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work until you die of old age in the u.k

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posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 03:13 AM
i heard this story yesterday and boy did it make me mad any young person starting a job now will not retire until 70 ? .
the pension age will go up and up from 65 then 68 and then hit 70 .

with the life expectancy in some parts of the u.k being as low as 66 years old it is work until you die for most men and if people expect firemen/ teachers to work until that age they have another thing coming the story that people are living longer does not wash with me when i look around just take in the figures for dementia that the goverment is putting out there 40 % are expected to suffer from this .

but the house of commons has just awarded themselves a nice 11% pay rise to £ 74.000 $ 112.000 basic per year plus expenses .

a trip into any old folks home will come as a shock to most people who have never been over the door of one if they think that all people are the same there are a lot of 60 something people in there who do not know if it is new year or new york and the number of funerals that i have attended in the last five years of people from 30 plus who were one minute healthy the next they were dead i do not want to count .

what are your thoughts on this a.t.s

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by geobro

I took this with a grain of salt. Purely because I think it well get lowered again "When the economy gets better". However, it is digesting. I imagine MP's will dispute the pay rise, even though it's not even up to them if they get a raise. Either way, it's win/win for them. Lose/lose for us.

If I live that long, I won't mind working to that age, considering the field I work in. However, I do think there are subtle undertones here to basically get people into employment. A lot of people are spongers, we all know that. Therefore if they say well your working to your 70, they will (Or at least I am) now motivated to make a a lot of money to retire early, because I would be able to afford to.

Either way, it's sad, disgraceful, but can come down again (I hope so at least) and it may motivate people to get off their bums.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by brace22

i work construction and cannot see many people being able to carry on in a hard manuel job till then most guys are struggling at 60 never mind 70 .

can you imagine 70 year old barmaids etc

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 03:45 AM
This really does make me mad. I don't get mad often these days, But yeah this makes me foam at the mouth!..Why the hell should everyone else and I work until we are 66 70 whatever when all those lazy bastards who "can't be arsed" to work and say " I'm to ill" (because let's face it there's loads of fakers here) get everything paid for them anyway?. I know a lot of people who can draw pensions but HAVE TO carry on working because they simply do not get enough anyway!....Well good luck young one. If i were you I would leave Britain for somewhere what does appreciate its workers...Britain your broken....Just like the base of my Christmas tree

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by TheDoctor46

i remember seeing a television programme about greece and how they could retire at 52 after paying little tax the uk is the laughing stock of the world .

i would hate to be young now in this country i think i would get up and leave pretty sharpish

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 03:53 AM
don't you wanna be a slave to the Crown?

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

i think it is a case of better the devil you know unlike some oil rich countrys like norway who have a fund for the masses of billions we pay high taxation in these lands to fund services that are getting chopped like fire wood these days .

last i heard only 30 % of the cuts the goverment had planned have been carried out yet they hand out money like confetti and spend a lot on defence

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by geobro

That would make my weekends interesting. I have a friend who wouldn't mind that if you know what I mean haha

It will change, it has to change. Like you said no one is going to be working on site til they are 70.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by brace22

it would be more sensible to lower the age and pension to free up jobs for young people in this country instead of working people to death

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by geobro

Yes I saw that as well. Up in the North there is a definite culture of the young.
Basically a lot of the girls leave school and a lot of them get pregnant on purpose, And go to the council and say they have been 'kicked out of there home by there parents. They go in a hostel for a few weeks or sometimes not at all. They then get a house given to them with rent paid etc. Move there boyfriends in. He says he is depressed or alcoholic and is signed off work and able to claim disability of somesorts. (you get extra money btw for being a alcoholic or drug addict)...And bingo....loads of money, A house which is maintained and paid for for free, And mugs like me work 6 days to pay for it!!!!!!!!

Don't forget the girls don't have to work for the first I think it's 6 years when they have a child. So guess what they do when the child is approaching that age....Hello you guessed it....Oh no....I'm pregnant!!!!!!...........And they have bigger TV's than me!!!! (but I'm not bothered by this as there's nothing on TV anyway) .......
.........So thanks David Cameron...Your doing a great job.....Its ok I will work until I'm 70 thanks for that.....Tosser!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by TheDoctor46

i remember saying that to a young girl i knew years ago that it was ok for them get pregnant and retire for 16 years 3 months later she was pregnant .

i can see this country ending up third world very soon at least they have better internet speeds than we do in scotland i wonder what other countrys in europe give hand outs like ours were doomed

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:25 AM
I bet the MP's retire earlier than that, plus they just got an 11% pay rise...

I will work until I die...nope I will hit a certain age and take some of the scumbags with me.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

i got your back on that one boymonkey tony blair seems to be doing well the first billionare politician ??? aaaaaaaaaaaa

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:32 AM
Yea were doomed alright for sure. Then don't the floodgates of Britain open even wider soon?...Some more eastern Europeans are allowed to come over. That's gonna do us all good lol...And now I gotta go in the attic for some more decorations. That has just pushed me over the edge

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:38 AM
In my country retirement age is now 66 but next year will be 67. Problem is social security always been a ponzi scam so last ones to "Join" only pay and dont get any benefits

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by TheDoctor46

they have been here for a while now some never waited to be asked to the party 20 to a room and all that .

i can see the wages going down to 2-300 euros like in some of those countrys and it ending up like victorian times again .

ps just put a blackbag over the xmas tree with everything left on saves time i got to do that as well today bah bumbug

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by CosmicDude

most of the developed world has the same problem now including america it has gone from 15 workers paying for a pensioner in the 30s to 2.5 now in some places .

the only way out of this mess is a major war to thin the hurd out i am afraid like they did in ww1 and ww2 then add some spanish flu for good measure

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:44 AM
Thing is I love this country, I love the people the history the soil we work on, but it is going wrong the people in power have forgotten the working class the backbone of the country and we need to remind them why we are GREAT Britons not because of our banking system but because of our people!.

Remember all in our great and long history we have got rid of systems by force If needed, they serve us the people not the other way around.

Long live us all and Huzzah for the greatest people on the planet!!

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

the 500 billion they are talking about saving with this could easy be taxed out of the city of london and the offshore trusts they have hidden .

my mother worked for the city of westminster council library and got a shock when i showed her that the queen bows to boris johnstone at the city of london and asks his permission to enter the square mile .

i think us plebs need to take to the streets again and show them who is boss

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 05:02 AM
And our MPs? Well, not only are they giving themselves an 11% pay increase as already mentioned. But to claim your MP salary? You only have to have been an MP for something like one year, then you qualify for the full MP pension, which is a *very* significant sum of money.

And see if you get appointed as a Minister? Even if you last in the job for one day? You qualify for the Ministers pension, which is even more generous.

... I sometimes wonder what it will take for the British people to rise up against this endless parade of nonsense from our political overlords.

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