot, legal ladies on the internet in the past, I'm a clean sort and shouldn't avoid smiling or looking in the direction of cops.

A "friend" of mine joined the local PD and he says they have 2 things you will get pulled over for: the "felony stare" when a "perp" stares straight ahead when a cop is present, or the "felony smile" when a "perp" turns and smiles pleasantly at a cop. Either way the assumption is that they are "guilty" of some heinous crime and must be tasered into submission. Or at the least, cited for smiling.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:27 AM

Mary Rose
He said the police having military titles and wearing black instead of blue, brown, or grey has a psychological effect on the police.

I live in Northern Virginia and as far as I know our police still wear grey uniforms.

But I guess what is happening is that in some areas of the country the police are actually changing over to black uniforms.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 06:54 AM
Can we have the cold war again please,this time russia would win. Less immigration and homosexuality not actively promoted. That wins the cold war for me. If i did not see such riches i could live with being poor.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 07:25 AM

Mary Rose
But I guess what is happening is that in some areas of the country the police are actually changing over to black uniforms.

Actually, maybe it's only SWAT teams that wear the black uniforms:

Mary Rose
He said the local police often now have SWAT teams.

He said that all the Federal agencies in the U.S. government now have SWAT teams.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by symptomoftheuniverse

Can we have the cold war again please,this time russia would win. Less immigration and homosexuality not actively promoted. That wins the cold war for me. If i did not see such riches i could live with being poor

I think you are on the wrong thread. (sarcasm on) Everyone knows that gays and lesbians are to blame for the police state. It's even scientifically proven. There is no other reason for it, really.

edit on 19-12-2013 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

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