This is one of my favorite quotes from
As nearly everyone alive should know, the guys were tasked
by "Gozer the Gozerian" a powerful metaphysical being,
to 'choose the form of their destruction'. And of course
the form chosen was "the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man"
as Ray thought that Stay-Puft would never hurt him.
This is of course a thread about Alexander's and Vallee's
precognitive sentient phenomena type sightings / events
again. I'm only referring to the 5% unexplained sightings
and not the great bulk of misidentifications of venus, the
ISS, actual military aircraft, etc.
I'd just like to give a voice to the (presumable) frustration
that these beings (if beings) or partially sentient phenomenon
must feel, that they / it "can't win". For purposes of discussion
let's call "they" / "it" the "PSP Entity" or PSPE for short.
Now going back untold thousands of years, let's say the PSP
Entity just wanted to say 'hello' to these strange Earth mammals;
so it scans the mind of the natives and it senses vague fear-laden
pictures of some sky daddy or other archetypal images such as
winged humans. Way back in human history there are tons of
artwork where humans are drawn with animal body part motifs.
Now why these pictures were drawn is anybody's guess.. there
is of course the AA hypothesis and the spiritual drug hypothesis
and all sorts of hypothesis as to why these pictures were drawn
this way. But I don't care the reason for purposes of this post.
The long and the short of it, is that presumably the PSPE took
some of these images, and 'appeared' either mentally/spiritually
or even sometimes 'physically' in these forms.. to attempt to
appear in a form which the human mammals could deal with.
This is of course the same concept as in the movie "Contact".
This also brings up a common motif, that being that ones
"ancestors" are thought to appear to the Earth mammals
from way back.. but I think it's plain that these 'ancestors'
were another manifestation of the PSPE. It seems that
ancestor worship is less common these days, so far few
people see 'ancestors' now.
I think that increasingly 'beings' are no longer the primary
choice of the PSPE, as even a 'bunny rabbit', if it appeared,
would be claimed to be 'the Devil / Satan / etc'.
Beings are out. So there seem to be far fewer 'being sightings',
except in the form of 'aliens'. More people seem to be more open
to the concept of 'aliens' these days.. so we see more aliens and
fewer 'faeries' 'angels' 'demons' etc.
Mystery Airships's are an interesting
thing to study. Apparently 'UFO airships' were seen right about the time that early airship
research was being done, but before airships were in common use.
Seems like the PSPE went "ah.. there are 3 people in the world open to the
idea of airships.. lets appear in/as those". It seems the PSPE either knows
ahead of time, or at least has access to the first humans thinking about
something before it really catches on.
Of course after "Roswell" there were all these saucer sightings.. people
were open to seeing 'saucers' for whatever reason, so they saw saucers.
Now what utterly fascinates me are some sightings documented in the
Encounters with Star People. In these sightings balls
of light are
observed forming into a well-defined UFO ship or a well-defined UFO
ship splits into balls of light. This is 'smoking gun' to me. That is of
course, if you don't think that the witnesses are not deluded / liars.
On that note, I'm thinking that there are some reports from 1989-1990
from the Netherlands which follow this pattern of ball light / solid
ufo's; but I haven't found links for those yet. But those Nato Netherland
sightings that I have found links for, are very compelling; when something
shows up on radar and F-16's are scrambled and get momentary locks
on it-- and there are thousands of witnesses; that's pretty compelling.
Here's a short Youtube on that
Brussels UFOs.
To wrap this up, I really wonder if the PSPE would gladly 'land on the
Whitehouse Lawn' and let us get to know it/them, if only we could,
as a people, settle on a form that we can live with, without spending
50 year making movies about shooting it down, blowing it up, worshiping
it as 'God', hating it as 'the Devil' and totally freaking out about it.
Maybe if we all settle on it having a from of my Little Pony or something,
it/they will show up and be sociable, and all this human-induced melodrama
can finally be over.
Now, I might be wrong on this point, but the Triangle UFO phenomenon
feels different somehow.. but who knows.. maybe there are 2 or 3
explanations and not just the PSP explanation.