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John Perkins economic hit man explains how it works. Video is Worth a watch IMO

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posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 08:05 AM
John Perkins discusses the corporate worldwide empire, global debt trap, how the planet's economic engine runs on debt, blood, and suffering...... how the economic hitmen operate world wide. Interviewed by Shawn Stone on Buzzsaw.

How the IMF or federal reserve works: 5 Presidents have tried to get control of the monetary system and have all been assassinated; how when a country fails to play ball the CIA steps in...when that fails then military force is used. How the Corporations are driven by maximum profits and the people and environment be damned. Why the push to privatize everything a country has when it can not make it's debt payments; How our leaders are basically impotent and in debt to corporate money and can not stray to far afield or they will be taken down either through scandal or worse.

I just thought some of the points he talked about were interesting and answered some of the questions which are asked around here on more or less regular basis. Is he right? You decide.. Take nothing as gospel but maybe some of the things make sense to those who are able to watch the video.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

If you've never read confessions of an economic hit man, I suggest you do. It is truly an eye opener to what our "foreign policy" is all about. Our country turned into a corporate machine years ago.

And yes, this video should be watched by everyone.
edit on 9-12-2013 by solongandgoodnight because: added

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 08:51 AM
Very good video. S&F

So much of what is said in the video is true. I like the way perkins says it is not really a conspiracy. There does not seem to be a meeting of these people, they share a common philosophy or consciousness. Their goals are the same, corporate control of the world.

We fell right into their hands by not understanding that this could happen. We were too busy pretending we were rich and buying things we really did not need. The intent of these corporations is to make lots of money for the execs, not the stockholders. Yet the stockholders don't understand that they should receive much more return on their money if the execs weren't blowing it on contributions and donations to charities started by their friends.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

It's urgent that this information is understood by Americans.

Maybe you are a WASP sitting in a comfortable position and you believe it's someone else's problem and someone else's fight? Maybe you will be an authoritarian or protected class in this system?
Please reconsider before it's too late. Take the first step of educating yourself.

The machines are winning.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by InverseLookingGlass

Correct. This information is very important for everyone to know. I wish this would be put on the front page. There have been other threads on this, but IMO you can't hear about this enough.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:19 AM
I agree with Mr. Perkins about a few subjects and one of them in particular was how "We the People" have the control. He is absolutely right about that. We buy all the consumeristic junk from China, we eat all the fast food from McDonald's, we drive all the diesel trucks and SUV's that suck up all the foreign oil, and we foot the bill when corporations or banks get bailed out.

But "We the People" won't stop shopping at Walmart because Chinese goods are the cheapest, we won't stop eating from fast food joints because its cheap and convenient, we love our big trucks and fast cars and we will never have the ability to turn of the tax revenue faucet when it's turned on.

For some reason, we still work for the very govt that spies on us. We still build the very network that was designed from scratch to record everything about us. We still make all the trips to walmart and drive those vehicles to and from work so we can afford to foot the bill when the taxman comes.

But we won't unify together and shut down these corporations or this gov't. Without us they are not strong. Without us, they don't get paid. Without us, they don't get fed.

Why is it that we don't shut this mutha down?
Are that scared of death?
Are we that in love with material wealth?
Do we truly think they can take all the land from us?
Are we really that scared...?

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

This cannot be shouted loud enough or often enough or from enough rooftops!

I can't watch the video right now, but I've heard Perkins on Coast to Coast a couple times. I had already suspected that all wars were bankster wars, and the way he put the pieces together definitely re-affirmed my suspicions. As so many people have warned us, all of the nations targeted as enemies of the U.S., the axis of evil, are all nations NOT under the iron thumb of the bankster cartel. They are ruthless, heartless and soulless.

Debt is how they enslave us. There is no good reason for us to even have a Federal Reserve and to subject ourselves to debt for every dollar created out of thin air, making it impossible to ever pay it off. We could (and did) do it for ourselves. Once we gave away that power, we had to institute an income tax on our labor... just to pay that debt! Which I will always consider absolutely unconscionable. No one has the right to put others in debt, forcing us to work for someone else's benefit. That's slavery. The more we earn, the more we grow the economy, the more we owe. The more deficit spending by government, the more we owe. The more we owe, the more profit for the banksters. And that's not the half of it. This beast grows exponentially and will one day eat us alive if we don't stop it.

The bad news is that more and more people are being hurt and suffering... the good news is that more and more people are being hurt and suffering... and figuring out that the game is rigged. Maybe it will take a Cyprus-style haircut for those who still have to understand they are not immune, and then... maybe... finally... people will be ready to unite with their fellow Americans and demand reform in the best interests of ALL.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Come on guys, secretive organizations like the CIA, the NSA, the Federal Reserve, overthrowing governments, installing puppets and dictators, pre-emptive lie based wars of aggression via the Military Industrial Complex, killing people; its all for God, country, freedom and everything thats good and wholesome.


edit on 9-12-2013 by gladtobehere because: run on sentence

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 06:22 PM

reply to post by 727Sky

Come on guys, secretive organizations like the CIA, the NSA, the Federal Reserve, overthrowing governments, installing puppets and dictators, pre-emptive lie based wars of aggression via the Military Industrial Complex, killing people; its all for God, country, freedom and everything thats good and wholesome.


No kidding, Right! Who would have thunk it ? Some of the stuff he said when looked at in a historical perspective seemed to be spot on... The question might be did the facts make the narrative or was the narrative adjusted to fit the facts. Either way it is an interesting presentation. Surprised there has not been more interest in the subject which (to me) is more reality based than say the latest (example) thread on how Elvis shot JfK .

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