reply to post by Krakatoa
No man.
Firstly, what is a 'good' person? You stated your definition, but would that have been a 'good' person 100,000 years ago? I have taken illegal
substances in the past, so am I now not a good person in your books? But then on the other hand I always helped and been good to others. I finished
university, got a good job and have got a great circle of friends and family, but I wouldn't define that as being 'good'. I define being good as a
passive thing, it is a product of your nature. It is not a checklist of actions or deeds you do, it's the ones you don't consciously work out but do
from the 'good' of your heart, even if it might be at your inconvience. That appreciation of eachothers sharing of this universe - it's a very simple
concept at its core.
But there are no absolute morals, surely? Like I said, the definition of a 'good' person is always subjective to what the goal is, and if we set our
own goals of goodness then that is simply attempting to re-wire yourself.
Of course, things such as religion may influence someone's moral compass, the notion of good is infinitely tied to the human from its inception, as is
bad. There is one action and result, and them theres the opposite. Ultimately, how someone reacts to a religion and adapts their morals accordingly is
how they were meant to be. You were able to see the flaws or whatever in that belief but you had the characteristics in place that would you allow you
to maintain this perceived notion of being good.
The hand you are dealt is completely out of your control. Your initial characteristics, physical traits, health, intelligence and so forth are simply
just handed to you, along with the environment you experience for the first few years of your life. But it is the greatest gift, because ultimately
you get to choose what to do with it. People will be what they are at the end of the day, regardless of religion. Things like that would only amplify
an initial predisposition in that person to that sort of idea or concept or whatever anyway. At least that's my take on it.
What's your first ever memory? Mine was holding my dads hand walking up the stairs to our flat, and I must have been about 3, and I saw two kids like
torturing this massive mantis or grasshopper, ripping its legs off and enjoying it. I just remember feeling sadness for the first time, and crying
properly - consciously - for the first time. I thought how could they do this to another life? Why? I couldn't understand it, I just felt pain.
Why? Why did I have such a strong connection to other life and they didn't? Was that my choice? It didn't seem to be. But then when I was slightly
older (6 or 7) I had a few days were I basically did something I called 'Ant Armageddon' where I gathered up loads of ants from my garden, out them in
like 5cm deep/3cm dia holes in the soil and killed them all with a screw driver. Poor bastards lol. I can never understand why I did that in
hindsight, I was angry at life at the time perhaps because we had moved house and it was stressful - but it was so outside my character.
Was that my choice? Was that a product of my subconscious/or my ego taking over me and releasing my emotion in a primal, aggressive way? How easily
are we victims to such mental controls beyond our awareness?
Hence, how accountable are all people for their actions, if not all people even have the same definition of good, or even the complete awareness of
the choices they are making? It's such a complex topic really.
And yet now that I'm older and wiser, I have much more mastery over my body and mind - one with your own thoughts. When a person reaches this level of
mental awareness, their true character will come out. If they were bound to be good, they will become good. Those that continue to be bad at this
level of mental awareness, are truly the darkest and most evil of people. But what about the people in the middle? Those who are for whatever reason
less mentally aware and more prone to outside manipulation and low level ego/subconscious driven behaviour constantly? Are those people truly good,
and truly bad?' Or are they just following what they blindly believe is right, but could with the right situation completely change?
That's why I ultimately say people will be who they are bound to be. Some out of choice, others not - but once again, it is how all the factors came
together and the dice fell! But truly, to me, it is simple. Respect and care for all life. I'm not saying dont eat animals, because I do - it is a
principle of the universe - but give them good lives and painless deaths. It is not an action, it is how I ended up. Lots of others around me are like
that too. For me, that is all that constitutes a good person; for if their 'spirit' is of that principle they could never harm or intentionally cause
problems for another human being or life form, and help them if they are in need whenever possible (in their completely aware state). That's as close
of a definition to 'good' as I can define, and even then I wouldn't say that's even good - I feel like that's just how we're meant to be. The whole
human race. But evidently not.
My opinion of course.
edit on 5-12-2013 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)
edit on 5-12-2013 by DazDaKing because: (no reason
edit on 5-12-2013 by DazDaKing because: (no reason given)