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Smart Meter Experiment by Blond Girl Students Proves WI-FI is dangerous - Now YOU do the experiment.

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posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 11:26 AM
Great science experiment. #sarcasm

Where's the control?

Where are the identical conditions except for the variable—the Wi-fi?

Where are other variables taken into account and documented—since conditions are (not) identical and ideal?

Wait—what does the fact that the students are blond girls have to do with anything?

I'm very confused.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by GetHyped

It's posts like the one you quoted that make me wish there was an R-rated section on here, so I could give my natural response to this.

Since this is not the case, the following will have to suffice:

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by symptomoftheuniverse

No, it doesn't. I've had plants sat next to a router before and they've not exhibited any signs of being stunted or otherwise.

Please, explain the process in which it would stunt growth.

reply to post by symptomoftheuniverse

See, this just says to me that you don't actually know what you're talking about - there is no "heat" from microwaves at all. Look up dielectric heating....

The actual power in a WiFi signal is so weak you'd have to sit for a whole year next to a router to be exposed to the same level of radiation as you would by using your mobile phone for 20 minutes.

The power output for a typical WiFi router is in the lower hundreds of mW at it's peak, hardly worth worrying about - significantly lower than even the weakest Microwave oven at 500W - over 100 times the amount of power in a router and focussed, not spread around the room like in WiFI.

And all of this ignores the fact that the world has been bathed in EM fields since before Humanity even evolved and much stronger ones as well, such as from the Sun. Also, it is worth pointing out that microwaves are non-ionising, so much, much less harmful as they don't affect DNA in the same way X or Gamma Rays do, being a much lower frequency and carrying less energy. In fact, your typical microwave carries much less energy than the CMB.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 12:04 PM
And what has their gender and hair colour got to do with the experiment? Don't recall Peter Higgs's hair colour ever being mentioned when the Higgs Boson particle was discovered..

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 01:10 PM


Hair color is very important.For men.

As blonds are desired by men.A survey found that men think of sex every 7 seconds.

Now if I had said 6 88 year old grannies had done the experiment would YOU be interested? No.

Newspapers do it all the time.

2 of the young girls are blond as you can see in the link.Men are desperate for blonds.

Blonds have more fun said Bond.

I am a natural blond too and I am in a School girl outfit with a short skirt just like Britney Spiers video.

No doubt you are already fantasizing about me already.

edit on 13-12-2013 by beckybecky because: (no reason given)

The claim that "men think about sex every seven seconds" is a ridiculous urban legend/piece of faux science (see it debunked here). Your use of such a spurious statistic only further emphasizes your lack of regard for facts.

I would actually be quite interested to see some "88 year old grannies" doing science experiments. Sounds like a great way to keep the mind sharp in one's old age. That you twisted the facts (two blonde students and three non-blondes = "experiment by blond girl students") to try to get people interested in your topic based on your weird idea of what men find sexy is really just sad. I don't even know what to say about your last statement, except no, no I'm not.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 01:43 PM
so all i could gather from the "study" is they imply wifi causes dangerous amounts of radiation...

i dont know if its true. but couldnt this have been just as easily tested with a geiger counter?

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Bisman

Short answer, no. All radiation is not equal.

A Geiger–Müller counter, also called a Geiger counter, is a type of particle detector that measures ionizing radiation. It detects the emission of nuclear radiation — alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays — by the ionization produced in a low-pressure gas in a Geiger–Müller tube,[1] which gives its name to the instrument.

Ionizing radiation includes both subatomic particles of matter moving at relativistic speeds and electromagnetic waves on the short wavelength end of the electromagnetic spectrum, which act like energetic particles. Common particles include alpha particles, beta particles, neutrons, and various other particles such as mesons that constitute cosmic rays.[1][2][3] Electromagnetic waves are ionizing if their wavelength is short enough (and thus their energy high enough) that the photons can create ions by liberating electrons as described above. Gamma rays, X-rays, and the upper vacuum ultraviolet part of the ultraviolet spectrum are ionizing, while the lower ultraviolet, visible light (including laser light), infrared, microwaves and radio waves are considered non-ionizing radiation.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:56 PM
You know, there are people out there raping and destroying the natural world for real.

Keep pointing the finger at wifi (or "global warming" if that is your bent.)

In the meantime, soda companies are draining aquifiers and desertifying rain forests; agribusiness sends the nation's topsoils sailing downriver into the ocean; the sea is covered with a floating blanket of trash; and manufacturing is still racking up huge toxic-waste liabilities which they bury in the ground in containers which last just long enough for the company to move away, taking jobs and profits with them and leaving behind carcinogens and dysfunctional ecosystems.

They construct make-believe eco-monsters for us to take our environmental frustrations out on, all the while charging us $$$$$ for the privelege, and while we are swinging our swords at windmills they are dumping toxic waste on watersheds.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

This is a hoax, no one has ever been able to replicate it.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 05:14 AM

And what has their gender and hair colour got to do with the experiment? Don't recall Peter Higgs's hair colour ever being mentioned when the Higgs Boson particle was discovered..

The world is about glamour and image.when YOU meet somebody you judge them by their appearance within 3 seconds says research scientists.

look at the pictures of the girls who did the experiments.your eye will instantly go the blond on the right first who will go far and probably sleep her way to the top...then to the less glamourous blond next to her who is an ordinary no name undisguised blond.

you will dismiss the middle one as short and ugly..the next one looks geeky and the one with the denim shorts looks like she has'nt washed or combed her hair for weeks and just got out of bed.

peter higgs does not invited to parties with blonds.he get invited to parties by geeks and nerds who secretly hate him for his fame and that he got his name down in history.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 06:36 AM

The world is about glamour and image.when YOU meet somebody you judge them by their appearance within 3 seconds says research scientists.

look at the pictures of the girls who did the experiments.your eye will instantly go the blond on the right first who will go far and probably sleep her way to the top...then to the less glamourous blond next to her who is an ordinary no name undisguised blond.

you will dismiss the middle one as short and ugly..the next one looks geeky and the one with the denim shorts looks like she has'nt washed or combed her hair for weeks and just got out of bed.

peter higgs does not invited to parties with blonds.he get invited to parties by geeks and nerds who secretly hate him for his fame and that he got his name down in history.

At this point, I truly can't tell whether you're trolling or just blinded by cognitive distortion. I highly doubt that you're able to read minds or that you know what Peter Higgs does or does not get invited to. Your world may revolve around Aryan supremacy, "glamour and image," and pseudoscience, but some of us are more interested in facts. You're happy to go on about blonde hair but you haven't addressed the serious issues (e.g. lack of proper controls) with the experiment you brought up in the OP. I did some more searching and found this page, which explains in detail the problems with the experiment:

    - Not properly controlled
    - Not blinded
    - Publication bias: not reporting negative results
    - Misleading representation of the results in the press
    - Faulty statistical analysis
    - Biased toward a particular result
    - Cherry picking

It's not awful for a 9th grade science experiment, but it's far from a scientifically-sound study, and you simply cannot draw any sound conclusions from it. I'm sure if the girls who performed the experiment continue to be interested in science they will go on to learn about proper experimental design and analysis. In the meantime, I hope a facility that has the means to perform this study properly does so - I'd like to see the results.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 07:13 AM
they tried but i can't accept the results of this experiment due to the lack of explanation of the environment of these rooms it was performed in, if they noted that and indeed created a sealed environment and repeated the experiment at least 3 times and had consistent results i might find it acceptable. not that i doubt that large amounts of em radiation is indeed harmful but an amateur experiment shouldn't be used as proof of anything, only those with an agenda would do such an irresponsible thing.
edit on 14-12-2013 by namehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by beckybecky

If we're going down this totally shallow (and decidedly pervy, Jimmy Saville-esque) line (they're kids FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!), the one on the far left is, in my opinion, the better looking one. The one with denim shorts who, in your words, "hasn't washed in a week".

Honestly, women complain about being objectified and used as sex symbols etc, but here we have one who is solely focussed on it, to the detriment of the topic at hand....

Perhaps we can get back to the subject matter and not focus on how people look - it is so shallow and perverse it is sickening to be honest.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by opopanax

Most likely, we're dealing with a representative of Natural News, perhaps the health wanker himself, Mike Adams, pretending to be a female.

It's a typical tactic used as the message will be heard better if the person giving it is of the female persuasion. The highlighting of attractive features is also a ploy (blonde), the OP, whilst pretending to be sarcastic is actually attempting to subconsciously manipulate us...

I am a natural blond too and I am in a School girl outfit with a short skirt just like Britney Spiers video.

Look at their thread history, natural news as the source in the majority of their threads.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 08:33 AM

reply to post by opopanax

Most likely, we're dealing with a representative of Natural News, perhaps the health wanker himself, Mike Adams, pretending to be a female.
Look at their thread history, natural news as the source in the majority of their threads.

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

I've been trying to figure out the OP motive for a long time. Wasn't gonna post to this thread, because this example of 'natural news' wisdom only endangers a person's ability to access the Internet.

Most of the OP other postings suggest actions that are MUCH more dangerous to people's health. This posting only leads to a proposed action that cuts off their phone and internet and electricity. And puts them in a closed lead-lined room to escape all the danger of the wi-fi world.

Now that proposes a quandry - how will this encourage more traffic to Natural News?

Frankly I believe blonde hair increases absorption of the non-ionizing radiation into the cranial cavity and stunts intelligence. Remedy is lots of Clarol (red or brunette, doesn't matter which).

Or, a large razor with lots of shave cream and some paste wax. The increased reflectivity of a chrome-dome will help bounce all the radiation off into space.

Then, with luck, the formerly empty cranial cavity will be restored with enough grey matter to prevent any further dangers to the rest of the public reading these threads.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 11:34 AM


It's not awful for a 9th grade science experiment,

Actually it wouldn't even pass a 9th grade science fair for the reasons of poor controls. Maybe 4th grade.

Have you seen what kind of things the Intel (formerly Westinghouse) high-school age applicants have done?

Is this some long troll? Trying to see if evil XY dudes on the internet accept any bs from a "blond bimbo"? or

edit on 14-12-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-12-2013 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 12:27 PM
The replies to this post so far are interesting. One can see who the "science" guys are, and their disdain for all things "non-science" is only surpassed by their ignorance and inability to read.

"I have plants in my house and they are doing just fine..." says many of the geniuses who see right through this silly story. This is their science refutes science statement.

The story says NOTHING about mature plants. The story speaks to SEEDS and the early growth, NOT YOUR MATURE HOUSE PLANTS.

My god, why is it that the most ardent "reason/science" guys are also the ones with the inability to read? Must be the wifi.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 12:29 PM


My god, why is it that the most ardent "reason/science" guys are also the ones with the inability to read? Must be the wifi.

The story actually speaks to an utter lack of experimental design, right down there with "The Extension Cord" or "A Baking Soda Volcano" that a 3rd grader might better.

My god, why is it that people think something done as badly as this is meaningful at all? Must be aliens.

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

I can't speak for others, but I grow plenty of plants in my house from seeds to maturity and none have shown any signs of adverse reactions to WiFI.

They do, however, show plenty of adverse reactions to under/over watering/feeding and not having enough light. This kids "experiment", for 9th grade as well, was poorly carried out or at least poorly reported.

For the experiment to have any validity, both rooms should have been identical down to the last detail, with the exception of the WiFi - I strongly suspect that were many variables involved so the result cannot in any way be called valid. I have rooms in my house that get a lot of sun, others none at all, some are very warm all year round, others very cold, there is no detail on the watering/feeding patterns etc etc etc .....

posted on Dec, 14 2013 @ 01:07 PM


And what has their gender and hair colour got to do with the experiment? Don't recall Peter Higgs's hair colour ever being mentioned when the Higgs Boson particle was discovered..

The world is about glamour and image.when YOU meet somebody you judge them by their appearance within 3 seconds says research scientists.

look at the pictures of the girls who did the experiments.your eye will instantly go the blond on the right first who will go far and probably sleep her way to the top...then to the less glamourous blond next to her who is an ordinary no name undisguised blond.

you will dismiss the middle one as short and ugly..the next one looks geeky and the one with the denim shorts looks like she has'nt washed or combed her hair for weeks and just got out of bed.

peter higgs does not invited to parties with blonds.he get invited to parties by geeks and nerds who secretly hate him for his fame and that he got his name down in history.

Oh my dear, you don't realise how wrong you are...

The first person I noticed in the pic was on the left. Me... I'm one that finds dark haired women attractive. No offence to blonds on this site, but I'm not attracted to blonds at all. I find them not only unattractive but smart alecky, full of themselves, and greedy. I dont believe this is actually true, but perhaps it's something I grew up seeing. Maybe blonds where I'm from also thought that they were sexier than others and somehow put out the sensation of what I feel about them.

I find dark haired women more sensual, motherly, loving and gentle. I find redheads more firey and head strong.

all of these are just things that I grew up, either thinking, understanding or just my own personal experiance between the X amount of women I've known. I know this is not the same in everyone's mind. My friends all like different hair colors as optimal, also. It's probably also what they grew up believing from their father or something as simple as what they saw in a porno mag.

Besides.. if blonds were so sexy and smart... why are most all jokes about women, about blonds???

It's all about personal preferences, period!

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