posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:21 AM
Hi guys, me again
Now, I am a bit of a conspiracy newbie. I'd say it's been roughly 8 months I have been digging for info and stuff on conspiracies and societies and
so forth. Not so I can rise against the machine, just purely out of interest. Now, one thing I have seen and read a lot of, is the Project Camelot
content. Which I am sure all of you know about
I was told a while back that most of is BS based on fact. FOR EXAMPLE, Area 51 exists - FACT. UFO's flying out and bla bla bla - BS.
But that some of it could also be, well, plausible. I do not rely on it as a confirmative source, but I do enjoy the interviews and reading the
transcripts, they are enjoyable to read no matter how much salt you need to pinch on it.
So in light of that, and to kick start a nice conversation to last me this afternoon. What are your thoughts on Camelot? Do you think they have
benefited the conspiracy society? Do you think they are/were massive dis-info players? Do you think the illuminati really broke them up? Or do you
think it's just a scam to make money?
I will shed my personal views on Camelot once we get going
Thank you ATS.