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White College Students File Racial-Discrimination Complaint

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posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:08 PM

reply to post by bigman88

no im not saying that at all.

i am saying that there are other aspects to this term that go unnoticed. like love/pride and a million others.


a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

now replace the word race with football team. you can nix the second portion of that definition as its relative.

in a broad sense having any preference or type of individualism is the same thing. you may not hate anybody but love your own regional culture, this is another aspect of racism that is not inherently bad or destructive. it is human nature. to pretend that you have absolutely no preference to anything is absurd.

ill use the star trek analogy. you got the humans, the klingons, and the romulans, each with their own types of individualism (culture) living separately amongst themselves. then you have the borg hive who have no individualism and only seek to assimilate everyone else. in the franchise we see both the good and bad aspects of racism/individualism. The humans seem to live separately, yet still in harmony with say...the vulcons (good aspect) yet you have the klingons constantly waring with say...romulans(bad).

the only group living without individualism is the borg, who would simply assimilate everyone, they are the racist-ist's. the only scenario where the borgs method of living ends up harmonious is if they assimilate 100% of existence.

its difficult to watch a football game and root for both teams, because in the end only one of them wins.

This makes plenty sense, thanks for clarifying.

One cannot deny that most people will prefer to remain as the race they already are, despite not having any ill thought within their heart towards other races.

But i'm going to disagree with racial violence, or violence substantiated by factors including racism as natural.

Racism towards another race on the basis of culture or physical features is due to elitist, real estate driven expenditures by Europeans. Not saying that they were the only ones doing all the pillaging, but the concept of another race being sub-human's seem to have originated from them.

Correct me if i am wrong, though.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 11:26 PM

The funniest thing that happened to me that is somehow related to this, is something that happened about a week or two ago. I saw some job vacancies that I liked and I decided to apply. But the system on the website wouldn't let me apply for the vacancies because I didn't belong to any ethnic group according to the computer system that registered me as a job applier.

Anyways, I decided to give this government institution that was responsible for the vacancies a call, to ask them how i couldn't be part of an ethnic group. The person I got hold of on the phone told me it said only people of ethnic groups could apply for the jobs, but they actually mend minorities but found it discriminating to call them minorities.

When I told the person n the phone that I come from a very old bloodline of Germanic tribes and Scandinavian kings and that I am part of an ethnic group called the Germans, this person thought I was joking and disconnected the phone line.

After that I tried to call the department against discrimination to file a complain. I told them the story and again referred to myself as being part of the Germanic ethnic group. Again my story wasn't taken seriously and they told me I could not file a complain because of it.

Hehehe...this is pure gold!

I'm so glad you tried this, you are 100% correct, and it goes a long way to expose their hypocrisy. It requires some impressive mental acrobatics to declare, in all seriousness, that someone doesn't belong to any ethnic group, or that the Germanic ethnic group doesn't exist (hell, they are a de-facto ethnic minority in many countries, Czech Republic for example).

I envy your bravado. I faced a similar situation a few months ago, but sadly I gave in to pressure and backed down. I was chosen for a telephone survey, the questionnaire concluding with an identification of my ethnic origins. Lots of answer choices. There was an exhaustive list of non-european minorities, with countries of origin...and a category simply called "white". An indefinite, homogeneous category. Clearly, in this context, "white" stood for "blank". It stood for "n/a". It stood for "non-ethnic", as if such a thing could be. I was offended, and considered giving "Other: Norman-Canadian" as my answer choice, but I didn't feel like arguing with the operator, so I just let it go. If such an occasion comes up again, though, I will hold my ground, if only to hear their reaction.

edit on 6-12-2013 by Cathcart because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 12:38 AM
Ok sure what this woman did was wrong and justice should be dealt equally to all seeing as all we asked for was equality. Some of us don't get this equality still. I cant even walk anywhere in a neighbourhood without getting dirty looks, blatantly ignored by some people, getting called a black #@#$ even when waiting at bus stops (lets just say it hurt them more than it hurt me). I can understand why a few of the black teens play up because no matter how good they are they just aren't accepted by the people around them and that leads us to the only option they have left at our disposal which is violence. Most are misguided, others see it as a way to get what they want and that disgusts me. My father was white and he showed me how every person regardless of colour can still be bad. People will always fight and argue about this stuff, you can decide how you handle it, it's not my place to say.

The point here is no we do not have some plan for white people or any people to be put in death camps or anything ridiculous we have far more important things to worry about instead of plotting evil schemes like this. Most of us just try to live our lives as normal as possible. If someone is incredibly racist to us make no mistake on the street we would either hurt you or just walk away, but if you keep on thinking that were all evil or all instant criminals we might just become what you fear the most. Okay sure sometimes we do come off as scary or mean but believe me just get to know us and most of us are really nice people.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by searcher109

Yeah here in the Netherlands, the Germanic / White / Nordic original Eurasian people are seriously starting to get a kind of minority. It's not the fact that they are outnumbered. It is a psychological thing which could lead to serious problems that most governments totally ignore even if they know these kind of problems exist.

One day in the not so far future it will lead to problems. I can already notice that even in a country as the Netherlands, where I live, things are seriously changing and people are starting to get more offensive to one and each other. Not only based on ethnic backgrounds on bigger scale (like religious background or skin color, etc.), but even seriously into some kind of regional level going back into the roots of the different areas here in the Netherlands. This can go as deep as that people from the North (Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe) will get more and more hateful against those from the West of the Netherlands (Holland area).

This seriously goes deep because of the fact that in this situation there are some very heavy economic reasons behind it. In the North they have gas and oil. But they don't get the financial benefit from it, the money goes to the central government, and most of it is spend in the West and the South of the Netherlands. People from the North have accepted this for decades without demanding anything back for it. But the last couple of years many earthquakes that are caused by the drilling have damaged a lot of properties. And now the people from the North want financial compensation for it.

So yes, this whole situation here could even lead into the North separating from the rest in a worst case scenario if there will be no compensation. Actually the situation in Europe is not very good at the moment to be very honest with you. There is a lot playing in the background that not many people are aware of.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by Cathcart

Yeah you should seriously stand your ground and demand that you'll be treated as a human being according to international laws. Even if you will not get anything from it, just let them know that you are aware of the fact that you are entitled to stand your ground and demand that you'll be treated in the right way.

I mean, here in the Netherlands our law says in article 1 that everybody should be treated in the same equal way. And that it should not matter what your background or origins are. Basically a very nice and good law. Well, when the law really is equal for everybody. But it isn't. For example the guy that wanted to protest against the royal Dutch family. This guy threw a candle holder against the golden horse wagon of the Queen, got arrested for it and spent 2 years in jail.

And still he is not free to speak, not free to demonstrate, not free to be where he wants to be. Funny thing is that the information he is trying to spread, is in fact true, not debunked, and could lead to the end of the royal family. Which actually is a good thing I think, just like many others here in the Netherlands. But you can not speak out in public about it, or in the media, because that will get you into some serious trouble.

So that article 1 of our law is just a big freaking hoax. Because if somebody threw a candle holder at my car or bike, that person wouldn't even be arrested for it. Maybe the police won't even show up. So what about treating everybody equally?

Well, you get my point. People are aware of what is going on, but especially the left wing orchestrated media on TV and Radio here will just NOT speak or report about it. Actually sometimes that really makes me sick and disgusted.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 04:23 AM
Getting back to the OP....I've been doing a lot of surfing on this and the one thing I've decided for sure is that this is yet another example of the deteriorating state of journalism in this country.

This story has being repeated by numerous media sources that are basing their articles and headlines primarily on just Shannon Gibney's account. She might be accurately describing events, she might not be.

There are thousands of highly charged comments about this all over the net but no one actually knows what really happened in that classroom and it doesn't seem like any media outlets are even attempting to investigate. Apparently no one has even bothered to go on the campus and attempt to interview any students; at least I have yet to see that. This is an emotional hot button topic that will generate traffic to sites. Beyond that there is not enough information available to make an intelligent comment.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 05:02 AM
Skipping ahead a couple of pages here. I don't know if anyone's mentioned it, but this racial/gender/whatever sensitivity crap has crossed the Burn-out line for many, if not most. When you cross over from actual teaching to blatant drumbeating, you lose your audience. You lose credibility, you alienate, you reaffirm or create new stereotypes, and virtually ruin your own goal by way of topic & approach overload. Is there any surprise here that people are starting to gather the courage to say "stuff it already!" ?

Look, I don't deny the US started out with slaves, and I don't deny that we weren't particularly fair a couple of decades ago even. But if your only useful contribution to society is to be the broken record with an attitude and an agenda, I'm going to start filtering you out. There's more than enough of those types out there, and we don't need more lest we want to set ourselves back oh, 50 or 60 years socially by way of overexposure & aggressive tactics. Simple as that.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 09:31 AM
Here is what the problem is...Too many people tend to think that racism is something only black people deal with. The truth is that there are just as many black people who are prejudiced against white people, and maybe even more. And if you look at the majority of cases of supposed racial discrimination, the largest percentage of cases involves black people complaining about white people's actions.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by bigman88

you are not wrong and i agree.

although i have witnessed some people exhibit fear to some extent when introduced to a new race/culture.

and the Yoda quote from star wars comes to mind....

"fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to......the dark side"

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 02:47 PM

Here is what the problem is...Too many people tend to think that racism is something only black people deal with. The truth is that there are just as many black people who are prejudiced against white people, and maybe even more. And if you look at the majority of cases of supposed racial discrimination, the largest percentage of cases involves black people complaining about white people's actions.

Or maybe that's is what you are shown, or what you want to hear.

More racist black people against white people?

What do you mean by the large number of supposed racial discrimination cases where black people are complaining about white people? Is this an actual statistic, or something that you just made up?

Please, do show me.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 02:59 PM

Ok sure what this woman did was wrong and justice should be dealt equally to all seeing as all we asked for was equality. Some of us don't get this equality still. I cant even walk anywhere in a neighbourhood without getting dirty looks, blatantly ignored by some people, getting called a black #@#$ even when waiting at bus stops (lets just say it hurt them more than it hurt me). I can understand why a few of the black teens play up because no matter how good they are they just aren't accepted by the people around them and that leads us to the only option they have left at our disposal which is violence. Most are misguided, others see it as a way to get what they want and that disgusts me. My father was white and he showed me how every person regardless of colour can still be bad. People will always fight and argue about this stuff, you can decide how you handle it, it's not my place to say.

The point here is no we do not have some plan for white people or any people to be put in death camps or anything ridiculous we have far more important things to worry about instead of plotting evil schemes like this. Most of us just try to live our lives as normal as possible. If someone is incredibly racist to us make no mistake on the street we would either hurt you or just walk away, but if you keep on thinking that were all evil or all instant criminals we might just become what you fear the most. Okay sure sometimes we do come off as scary or mean but believe me just get to know us and most of us are really nice people.

Agreed as a black person myself. Well said.

But i strongly disagree with the theory of kids acting violent because of all the racism. The violence, for anyone, black, white, Asian, or the reason for any violence committed by youth across the world, is an environment that is void of adequate, healthy activity, the focused marketing of shallow, intellectually stymieing entertainment along with violent and sexually inundated media, drugs, and poverty.

Pertaining to black violent teens, or any teens doing this crap in the U.S., this is the chief present problem. These kids are not raised in an overarching environment that promotes anything else but braggadocio, selfishness, and recklessness. It's not just black culture, as plenty would ignorantly insist. It U.S. culture as a whole. It's just much more apparent with inner city black teens because of U.S. governments campaigns of demoralization and ruin of black communities.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 08:43 PM
Wow.. Just wow..

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by bigman88

Study the Asian cultures.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 05:35 PM
I know the thread is dead but I wanted to comment somewhere about what I just found--part of the statement from the college itself which is not being picked up by most media outlets:

Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, we are unable to comment on private personnel matters unless permission is granted by the employee. These laws prohibit us from discussing the specifics of pending complaints, even if individuals concerned choose to disclose their involvement in the process. Information about complaints against employees remains private until all of the employee’s appeal rights are exhausted. Even when information provided by a student or employee about a complaint or disciplinary matter is not accurate or complete, the law prohibits us from responding to specific employment situations until a final disposition has been reached. Violations of student and employee privacy are subject to monetary and other penalties under the law.


The students aren't going public, only the professor. It seems to me that the school is very clearly implying that her account is not "accurate or complete."

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