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Remodeling America, For the people

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posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 03:36 PM
It's plain and obvious to anyone with two eyes not glued to So You Think You Can Dance Season 10 that the United States government has overreached its bounds and is slithering it's corrupt tentacles into every aspect of our lives. Why are they spying on us constantly? What's the deal with everything be recorded and stored in a database? Could it be they (corrupt leaders) fear an angry public which outnumbers them easily by 100,000:1 finally saying screw it, I had enough and proceede to turn this whole fiasco upside down and ruin their cozy establishment. It's coming folks, and it's damn overdue. We're a nation of lazy filthy sheep, we refuse to stand up for something unless it directly effects us or our complacent way of living. That's pure bullcrap! What happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave? You have 6 year old kids being suspended for sexual harrassment for kissing their gf/bf on the cheek, children are being suspended and removed from class for playing with IMAGINARY BOW AND ARROW DURING RECESS! This is ridiculous and what's even worse is we're letting strangers in Washington D.C. control us and mold our children to their liking. I'm sorry but that is unacceptable.. if you look at the quality of education provided at the run-of-the-mill public school vs the private education politicans and such send their children to you'll realize it's a difference of night and day. We the people pay for the politicians salary and what do we get beside the shaft? We get looked down upon by our employees. Yes, our employees. Politicians are our employees and we're the employer NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND so why does it feel like the people I pay have total and limitless control over me. Let's have a look at "affordable" care act, it's such a good program that all senators/congress get to be exempt from it and keep their current healthcare that we pay for. But not you and I, it's mandatory or else we receive fines.... It's time for a change and not the type of hope or change dear obama brought to us but I mean REAL change to the system. We need to organize a nationwide protest for the injustice and overall corruption that is going on with our elected officials. It's time to clear house, get the cronies and stooges out of office no more buddy buddy deals where you scratch my back i scratch yours. This is the United States of America not some middle school student council and should be ran so accordingly.

If only people had the balls to stand up for themselves maybe just maybe we could get the ball rolling..
Imagine every working body American who is not part of their elite .1% just *stopped* going to work tomorrow, we stay home with our family and protest in solidarity that we will not take this anymore.

The implications of such an action would be MAJOR. it would change America as we know it overnight, and for the better! They would finally be in a position where they are powerless and no longer hold you in bondage working slave hours for peanut pay. What are you afraid of? Is the bank going to repo and foreclose every hardworking american's house? I'd like to see them try.. Also If you stop paying these b.s. taxes that appear out of thin air who does that hurt? it definitely doesn't hurt hurts those in power.
How come the IRS can audit us, if they find any minor discrepency they will investigate you and take you to the cleaners making your life a living hell. How about some government accountability, can we have an audit done on their books and find out where all of this money is going that should be going to building our infrastructure and rebuilding America?

They have nice underground bases already, why don't we escort them down there and ensure they have a nice stay while we work on fixing the problems they have created for us the past 50 years

edit on 13-12-2013 by ThinkYouSpeak because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by ThinkYouSpeak

Agree with the ... Division-n-Confusion.

I think that we're looking TOO HARD at the federal level ... ( seems like a HUGE WASTE of Time and Effort to me ).

I think it's time to focus our "time and effort"(s) back to the individual states. The "states" have more power (especially when the states work together) than "We the People" realize.

Summary: Support and Empower YOUR State !!!
edit on 13-12-2013 by FarleyWayne because: Sometimes you just have to ... "Fall Back Before Leaping Forward"

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 09:46 AM
for the State...

it is the job of the federal government to protect Constitutional rights, this is why they are in court with the states so much... and to deal with Foreign Policy... nothing else.

Foreign Policy doesn't exist anymore under the Obama administration, it's just to much for the me me me low-brows.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 09:51 AM
The Federal government has been losing a lot of those battles with the states, however.

The problem with the states is that they have ceded much of their sovereignty for the money. How many of them decided it was easier to take the 3-year Medicaid money than fight Obamacare, for example? About half. After three years, the Feds stop sending in all that easy money, and the states who took it start to be left on the hook for those costs.

And in how many other places did the states cede their own sovereignty to the Feds for Federal money?

Now, whenever the Feds want to flex their muscle, they threaten to cut off funding.

Do this or else ... Nice state you have there. Sure would be a shame if we stopped funding it.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 10:01 AM
As much as I would LOVE to see the working people of amerikka show their real power in numbers, it will not happen on any major scale until the hammer has fell. The gimme, gimme crowd will not do anything, therefore the producers are the only real level of effect. As forced healthcare BS, and forced immigration takeover are shoved down our throats, our jobs evaporating daily, what is left is not what we worked all our lives for. We have the actual power, we just need the numbers. you take race (million man march) SO (million gay march) but you take everything else...53 man march. But our employees need a wake up call, and soon. I am with you 100%, just after I watch dancing with the stars......

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by teslahowitzer

It's not so much that as the hopeless situation. When you have a family and you're one paycheck or two away from disaster, what do you do? Honey, I decided that we would lose everything to make a point ...

That doesn't go over well, and I think everyone is still hoping that if they can just hold on long enough, it will all blow over and things will turn around.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

I am so damn glad our forefathers did not think like that, the problem here is that you will sit and watch your corrupt and lying government sell your children, grandchildren, etc, down the river. With any possibility of a future of non enslavement, some child in the future will ask..." grandpa, why did you just let this happen? Holy crap we are screwed.....

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by teslahowitzer

I didn't say I liked it, but until you don't feel like you're the only one doing it ... well, what's the point?

I can stand up and fight the Man and put all of my family out on the street, and I'm just one out of 350,000,000. No one will care.

Until I become part of an effort, it won't matter.

So, when does someone lead an actual effort, where are our Founders?

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

Yes sir, that is the problem, we need a real leader of the movement, the traitors in DC will demonize them beyond imagination. But a major movement is plausable if enough producers are active, otherwise our children will be the first generation to live a lower quality (if any) life than we. I just hope we can get the bilge pumps on before we hit the sea floor......

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 10:49 AM

reply to post by ketsuko

Yes sir, that is the problem, we need a real leader of the movement, the traitors in DC will demonize them beyond imagination. But a major movement is plausable if enough producers are active, otherwise our children will be the first generation to live a lower quality (if any) life than we. I just hope we can get the bilge pumps on before we hit the sea floor......

And now we get to the real meat of the matter don't we?

Anyone who might have tried to stand up has been demonized. And so many people still take what they're fed in the media that they don't see the guilded cage snapping shut on them. Once the cage closes, the bars stop being guilded.

Frankly, I'm of the opinion that most people deserve what's coming, and they need to get it good and hard. We need to suffer under a tyranny for long enough that a guerilla Wolverine force takes to the hills and fights that way. Too many people are so spoiled that I think it's the only way to wake them up.

They won't see through the lies any other way.

That, or the world ends.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

More than likely, you are correct (possibly dead on) It is unfriggin believable that something has to be completely destroyed to start the rebuilding process. We have a few Paul Reveers, they are demonized constantly, damn shame this is the history we will witness. We are a culture of open minds, but closed eyes.....

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 11:07 AM
The problem is not that we need a single leader of any type of movement because that would lead to a dictatorship and you do NOT want that...

We need everyone to turn off their zombie-boxes and realize that if we don't stand up now, there will be nothing to stand up for later. Period. In the days of Patrick Henry, who was a fantastic man and I highly recommend all readers to read "American Statesman: Patrick Henry", they didn't wait for others to stand up, because they didn't even have up-to-date information like we do today. They all knew the cause to fight for and throughout the states people organized and unified with a common mindset: Liberty. Pretty fraggin simple if you ask me. They had families and children to feed and guess what else? They grew their food and fed their families. End of story. They didn't worry about where their food was coming from because they spent their lives learning how to live from nothing. They didn't spend their lives chasing money, or worse yet, watching TV.

What I see is a bunch, and I mean a BUNCH, of people who don't have the testicular fortitude to get up and fight. They are too worried they will lose everything they are in debt for. Guess what people? If you owe the bank money for your house, car, etc....IT'S NOT YOURS! I.e., you don't "own" it...

So....what's your excuse again?

edit on 14-12-2013 by havok because: grammar and spelling

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 06:59 PM
We sure know how to pick and choose em as Americans. People actually express their views for once and it's about a duck dynasty tv show? "DONT TOUCH OUR COT DANG TELEVISIONZ FREEDUM OR DEATH! DUCK DYNASTY WE NEED U"

Absolutely disgusting. My stomach is in physical pain just thinking about the miserable state of affairs that is the United States.

..hey i mean it is good we finally stood up for something, right? right?

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:05 PM
So your ready to take on the Intelligence Industrial Complex. The Military Industrial Complex. The Global Banking Elite. The Global Corporations. If not going after Politicians will do nothing.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:15 PM
The problem here is that every time someone decides it would be "better" to do things his way, which he always couches in terms of "the people," everyone's life is in danger. I don't want some self-styled "revolutionary" "changing" the system because whatever they decide will likely result in chaos and a much worse life for the majority. Just look at revolutions in history and you see what happens. There is massive chaos. Millions are exterminated. There is a void in government, and a dictator takes over. I don't care whether it is Napoleon or Stalin, it is a rare revolution that turns out like the American one, which simply was not normal.

No matter what happens, I figure a revolution is a net loss for me and my family. So you guys go ahead and give your revolution a try, but you know what? I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure it doesn't happen.

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:21 PM

So your ready to take on the Intelligence Industrial Complex. The Military Industrial Complex. The Global Banking Elite. The Global Corporations. If not going after Politicians will do nothing.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Politicians are nothing but a figurehead at best, they're just a face in a suit for the public

What makes you think this isn't already an on-going conflict? It definitely is, and it's completely one sided at the moment...the government and all of those pieces to the puzzle you mentioned above are waging an absolute war against humanity and doing so unchecked and without fear of being held accountable. We are not cattle after all, i tend to think we deserve better treatment than that. The social disconnect between the ruling elite and us meandering peasants is astonishing and it's infuriating because it's corrupt to all levels and WE'RE employing THEM

Someone has to talk about it and I've got no issues speaking on this topic

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 07:33 PM

The problem here is that every time someone decides it would be "better" to do things his way, which he always couches in terms of "the people," everyone's life is in danger. I don't want some self-styled "revolutionary" "changing" the system because whatever they decide will likely result in chaos and a much worse life for the majority. Just look at revolutions in history and you see what happens. There is massive chaos. Millions are exterminated. There is a void in government, and a dictator takes over. I don't care whether it is Napoleon or Stalin, it is a rare revolution that turns out like the American one, which simply was not normal.

No matter what happens, I figure a revolution is a net loss for me and my family. So you guys go ahead and give your revolution a try, but you know what? I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure it doesn't happen.

you do realize our government is killing innocent people daily and has been for a good decade or so? Why is it ok that someone and their children, who i must stress are human just like you and yours, get killed in a horrific violent death for no good reason whatsoever other than they live in another country and just so happens we're engaged in a "war" with these spooky AQ and Taliban militants whom we're currently arming in other arab states.

Still doesn't get to you huh? Alright. When you're celebrating a wedding and in a caravan of cars driving down the road in 5 years and some drone operator is targeting you because "your vehicles look suspicious" and then proceeded to engage I suppose this might garner some anger and resentment towards the illegality of our government's actions. As long as it doesn't directly effect us, right? Team America! #Applepie&Prozac


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