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Last 3 weeks of 2013

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posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 12:39 PM

We're now currently in the last 2 weeks of 2013. I think this is when things start getting real; my gut feeling tells me it's very very close.....

I have to ask..why do dreams equate to predictions in your world?
I had a dream last night about something, that doesn't make it a prediction.

If you want to tell me you were in someway scrying with a bowl of water under the night sky and in the reflection you saw the doom of mankind..fair enough, that is a prediction.

People dream all the time..that doesn't make them predictions.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 03:40 AM
I just had a new dream this morning. I saw the numbers '110' and '50'. No visions are seen, only those numbers. Can you guys help me interpret what those numbers meant?

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 05:26 AM

I think that Nelson Mandela's death, and his funeral scheduled to take place soon, attended by many important people, may be a trigger or a marker point in our current timeline for extremely major world-changing events to happen, and that would happen within these last 21 days of 2013, according to my dream.

edit on 10-12-2013 by Menedes567 because: Adding some words........

What happened to the 11th-14th. Where you felt sure something that has never happened would happen. Looks to me like you should keep your dreams to yourself. Turns out that they are just dreams after all.
edit on AMu31u12125128312013-12-20T05:28:22-06:00 by AutumnWitch657 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 05:35 AM

I saw the numbers '110' and '50'. .... Can you guys help me interpret what those numbers meant?

You will make up 110 more "dreams/predictions", and they will all fail, and the 50 is you will do it in 50 days.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 05:39 AM


posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 05:43 AM
Dreams are the touchstones of our characters.
Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years, but only recently have dreams been subjected to empirical research and concentrated scientific study. Chances are that you’ve often found yourself puzzling over the mysterious content of a dream, or perhaps you’ve wondered why you dream at all.

A dream can include any of the images, thoughts and emotions that are experienced during sleep. Dreams can be extraordinarily vivid or very vague; filled with joyful emotions or frightening imagery; focused and understandable or unclear and confusing.

Why do we dream? What purpose do dreams serve? While many theories have been proposed, no single consensus has emerged. Considering the enormous amount of time we spend in a dreaming state, the fact that researchers do not yet understand the purpose of dreams may seem baffling. However, it is important to consider that science is still unraveling the exact purpose and function of sleep itself.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 06:39 AM
Menendes567has abandoned the thread. Searching for that next great pie in the sky no doubt.
Maybe he'll tie Harold Campings death into it because that has an ancient aliens type theme in the form of angels and ETs and the rapture and abductions and such. Or maybe the Chinese rover bringing the ultimate disclosure. I look forward because ...well.... what if it's all true ???

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 07:15 AM

Let's just keep bumping this thread 'til New Years Eve.

Here ya go. 21st and still waiting

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by AutumnWitch657

Hi there AutumnWitch, the major world-changing events could very well happen before the year ends. In fact, I'm now much more convinced than ever before. I really have a pretty strong feeling about the dates of December 25, 26, and 27 2013. We could be living in a Star Trek-kinda world much more sooner than what most people have even dreamed possible. Remember guys, this Christmas will be totally jaw-dropping and phenomenal.

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 03:57 PM

Remember guys, this Christmas will be totally jaw-dropping and phenomenal.

I seem to remember you claiming:

A Mothership will hover low above Cleveland October 24-27

Of course no such thing happened...

Major Events followed by ET visitations possible to occur sometime in October 2013

Again, of course no such thing happened...

Comet ISON is a Biosphere

No it was not....

FEMA preparing for disaster by October 1 2013!?? Mark that new date on your calendar!

Never happened...

we enter 5th density on December 3 2013

We all slept in and missed it!

So far none of your claims have happened, so why do you think your latest one will come true?

posted on Dec, 21 2013 @ 04:51 PM


Remember guys, this Christmas will be totally jaw-dropping and phenomenal.

I seem to remember you claiming:

A Mothership will hover low above Cleveland October 24-27

Of course no such thing happened...

Major Events followed by ET visitations possible to occur sometime in October 2013

Again, of course no such thing happened...

Comet ISON is a Biosphere

No it was not....

FEMA preparing for disaster by October 1 2013!?? Mark that new date on your calendar!

Never happened...

we enter 5th density on December 3 2013

We all slept in and missed it!

So far none of your claims have happened, so why do you think your latest one will come true?

Law of averages?

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 02:57 AM


Remember guys, this Christmas will be totally jaw-dropping and phenomenal.

I seem to remember you claiming:

A Mothership will hover low above Cleveland October 24-27

Of course no such thing happened...

Major Events followed by ET visitations possible to occur sometime in October 2013

Again, of course no such thing happened...

Comet ISON is a Biosphere

No it was not....

FEMA preparing for disaster by October 1 2013!?? Mark that new date on your calendar!

Never happened...

we enter 5th density on December 3 2013

We all slept in and missed it!

So far none of your claims have happened, so why do you think your latest one will come true?

Most of that info were from Alex Collier and many other people, who have their sources slightly inaccurate. Based on my dreams, the last 3 weeks, or should I say, last 2 weeks of 2013, would be the most accurate one to follow. Yup, that's right, December 24th-26th 2013, something massive would start happening. That is sincerely my gut feeling, and I'm sure there are many people around the world right now that already had dreams of some major events to happen around those dates. I can assure you, that we will all be flabbergasted at all the breaking news that we would see all over mass media by the 26th of December, give or take (-/+ 2-3 days before and after Dec 26 2013).......

Stay tuned!

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 03:09 AM

I can assure you, that we will all be flabbergasted at all the breaking news that we would see all over mass media by the 26th of December, give or take (-/+ 2-3 days before and after Dec 26 2013).......

No we will not be "flabbergasted", as nothing special will happen - remember, every one of the "predictions" you have posted here have utterly failed - so what makes you think your latest "prediction" will be any better?

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 03:22 AM
Hi guys, can you check out the ATS thread linked below? I think such an event, if it really happens, might trigger the other big Earth change events that would trigger ETs to initiate open contact to help us with the changes. They can't appear during peaceful times, since many people would be influenced to think the aliens as the enemies by some people around them, so they're waiting for such a major Earth change event to happen to start their contact. That is also in line with Tolec's statement, that the Andromedans would only start visiting us openly after the first major Earth Change event that dwarfs any other event in history happens, and a 9.7 quake would fit the bill.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 03:39 AM

Hi guys, can you check out the ATS thread linked below?

A thread that made another failed prediction more than 2 1/2 years ago.... why did you resurrect a failed thread?

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

Because I think what the OP of that thread said will be relevant in the days and weeks to come....

edit on 22-12-2013 by Menedes567 because: Adding some words........

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 03:58 AM

Because I think what the OP of that thread said will be relevant in the days and weeks to come

Did you even read that thread? the OP claimed there would be a earthquake in Tokyo 2 1/2 years ago.... there has been no earthquake in Tokyo for 2 1/2 years, but you think his claim will somehow be relavant now....

Just another failed prediction made here!

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

Given its location, the odds are pretty low that a large earthquake will strike Tokyo within the next 30 years or so. If we haven't already been destroyed by the next doom comet/invaded by aliens/ascended to another dimension etc and ATS still exists, I bet somebody will pop up on here to smugly say "See, I was right."
edit on 22-12-2013 by oxbow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by oxbow

I'm not saying Tokyo, such a quake would happen at any location near major fault lines, and I think such an event would precede Earth's dimensional shift, due to happen by mid-January 2014 (10-19 January 2014). We might even have ET contact during the last 3 days of 2013, so prepare yourselves for the greatest adventure that humanity will experience soon.

edit on 22-12-2013 by Menedes567 because: spelling

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 05:26 AM

such an event would precede Earth's dimensional shift, due to happen by mid-January 2014 (10-19 January 2014).

Oh look, yet another prediction that will fail.... WTF is a "dimensional shift" anyway?

We might even have ET contact during the last 3 days of 2013, so prepare yourselves for the greatest adventure that humanity will experience soon.

Yet another failed prediction - remember my invisible pink unicorns kicked the crap out of the aliens before, which is why they failed to appear as you predicted several times before. They are ready and waiting to kick the crap out of these aliens as well - or are these aliens a new lot, or the lot that failed to appear as you predicted?

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