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Measles Cases Triple in U.S., Vaccine Refusal Here and Elsewhere to Blame

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posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:22 PM

reply to post by golemina

There was once this guy named Steve Jobs. ... who believed in similar things, and tried this exact method ... I forget what happened to that guy.. you recall?

Look, your approach is offsetting to members, because it's extreme, and reason doesn't back your claims in full. You need to get a grip and separate the tidbits of truth within your words, from the ridiculous absolute judgments.

I have little doubt that cleaning up our environment and diets would lessen rates of cancer in a society, but that's quite different from claiming cancer can always be treated with clean water and food. Sometimes the body has been sufficiently damaged to the extent that no amount of natural nourishment will rid their burdens. As insane as it seems, sometimes you gotta throw a hail-mary and nuke the sucker.

If I were to get cancer, I'd probably do the same thing Jobs did, and hold off surgery until I was certain that all other avenues had been taken first. Didn't work for him. Might be working for others. I'm willing to personally take the risk, but am not so foolish to be making an absolute claim and potentially influencing people in a life-threatening situation towards the wrong choice.

Personally, and from a fair bit of experience, I'd do it the other way around.
Go with the known first and if that fails go with the unknown if you really must.
Time is of the essence with cancer.
Don't waste it chasing shadows.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:22 PM









Remember big guy, I source ALL of my own stuff.

You know... One of the bennies of having the ability to remember long lists of useless facts!

Which makes all of what you say even more BS.

Id rather go with decades of independant peer reviewed data and my OWN lab data.

Please 'peer review'... Another failed paradigm.

On paper... sounds great! The REALITY... NOT so much.

The result of 'peer review'... a parade of PARROTS all mouthing the SAME thing...

Incapable of INDEPENDENT (with an 'e'
) thought.

Anyone not guilty of consensus... is ostracized!

The FAILED scheme you are apparently so proud of is what has brought us such wonderful schemes as the treatment of CHEMOTHERAPY for 'cancer'.

All 'chemo' is... is a slaughterhouse of the gullible (and the trusting...) for profit!

Ding! We're killing you... but you still owe us US $300,000.

Here! Have a pink ribbon!

There is NO SUCH 'disease' as 'cancer'!

There is extreme toxicity from self and environmental poisoning.

EASILY CURED! with simple diet and clean water.

Galling... isn't it?

You can cure cancer with a simple diet and water?
And I take it that you can substantiate this claim?

Here we are on the same side suddenly, who would have thunk it eh?
Im surprised. I cant give my rational argument against vaccination and big pharma when this madness is going on.

I'm not really on anyone's side as such.
If he can show proper evidence that he can cure cancer with diet and water I'll back him to the hilt.

If he could show any evidence, Id be happy.

Looks like my attempt at humour was wasted with you. My bad.

As was mine on you.
Fair enough comment though, my sarcasm wasn't overly evident.

Fair enough, and I love a good bit of sarcasm.
Sorry I didnt catch it. I think I should have. Once again.. my bad.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:23 PM



reply to post by golemina

You know what there is no debateing with people like you.

You guys just cant seem to comprehend simple 101 science.

Aux contraire mon vieux!

I understand it better than you.

I understand the limitations of your approach, your mindset, your inability to adjust to the evolution of the theoretical basis for the paradigm in question.

Most importantly, I understand RESULTS.

So when some 'wack' job such as myself makes these seemingly insane assertions... I actually go look at it.

My answer is always: 'Show me!'

That is what is called Science!

The approach you are championing... that my friend is called 'science'.

It's a ginormous farce!

The only thing it's good for is... business.

So as you say...."Show me".
Where is your supporting evidence?, because the claims are extraordinary.

I dunno...

(scratches head)

Reread the thread?

Go to your local Oncology ward?

The concepts advanced are simplicity itself...

EXACTLY which part confuses you?

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by golemina

Google images of tumours.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:28 PM




reply to post by golemina

You know what there is no debateing with people like you.

You guys just cant seem to comprehend simple 101 science.

Aux contraire mon vieux!

I understand it better than you.

I understand the limitations of your approach, your mindset, your inability to adjust to the evolution of the theoretical basis for the paradigm in question.

Most importantly, I understand RESULTS.

So when some 'wack' job such as myself makes these seemingly insane assertions... I actually go look at it.

My answer is always: 'Show me!'

That is what is called Science!

The approach you are championing... that my friend is called 'science'.

It's a ginormous farce!

The only thing it's good for is... business.

So as you say...."Show me".
Where is your supporting evidence?, because the claims are extraordinary.

I dunno...

(scratches head)

Reread the thread?

Go to your local Oncology ward?

The concepts advanced are simplicity itself...

EXACTLY which part confuses you?

What confuses me are your fantastical claims without a single shred of verifiable evidence.

Im having a coffee with my unicorn, made by tooth fairies, they do make a good coffee.
We are discussing your claims and the fairies and unicorn just keep shrugging in disbelief.
I phoned Santa for his take on it and he said "dunno".
The confusion remains.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:28 PM



There is NO SUCH 'disease' as 'cancer'!

There is extreme toxicity from self and environmental poisoning.

EASILY CURED! with simple diet and clean water.

Galling... isn't it?

It took more than clean water and a simple diet to heal my friends cancer.
It eventually took £500,000 worth of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and far too many pharmaceuticals than are safe for anyone.
But at least hes alive, I have a distinct feeling that had he relied on water and food to pick him up when he collapsed, he would be dead.
Call me crazy.

I do agree that the cause was environmental, he was handling far eastern plywood all day.

edit on 201312America/Chicago12pm12pmMon, 09 Dec 2013 15:04:25 -06001213 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

Sorry about your friend...

Exactly how many years has it been since his 'chemo'?

Your friend didn't correct his dietary habits. He received 'conventional' 'treatment'.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Pardon?

Right well, there's plenty of unknowns with surgery, and plenty to know about the genesis of cancer resulting from a poison staying in the same spot for too long, as in the body is simply too burdened to bother with detoxing in full.

I'd rather go the non-invasive route, but it does depend. What stage is the cancer? How much time are they giving me? In what location is the cancer? Plenty of variables to consider.

To each their own!

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:33 PM




There is NO SUCH 'disease' as 'cancer'!

There is extreme toxicity from self and environmental poisoning.

EASILY CURED! with simple diet and clean water.

Galling... isn't it?

It took more than clean water and a simple diet to heal my friends cancer.
It eventually took £500,000 worth of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and far too many pharmaceuticals than are safe for anyone.
But at least hes alive, I have a distinct feeling that had he relied on water and food to pick him up when he collapsed, he would be dead.
Call me crazy.

I do agree that the cause was environmental, he was handling far eastern plywood all day.

edit on 201312America/Chicago12pm12pmMon, 09 Dec 2013 15:04:25 -06001213 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

Sorry about your friend...

Exactly how many years has it been since his 'chemo'?

Your friend didn't correct his dietary habits. He received 'conventional' 'treatment'.

It was very hard for him to "correct his dietary habits" when he was collapsed on the floor with his lungs filled with fluid. He received life saving treatment, even if it was at the cost of his mental health. At least hes alive.
He has a second chance. At least for now. Its only been a few months since the chemo ended. Not even a year.
edit on 201312America/Chicago12pm12pmMon, 09 Dec 2013 15:34:26 -06001213 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:47 PM





reply to post by golemina

You know what there is no debateing with people like you.

You guys just cant seem to comprehend simple 101 science.

Aux contraire mon vieux!

I understand it better than you.

I understand the limitations of your approach, your mindset, your inability to adjust to the evolution of the theoretical basis for the paradigm in question.

Most importantly, I understand RESULTS.

So when some 'wack' job such as myself makes these seemingly insane assertions... I actually go look at it.

My answer is always: 'Show me!'

That is what is called Science!

The approach you are championing... that my friend is called 'science'.

It's a ginormous farce!

The only thing it's good for is... business.

So as you say...."Show me".
Where is your supporting evidence?, because the claims are extraordinary.

I dunno...

(scratches head)

Reread the thread?

Go to your local Oncology ward?

The concepts advanced are simplicity itself...

EXACTLY which part confuses you?

What confuses me are your fantastical claims without a single shred of verifiable evidence.

Im having a coffee with my unicorn, made by tooth fairies, they do make a good coffee.
We are discussing your claims and the fairies and unicorn just keep shrugging in disbelief.
I phoned Santa for his take on it and he said "dunno".
The confusion remains.

Good for you... Have a cup for me!

I may be a heretic! But I understand my role in this discussion...

It certainly isn't to convince a closed book such as yourself.

It can't be done...

If you can't crack the veneer of the failed paradigm that you espouse...

By the mere act of observation and cognizance...

And see that it simply doesn't synch with REALITY... or the body count.

What possibly makes you think you would understand/believe anything anyone says that disagrees with it...

We both understand that you are simply engaging in rhetorical devices... right?

If you have a question about the failed premise of this thread, the statistical misrepresentation of medical events, or you actually need some help with a manifestation of a 'disease'...

For example, maybe you have 'heart-burn'...

'Medical' 'science' (and those commercials say) you have too much acid!

Me, I'm a heretic, I say you don't have enough acid, your stomach lining has been weakened from eating salt-laden 'foods', therefore you food doesn't get properly broken down, and you're going to have intestinal issues (if you don't already

Dude, just eat 2 sticks of celery every day... Problem solved!

(Temporarily for todays occurrence, in just a few short days for good. Stomach lining repairs itself, body cranks down the PH on your stomach acids, suddenly you are once again a fortress of good health)

(I crack myself up!

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:57 PM


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:00 PM


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:09 PM


Dude, I'm REALLY sorry for your friend.

He will be dead in another year.

He is in a period of 'remission'... He will fairly soon have a 'recurrence'. It will have metastasized yada yada yada

(It's like a million to one shot at this point in the 'process')

We planted a nice chap I knew just last weekend. Nicest guy you could ever meet.

When I am talking to them, I watch their eyes. I can tell in the first few seconds...

He wouldn't hear the words...

Much like yourself.

I have seen close to a dozen family members and friends go through this, none of them changed their diets, all were gone within two years of treatment (cut, poison and burn), some less than a year. They didn't want to listen either.

Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food! Hippocrates

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:15 PM


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:16 PM


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:28 PM
A collection of relevant quotes, interesting read:

"Despite the tendency of doctors to call modern medicine an 'inexact science', it is more accurate to say there is practically no science in modern medicine at all. Almost everything doctors do is based on a conjecture, a guess, a clinical impression, a whim, a hope, a wish, an opinion or a belief. In short, everything they do is based on anything but solid scientific evidence. Thus, medicine is not a science at all, but a belief system. Beliefs are held by every religion, including the Religion of Modern Medicine."

Robert Mendelsohn MD

"I have myself, through Natural Hygiene, over 16 years, treated all forms and hundreds of cases of typhus and typhoid fevers, pneumonia's, measles and dysentery's, and have not lost a single patient. The same is true of scarlet and other fevers. No medicine whatever was given".

Dr Trall, 1860.

"When the live viral measles vaccine is given, it depletes the children of their existing supply of Vitamin A."

Mary Megson MD

"Because no meaningful research has specifically been done on aluminum in vaccines, there is no existing evidence that the amount in vaccines is harmful to infants and children. However, no one has actually studied aluminum levels in healthy human infants after vaccination to make sure it is safe. [2008] Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? "

Robert W. Sears

"A study by Ronne (Lancet, 5/5/85 1-5) showed that adults who had had natural measles with a rash had a decreased incidence of various cancers, including cervical. Another study showed that women are less likely to contract ovarian cancer if they have had mumps during childhood."

Dr Jayne Donegan

"You cannot immunize sick children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You'll kill far more children than would have died from natural infection."

Dr Kalokerinos (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)

"After contracting measles and other childhood illnesses (e.g.. chickenpox, scarlet fever, whooping cough, rubella, mumps and may be others), it has been widely accepted by many health practitioners, including experienced orthodox paediatricians that this is often beneficial for the general health of many children. Specifically it has been shown that children contracting measles naturally were less likely to suffer from allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema and hayfever, (Lancer June 29 1996)."

Trevor Gunn BSc

"At the National Autism Association conference in Atlanta, Georgia November 8-11, 2007, Dr. David Ayoub gave a rousing presentation on the link between the accumulation of aluminum in the body and the development of autism spectrum disorders. He provided stunning documentation from diagnostic tests done on autistic children showing very high aluminum levels along with known symptoms of aluminum poisoning. He also brought up the Alzheimers/aluminum connection."

Aluminum Toxicity: A misdiagnosed epidemic (Part 1) By Ingri Cassel

"Most parents today find it quite difficult to understand why they have to have their child vaccinated against this particular disease (measles) when their mothers used to organise measles parties to ensure all the children of the family had it!" In fact a mild dose of measles stimulates the immature immune system, in the correct sequence, to develop naturally, thereby strengthening the child generally."

Christina J Head MCH Rs. Hon

"We have demonstrated the toxicity of thimerosal by using it to kill neurons in culture. At 50 nanomolar thimerosal the neuron killing capacity/rate is about doubled with the addition of levels of aluminium found in vaccines. The aluminium alone at this level is not demonstrated to be toxic, so it is enhancing the toxicity of the thimerosal. It likely does this by increasing the rate that thimerosal breaks down releasing ethylmercury which is the toxic material"

Testimony Prof Boyd Haley, University of Kentucky, Chair and Head of Chemistry.......

"Something curious has happened to the "official" perception of the childhood diseases which are the subject of the MMR or MR vaccines (Measles, Mumps, Rubella). They have all officially become more serious since vaccines were introduced."

Richard Barr & Kirsten Limb
edit on 9-12-2013 by hiddencode because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:31 PM


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:32 PM


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:37 PM
*Stick to the topic*

Any further thread disruption will result in post bans and/or thread closure.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:38 PM


posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:42 PM

reply to post by Pardon?

Right well, there's plenty of unknowns with surgery, and plenty to know about the genesis of cancer resulting from a poison staying in the same spot for too long, as in the body is simply too burdened to bother with detoxing in full.

I'd rather go the non-invasive route, but it does depend. What stage is the cancer? How much time are they giving me? In what location is the cancer? Plenty of variables to consider.

To each their own!

Apologies as I don't think I was clear.
I didn't mean just dive straight in and have surgery as for a start surgery only addresses some cancers anyway.
I meant go via the tried & tested routes first and then if they don't work seek out alternatives.
Not the other way round.

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