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Originally posted by BillHicksRules
Now to bring this back, if anyone has a link to a reputable site about the use of YF-23 airframes for testing for some new role then please post them so we can move on with this.
Originally posted by ShatteredSkies
Originally posted by BillHicksRules
Dear all,
There seems to be some growing confusion here. So lets clear some things up.
The YF-23 competed against the YF-22 for the ATF contract. It lost. The YF-22 won and became the F-22 in service.
If this is to confusing for you to grasp think of it like the current F-35. It was the YF-35 competing against the YF-32 for the JSF contract and when it won it became the F-35.
For those of an older generation, think of the A-10 beating the A-9 or the YAH-63 being beaten by the YAH-64, which became the AH-64 Apached we know and love today.
Now to bring this back, if anyone has a link to a reputable site about the use of YF-23 airframes for testing for some new role then please post them so we can move on with this.
Ok, you talk to us like we are school children, you do not know more than us, just because you know how to do a search, doesn't make you smarter.
Anyone who doesn't know the background of the ATF story, is probably not even posting here, as for everyone else who does post in this thread, I think it's safe to say we do know.
Shattered OUT...
The YF-23 was my first love in the aircraft field, it was the first plane I thoroughly loved and I was very sad the F-22 won...
I still don't know what I like better about the YF-23 compared to the YF-22...
Originally posted by WestPoint23
Why do people like the Black Widow over the Raptor, I think the YF-23 is ugly and much rather prefer the Raptor. I know I’m going to get blasted about that statement but someone had to say it.
Originally posted by WestPoint23
Why do people like the Black Widow over the Raptor, I think the YF-23 is ugly and much rather prefer the Raptor. I know I’m going to get blasted about that statement but someone had to say it.
How about they have some good engineers and scientists of their own and have been coming up with the answers similar to the ones others came up with because physics is the same for them as it is for us, hmmm?
Originally posted by Wraith Wryder
Both PAVs performed better in test than projected - a pleasant surprise to the contractor teams and gov management all. Attributed to the smoothness and contour fidelity of the VLO shapes. In reality, aero performance was very close for F22 and 23. And while politics play in about anything ppl do, the primary decider was the predicted ability of the Lockheed/Boeing/GD team to execute the proposal and do the big job, sensor and avionics integration.
Both PAVs showed a step increase in fighter performance. On the F23 first flight, a gear down transfer from Palmdale to Edwards, there were 2 phote/safety chase planes, both 2-holers to haul the camera guys. The F15 rolled first, alone, for a "hot rendezvous," and the F16 stayed on the F23 PAV's wing. The Iggull made a right racetrack right after liftoff and with 90 degrees of turn remaining, called the "go" for the jets on the runway. Timing was flawless. The 23 lifted off the runway as if it was on stinkin' rails!! Not a minor deal for an airframe, 2 engines, and a whole wad of flight control digits that had never flown b4!
The Igull chase driver's comment (didn't make it to the official realease for some reason) sed it all, "F****** PERFECT!!!" (Many thanx to B2 prog for developing (buying) the "tools" to make such a flawless first flight possible. With the gear DOWN remember, no burners cookin on the 23, the F15 needed A/B to stay with it. Post flight, Paul Metz, 23 driver, sed the plane was accelerating too fast and would overspeed the wheels. His climb angle was already muy steep and he didn't want to pull the nose up any higher - so he pulled off some power!!! And still, the hottest fighter in the world (until F14D) had to use reheat to stay on the wing.
Interested in any other tidbits?
Originally posted by WestPoint23
Would the YF-23 be a good bomber?
I don't think, so I think if anything they might just be keeping the design and prototypes because the AF will only have 2 types of aircraft the F/A-22 and the F-35 I think throwing a F-23 into the package would be nice but I doubt they would do that, but one can hope.