Originally posted by LL1
I believe it should be law, a lot of individuals are not self-motivated
to go back to school, or acquire a GED on their own. They will become
a burden on society, welfare or locked up which will co$t the taxpayers.
At the risk of loosing allot of respect from any member that reads this, I think I should share my own school experience here. I did not graduate from
high-school. In fact, I didn�t receive a passing grade in any subject except band from the 4th grade on. I attended high-school for only one year, and
did not test for my GED until I was 20. When I finally did take the test, with no practice, I scored in the top 98% of all who had ever taken the test
nation wide, the only exception being math at 76%. I didn't begin working toward college until after the GED.
I have never been arrested, never been on welfare (although I now support a family of 7 humans, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 snakes and a fish with only my
income at 24 years of age) and I am no burden to society.
No one so far has challenged the validity of a high-school diploma as a measure of education. The document and attendance mean nothing, and employers
are beginning to wake up to this. Traditional education is nothing more than the conditioning of good factory workers, and our economy is changing. No
longer do we need people who are conditioned to drop whatever it is they are doing at the sound of a bell ringing and move to the next appointed area
of the school/factory. We need intelligent, thinking people. School does not teach a person to think, it teaches a person to recite. If schools were
supposed to be about learning, our children would not be regimented by age, but instead by ability.
Why should schools be mandatory if they do not teach now as it is? Look at what has happened to the standard. In order to accommodate mentally
challenged young adults who now have a "right" to graduate high-school, we have dropped the standard for receiving a high-school diploma to a
pathetically low level. This will continue as you force the less intelligent to stay in school, or the un-motivated. By lowering the standard of
education to meet the needs of the slowest kid in class, you deny a real education to those bright young individuals who want and deserve one.
I have an even better idea. Let�s just hang diplomas on the big toe of every child that is born along with the birth certificate, that way we can all
be equal. After all, everybody is equal and deserves an equal education, even if they didn't want it or didn't deserve it, right?
Sure some have made it without the HS diploma/GED, but what was
the era/times and their family's financial status????
I made it, in this era/time and my family is very poor. I grew up in a government housing project in Oregon. Only after I moved out of the house did
my parents graduate college and rise above the poverty line, and I have not seen a penny from them since. I pay for my school and my family wellbeing
on my own, and ask for nothing I did not earn.