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I think I might know what the chupies are!

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posted on Nov, 30 2004 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by merka

I never said how big they where, but we are talking much larger than any reported chupacabra.

Either way, a bloodsucker that actually KILL its prey is very inneffiecent, if not pointless. If you can kill something, you can eat it. All bloodsuckers (mosquito, vampire bats, etc) arent designed to rip the head of whatever its eating, they just want the blood. Well I'm not an animal expert, but I dont think so.

the point im trying to make is that chupies might have EVOLVED from sabretooths, not that chupies ARE sabres. and there are plenty of pointless things in nature, such as, say, ticks. nothing eats them, and they arent minutely important in the food chain.

and plus indellkoffer, if youre gonna just pass all these mythical creatures off as urban legends, why are you on this forum?

[edit on 30-11-2004 by Hawker9]

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