reply to post by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t
So people who care are just as blind as those who don't.
I understood what you were getting at up until this.
Sorry if I sound rude... but you seem to be one of the people my OP is talking about. You seem to say "who cares" a lot, and throw scenarios around,
and piece together threads of circumstance to make it sound like it doesn't matter weather you "care" about things or not.
Well, let me give you a scenario.
You have a child.
A baby boy that's the pride of your life.
You never thought you'd care about anything outside of yourself again after how badly you've been hurt throughout your life, but this baby boy
brought you back to feeling, to emotion, to life.
Then, one day, when he's six years old, he falls while he's playing outside and breaks his leg.
You see this happen.
At that point, you ought to ask yourself again what difference it makes if you "care" or not. Because if you don't, then you won't be there to
pick him up, take him to the hospital, and cheer him up after seeing him grovel in tears.
I've known people who's parents see them hurt, or hit by a car, and they just stand in the doorway of their house and call 9/11 out of obligation.
They don't check to see if their child is okay. They don't seem to care at all.
You see?
People who care are, in fact, NOT blind.
Quite the opposite.
Sooner or later, you HAVE to care.
Weather it hurts or not.