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posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 04:52 AM
I do not know if the stats in this article are correct or not. I do believe there is something causing autism and attention deficit disorder in greater and greater numbers of our children. This article says, 'it was all a plan' ..... we have seen similar threads at ATS basically saying the same thing.

One out of five women in the West remains childless compared to one out of twenty in China and only one out of thirty in India. Such glaring differences have nothing to do with culture or sexual norms and everything to do with the separate methods of population control used by these countries.

Nearly one in four children in the West suffer from developmental disorders, allergies and asthma, compared to at most one in twenty in the developing world. This is not because western children are feebler than children elsewhere, but because western governments were the first to use chemical and biological agents to undermine human fertility and have in the process done irreparable harm to their people’s genetic and intellectual endowments. Yes, our children’s intelligence is affected too, which is why China has a three-fold higher incidence of genius among its children than western countries. Judging by our historical dominance in science and technology this could not have always been the case and explains why we are losing ground.

That is why the Bretton Woods institutions formed at the end of World War II have been insulated from democratic safeguards, sheltered from media scrutiny, shrouded in secrecy, and empowered to act at the supranational level, thus above and beyond the will of nation states. That is why the world now faces an unbridgeable rift between the people, who are imprisoned behind national borders, and the elites, who govern through the international organizations they control. And that is why the rights and freedoms we have on paper are but an illusion, our democracies a sham, and the information we receive is made up of carefully calibrated lies.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

I am afraid this makes too much sense not to be true so therefore I believe it is true, in the west there have been a vast number of explanations for the growing infertility amongst both men and woman but non has been conclusive, yet the birth rate only really started to drop after the 1950's and 1960's studies which showed that the world population was in the opinion of the experts of the time going to become unsustainable, instead of searching for more industrious methods of producing food and more logical methods of social governance the greedy and powerful were fearful that the growing population would lead to social unrest and growing poverty thus endangering there own social hierarchy so to self protect they enacted a project to cull the population and since war was then seen as out of the question due to the development of the atomic bomb they turned to less ethical scienctists, of course to prevent the feared Marxist revolution on there own doorstep these elites turned against there own people first much as they or there forebears had done when they artificially continued the first world war even after Germany had made approaches to the negotiating table because of there then shock at the revolution in Russia and there own large working class populations especially in Britain.

Reminds me of the supposed Illumicorp Hoax which I believe may just not be a hoax and could be very very real.

edit on 7-12-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

I do believe there is something causing autism and attention deficit disorder in greater and greater numbers of our children

Uhmmm...maybe it's not the actual condition that is becoming more frequent...??

Maybe it's the diagnosis that is becoming more frequent.


posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by 727Sky's all possible, those that consider themselves 'elites' are certainly dark enough to implement such things...and have been proven to have carried out similar harmful and uncaring 'experiments' on their own countrymen and women before, so they are more than willing to do such things.

My question about all of this skullduggery though is this;

If those who consider themselves elites were actually engaged in an insideous, covert long-term plan to weaken Humanity to effect a drastic population reduction...wouldn't it be WELL within their ability to simply contrive a scenario where resources are becomming scarce (they're not, just unwillingness to expend profits to make available those resources to those in need), and the only course of action is a moritorium on birth.

A kind of baby pause if you like.

China has had a one child policy for a long time and has just relaxed that policy, it's not a stretch to go a step further and have a policy where nobody can give birth through forced birth control etc.

This would achieve everything the supposed 'master plan' would, but in a much more efficient and overt manner.

Why would they not do this? The people would moan and get uppetty of course, but so what? That doesn't bother them when it is for other reasons, so why would public opinion matter to them?

This is THE main reson i don't buy into this elite's depopulation agenda theory...there are faster, more efficient and frankly better ways to get what they want.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

I'm sure Alex Jones would agree totally with this!

Here is a bit about the Bretton Woods Ins.:

The Bretton Woods Institutions are the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). They were set up at a meeting of 43 countries in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA in July 1944. Their aims were to help rebuild the shattered postwar economy and to promote international economic cooperation. The original Bretton Woods agreement also included plans for an International Trade Organisation (ITO) but these lay dormant until the World Trade Organisation (WTO) was created in the early 1990s.


It seems ostensibly that this was set up as a source of cooperation and reconstruction which was done in a positive manner, but how often have we seen these agencies created at the most vulnerable of times. It makes one really think about how contrived major events are on the world stage so that these bodies 'fall' into place.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

I'm sorry to cr*p all over your thread but this kind of information really hits a nerve with me.


I am willing to bet that the amount of actual ADD and ADHD cases have not risen the last 2000 years.

It's society that is changing.

I mean, Kindergarten entry exams!?

Children now a days aren't even allowed to just be children anymore. They have to know how to create a schedule and plan their entire week/month by the age of 6!!

Yes, our children’s intelligence is affected too, which is why China has a three-fold higher incidence of genius among its children than western countries

The school of my 10 year old son suggested that he might have ADD because of his typical behaviour and his problem with paying attention in class. "Modern medicine could solve this problem" was suggested.

After consluting my own doctor and extensive testing it turn out the little guy has an IQ of 129, which also explains his typical behaviour.

There you go...that is one less ADD/ADHC statistic.


posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 06:03 AM

reply to post by 727Sky's all possible, those that consider themselves 'elites' are certainly dark enough to implement such things...and have been proven to have carried out similar harmful and uncaring 'experiments' on their own countrymen and women before, so they are more than willing to do such things.

My question about all of this skullduggery though is this;

If those who consider themselves elites were actually engaged in an insideous, covert long-term plan to weaken Humanity to effect a drastic population reduction...wouldn't it be WELL within their ability to simply contrive a scenario where resources are becomming scarce (they're not, just unwillingness to expend profits to make available those resources to those in need), and the only course of action is a moritorium on birth.

A kind of baby pause if you like.

China has had a one child policy for a long time and has just relaxed that policy, it's not a stretch to go a step further and have a policy where nobody can give birth through forced birth control etc.

This would achieve everything the supposed 'master plan' would, but in a much more efficient and overt manner.

Why would they not do this? The people would moan and get uppetty of course, but so what? That doesn't bother them when it is for other reasons, so why would public opinion matter to them?

This is THE main reson i don't buy into this elite's depopulation agenda theory...there are faster, more efficient and frankly better ways to get what they want.

Good points: "IF" there is a plan as the article implies where else but the West to try out the plan with our planned distribution networks of food and water, medical and shots required to attend public education.

Many countries outside the West or Europe still grow their own food and depend on their own wells or bottled water and do not depend on prepackaged food. Many of the things they eat are fresh caught or still looking at you before a drop in the pot !

China's women after the Cultural Revolution were told to have babies for the revolution...they did and "boom" the central planners thought there were to many to feed so back to the "one child policy". There are 40% more men than women in China which in itself is a recipe for hot headedness. Also it seems that China is getting a different mind set with the possibility of becoming more aggressive on the world stage; strength through numbers etc etc.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by LABTECH767

Declines of the numbers of children born in the West per potential mothers has more to do with different social and cultural standards than the influences of chemicals. --Of course, we have to include the birth control chemicals in the assessment as a possible influencing factor--don't you think?. They play a major role in low reproduction rates in the West.

I would think that that any global master plan would go after the high birth rates in the poor countries such as India and even china. In the West and even in Japan, most countries are not even up to replacement rates and that is why they are allowing large numbers of immigrants despite angering and upsetting their own natives. Newcomers change established systems of society and culture. It can't be helped, those countries need workers, especially the lower wage workers for those jobs and the money those workers spend in the economy.

Incidence of disease may be more prominent in the industrialized modern world, but the Third World will be catching up fast with the careless manner in which they allow expansion. All in all, however, I don't share the view that there is a subtle mass extermination underway in the West with intentional poisoning in one fashion or another. Rather, I suggest that may being silently allowed in those countries with the high birth rates via inadequate laws and regulations across the board.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 06:29 AM
If you take a look at geniuses, you will see that alot of men like Einstein and Tesla were mildly autistic/schizephrenic. They had the ability to think differently becasue they were different in how they thought about things.

Nowadays big Pharma has declared that ADHD is a disease and you must take their medicine to treat it.

Maybe that's why there have been no real geniuses in a long while. We have probably taken the next Einstein or Tesla and medicated them into a stupor, or locked them away in a padded cell.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

The points you make about our networks for food, water and chemical intakes being relatively easily used as vehicles to transport whatever they wish to go into us, is very true.

But, i don't agree that the abscence of similar vehicles in other, perhaps less developed countries means there isn't alternatives in place.

That's what the WHO vaccination programmes are for.

Bill Gates actually admitted such during his (in)famous TED talk a couple of years ago, where he quite clearly stated that his sponsored vaccination programme in the 'third world' would "hopefully, if their projections prove correct, will result in a 10% or 11% REDUCTION in birth rates", food for thought there on several fronts, not least the certainty that so-called 'vaccination programmes' are in reality one such vehicle that is used for spurious reasons, other than their advertised purpose.

Who's to say that the same alterior purpose is not being used globally? Even in developed countries as well as those less well developed ones?

It wouldn't surprise me that vaccinations are a means to an end..but the 'end' is difficult to work could be a reduction in fertility and hence birthrates, or could be a more insideous method of setting people up for a life of dependency on pharmacuiticals, hence massively increasing B. Pharma's profits over the medium to long term.

But at the least, third world countries don't need organised networks the same as we have..just a need to be vaccinated against the latest disease or whatnot...then it's easy for the 'elites' to enter left of stage, insert drug/virus/chemical into peoples arms, and leave right of stage and observe the resulting show.

Despite the ease of this, i still say it would be a hell of a lot easier to simply tell the people the way it is going to be, if that means lower world population numbers, that means enforced birth control or war...and most rational people would always choose the birth control option than the horrors of an all out, full scale global war.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

You and I both have seen that kind of crap ! When I grew up and attended school there was no such thing and if kids acted out there was a paddle that corrected their behavior. The smarter the kid the more bored they are in what passes for public education, especially boys. I barely passed the first 6 years of schooling because I wanted to be home with my horse and dog doing fun things. Lucky for me I was told if I ever wanted to Fly for the military or an airline I would have to make good grades.. Well that got my attention and I was on the honor role for my remaining time at schooling. Just a matter of priorities and desire for me. I know parents of children that have some serious problems today that will require care for the rest of their lives.. Many of these parents swear it was the shots that turned their normal child into full blown autism. No proof just antidotal hearsay but it is hard dealing with a 16 year old who still wears diapers or another one that goes into rage fits and attacks dear old mom or dad.... another one that stands in a room and flaps like a bird with their hands and arms for hours while turning circles. I go to an orphanage overseas (my golf association donates money) where there are 60 kids who have nothing and are waiting for someone to adopt or just give them a frigging hug sometimes and candy. Not one has autism that I have noticed.. maybe if they do they are taken someplace else but I don't think so.

I did a thread several months ago about the drugging of America which was planned back in the 60s.. Let me see if I can find it...

This video says there are 100 million people on Psychotropic drugs but that is not the main story of the video.
Basically it started with a 1967 meeting and how to control the emotions of a population by the year 2000. At approx 51 minutes in the video it says there are now 300 million prescriptions written yearly....

Chemical imbalance is a marketing tool used by the drug companies.

Some studies say Psychotropic drugs kill 2.5 times more people than homicides. Over half of all suicides are on Psychotropic drugs and if you look at rampage stabbings and shootings there is evidence that a psychotropic was involved.

FDA and the approval of these drugs along with the revolving door at FDA and the financial conflict of interest is covered along with the $100,000 fee (now 1 million fee) to expedite or fast track the drugs to market.

No one is immune from the diagnosis and ever expand net of the psychotropic drug net; invent a disease such as shyness and call it social anxiety disorder; Hey we got a drug that will fix that!! Almost all fiction........Drug testing for the drugs is highly suggestive and open to "professional interpretation"...The professionals who do the interpretation have a vested monetary interest in the approval process and with negative results disregarded the general population becomes the test subjects... .

The drugging of our children and the damage these drugs end up doing is a true conspiracy IMO.

(HealthDay)—As many as one in five American children under the age of 17 has a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year, according to a new federal report

edit on 7-12-2013 by 727Sky because: ...

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 07:24 AM
I'm going with operation mind crime on this one!

Schools should be Teaching, not playing DR. Lets face it people. Our school system _ucks! It want to create mindless slaves and nothing more! Do what they tell you and take the idea of using your own head out of it.

I Feel Your Pain! I had 2 children of like mind! What a War! Except mine was worst. Since the children were not mine to start with, She had them all on Pills cause the schools and the Dr'.s told her so. After some time paying attention, I noticed both kids Outplayed me! My IQ is over 120 and had to ask myself No Way!

People think your IQ has to do with spelling and math and the Like! NOPE! So the attention went towards the kids and not the relationship. I took over with the schools and Dr's and was a 2 yr fight to the death! It killed the relationship, yet it did something for the kids.

They are in special schools now. The boys was over 130 and the girls was over 125. What they were lacking was the Help that is out there! Since the girl had bi-ployer and an IQ it was tough! No matter what plan we could come up with the kids somehow found another way to get around it! I got tag as an Evil Parent fighting the school system! Was worth every penny if you ask me!

As for the OP post, in a way they are trying to rid the system of people using there own minds really! It seems every Gen we get smarter in ways they can not control. No matter what they do try, food, water, pills, air, flu shots, they can not stop us from evolving! Now the ploy is DNA testing! Yep, do some reading and their is a push out there to get this done soon!

How else can the masses end up with just slaves and mindless drones? Nip it at the DNA! Somehow I do not see it happening since Man can never actually Play God. Life can outdo the best of Man anyway!

I not only Know Your Pain! I Feel Your Anger as a Perent Also!


posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 08:47 AM
There's some whispers of speculation that Autism, ADD, and other perception/data processing pathologies are expressions of evolutionary adaptations from our past that were once advantageous.

For instance, rapid processing of Gestalt, or photographic fidelity images from our environment, and expression of at least short term memory retention and 'playback' is demonstrated with one of our common ancestors that retains this processing model:

The video above doesn't discuss Autism, but, it does illustrate the expression of an advantageous cognitive adaptation; an arena we humans pride ourselves in, but, an arena in some aspects we've traded for other more successful advantages such as long-term planning, complex language, and complex abstract reasoning among others.

Thus, it may not necessarily be any one thing causing these expressions out of nowhere, but, perhaps, activating the expression of data processing models innate in everyone that we've done away with in our evolutionary past.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 09:13 AM
And now we have to wonder just HOW they are dealing with it Themselves! Since I have A-Z and have a hard time putting words into sentances and my spelling #, plus if you mind does not grasps the small version of the massas you come off as Odd!

Once you Bypass the picture as most Children do, things come from different areas of the Brain! So far in asking almost every child I know in my small town in nowhere land; What did you learn in school today? Nothing! Every age group so far except the small ones! They seem to be happy they got to play or colored in school that day!

I remembered I had to see one myself at the age of 10/11. Dragged by my mother and some school teacher who as far as I knew had no kids. Anyway, once there I had to sit in a chair by myself. I thought it was odd, jay and stupid like school. Anyways the Dr called me in and asked if I had any problems I might like to share, even at home, no one will know line!

I said I have no problems, my mother does! School is boring so I find other things to do to keep me from being bored! May I go to school now? I can't remember if I said that walking out or even if I got the answere. No one bothered me at school or at home anymore!

Now if the Teachers were paying attention when I first started school. They would have found I needed glasses and could not hear well! Since I always sat in the back of the classroom anyways it took 3yrs to find out I needed them! Oh and for the first 4yrs in school I had to sit in back since my club feet/ both of them were in casts and in a wheelchair!

If it was that bad then, I can only find it so much worst now! Small towns I see is nothing but sports, used to live in a large city so the choices were better; Mex dance Class vs. gym class
Now all old and crap, moved out of the city and all I find is children being damaged by playing sports and nothing to do but Drink Beer!

Sad! Very SAD Indeed!

edit on 7-12-2013 by infoseeker26754 because: changed Say to SAD

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

important information here. i happen to be very close to a couple who is having fertility issues that are largely unexplained. its a pretty tortuous situation for them. i had no idea India and China were so much more fertile. if that's true, i'd say it's adequate evidence that we're being poisoned intentionally here.

also, in my opinion, you have the best avatar on ats

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 11:28 AM
Well, their depopulation effort has succeeded so well that human beings are expected to be extinct within 12 generations or less (-500 years).

We will begin to noticeably be decimated within most of the lifetimes of contributors at ATS.

The government has been encouraging faster population decimation by glamorizing the homosexual lifestyle, and other measures. Have you noticed all the magazine articles lately about the joys of childlessness?
Sex selective abortion worldwide will make the current population decline to accelerate. Killing females before birth will greatly accelerate population decimation since males can not bear children.

All industrialized countries have now fallen below replacement rate for quite a while.

Even Mexico has fallen to within .01 to being below replacement rate.

The countries that do exceed replacement rate births have infant mortality rates that cancel out their birth rates.

I fear their overly aggressive methods have succeeded far past what was intended. Most people around the world no longer desire more than 2 children and many are very happy with one or less.

If anything, if you want to get into wild conspiracies. The world is being prepared for human extinction to be replaced with ????? due to the ignorance and wild greed and power hunger of TPTB. If they think AI will serve them in luxury they are fooling themselves. AI will eventually see the greedy power hungry and degenerate PTB for what they are and eliminate them, as will any other "group" that has talked TPTB into a human extinction program (known as depopulation).

edit on 7-12-2013 by grandmakdw because: delete repetition

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 04:47 PM

reply to post by LABTECH767

Declines of the numbers of children born in the West per potential mothers has more to do with different social and cultural standards than the influences of chemicals. --Of course, we have to include the birth control chemicals in the assessment as a possible influencing factor--don't you think?. They play a major role in low reproduction rates in the West.

I would think that that any global master plan would go after the high birth rates in the poor countries such as India and even china. In the West and even in Japan, most countries are not even up to replacement rates and that is why they are allowing large numbers of immigrants despite angering and upsetting their own natives. Newcomers change established systems of society and culture. It can't be helped, those countries need workers, especially the lower wage workers for those jobs and the money those workers spend in the economy.

Incidence of disease may be more prominent in the industrialized modern world, but the Third World will be catching up fast with the careless manner in which they allow expansion. All in all, however, I don't share the view that there is a subtle mass extermination underway in the West with intentional poisoning in one fashion or another. Rather, I suggest that may being silently allowed in those countries with the high birth rates via inadequate laws and regulations across the board.

So you discount the effect of pcb's in the water table of most industrialized (former industrialized may be more accurate) country's and the effect of artificial hormones from the cosmetic industry that are so insidious as to be virtually indestructible and also pollute the water table affecting not only the adults but also the embryo in the womb, this has also be posited as a potential factor in the increasing size relative to the population mass of western country's though such speculation was halted by gay rights activists whom claimed that the associated research was calling there condition a disease or a symptom.
Also you forget the wanton destruction of our DNA by runaway pharmaceutical conglomerates such as Bayer and Glaxo Smith Klein, as well as Monsanto whom knew of the potentiall and other wise side effects of many faulty products before they were released and yet went ahead and released them anyway, many country process there sewerage and the treated water is returned by the water table while much of the waste is used in fertilizer process for crops, now remember that patients ingest artificial chemicals that like the cosmetics can not be broken down and so these exist in ever increasing trace concentrations in western food and water, next time you run your tap or tuck into a nice potato have a think on that.

Good points though.

edit on 7-12-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 04:53 PM
I'm curious for the people that buy into this, have any of them actually been to china and took a look at the "reduced rates of ______."

Cause there is everything there. Mental illness, wife beating, complete willingness to bend to authority, etc… But yes, the US is poisoning its people, sure… and China is the poster boy for how to have a thriving society. Just don't ask any of the underage workers being exposed to mutagens at the chemical plants.

These kinds of "articles" are laughable.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

There is nothing wrong with your kid. I was the same way in school. I didn't like school period. I also have a high IQ. He needs to develop his potential. What you really need to learn in school is English, Math, Our Bill of Rights, US Constitution etc. anything dealing with our founding history. Why all of the people who died defending the USA etc., gym classes, sports. The schools should be conducting tests to see what your child is interested in learning what the child wants to be when he grows up, to help that child develop. Please don't let a doctor give him any meds to treat your child. The first thing would be both you parents sit down and talk with your child and hear him out how he feels about all of this. I thought school was stupid, I didn't fit in cause I was on another page because of my IQ. I would try home schooling. The best thing for you parents is to talk whit your kid. Be on the same page with him. Let him know how much you care and let him put his input into the equation. See what you as his parents can do for him. I thing you will be surprised.

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