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Living Without Trust............

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posted on May, 21 2003 @ 03:55 AM
In these days, I live without trust. I have seen and heard it all. Yet every time I tell myself that, I found out that I am once again misunderstanding the comlexity of the world. I understand that all things are noting but opinions. There are no facts, only truths.

We live for facts, but only to find the truths. Yet we should know the truths first before we can understand the facts. Is that not so???

Do we not deceive the truth to obtain the fact???

Can anyone deny this???

Of course not, because once again all truth is only the way to facts. Truth can only be known, not told. What is the truth???

The truth is out there(As is outside one's self.), not in here(As in oneself).

That is what that statement means. That is the point of the X-Files saga. They insist that the truth is only as far as one is willing to go. How far are you willing to go???

Is it so that this is as far as you will go. Is this the peak of your journey to enlightenment???

Sitting at the computer trying to pull it in through the screen???

How can the truth be known through a machine???

The TV, is the same. So is the radio. Then comes the common word of man. Man is the most irrational and unreliable of all the former, is he not???

So who and what can we actually trust other than ourselves???

Can anyone here actually say they trust someone else completely???

I would tend to disagree. All people are bound to this vice. It is the test of morality and faith. It is the real conception of man.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 07:09 AM
"So who and what can we actually trust other than ourselves??? "

Hell, I can't even trust myself....

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 07:37 AM
You cant trust anybody! People tell you what they want you to hear and more oftern than not that turns out to be lies as well!

Empty broken promises, that's all other people ever give you.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue That is the point of the X-Files saga. They insist that the truth is only as far as one is willing to go. How far are you willing to go???


The point of the X-Files saga is to capitalize on the deep-seated nature of the American public to be gullible when it comes to conspiracy-minded entertainment. The X-Files is pure entertainment... nothing more.

Interesting thing "trust". It is much like respect, in that you receive respect more often when you first offer it. And likewise, "trust" is experienced when you are able to offer it.

Certainly you'll get burned... we all do... but that's part of the experience of learning, and understanding when and where to trust.

Consider where I live, New York City. Every day millions of people "trust" each other not to screw up the delicate symbiotic rhythm of this massive city. Most days, things go just fine, no one messes up the subway, cab drives careen across town in their mad dance, food arrives, garbage leaves, all is well.

"Trust" is perhaps the most important thing you can do... and many times, all you can do.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 09:42 AM
You've made a nice point gazrok, a lot of people can't trust themselves.

Pocket, a government is a bunch of people

William, you say X-files is pure entertainment.
Then why is there an alien and paranormal section on ATS?

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 10:01 AM
X-Files TV Show = Pure entertainment. (why are we discussing this)

ATS Website = Archive of conspiracy/UFO materials/theories. (Again why?)

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 10:12 AM
Let me put it in another way,

do you say X-files is bullsh*t?

Edit\ I think there's more truth in it than you've ever imagined

[Edited on 21-5-2003 by alienaddicted]

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 10:47 AM
Perhaps 80% to 95% Bull. (the range is because I really can't remember much beyond the laughable main themes of two or more alien species battling for control of humans... or their best freak show episode)

I think there is much less truth to the X-Files mythos than you have hoped for.

[Edited on 21-5-2003 by William]

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 11:23 AM
Try to remember more.

Just want to say we are talking about a lot of stuff here on the forum that is mentioned in X-files episodes.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 11:43 AM
And try to remember that the discussions of these topics are more often because these concepts have appeared in X-Files episodes.

If you've been researching these things (like I have) since long before popularization in TV shows and movies, you notice distinct trends of spikes in topics of interest immedately after they appear in a movie or TV show.

For example, before Close Encounters, not many abductees settled on a unified description of aliens as the grays shown in the movie. After the movie, grays are oft blamed for abductions.

But we are now abducting Abraham Virtue's thread... if you'd like, we can take this discussion to another thread... but let's return to the concept of trust and where it can be placed.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 02:37 PM
Unfortunately, we weren't all born perfect. That means it's normal to sometimes not trust oneself and/or others.

But there's no need to fret about it. That's life. Just live & learn from experience. Do your best to be true to yourself & do the best you can to avoid those who are untrue.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 02:51 PM
Heh, there is a program more dangerous, more incidious, more undermining of trust than the X files, which is often just good for the plots.

That program that has started to destroy my trust in others is Judge Judy. Night after night backstabbing double crossing lying cheating people end up on my TV screen, destroying their friendships, their families, their work and employment opportunities.

Some are no hopers, others are wacko's or stupid, but many are just like the norm Mr and Mrs Joe average stabbing their felow person in the back. These bozos with the 5 minutes of fame are more damaging to the concept of the fellowship of humanity than any X files program ever was. Usually at the source if it is greed, and an absence of personal morality to do the right thing.

[Edited on 21-5-2003 by Netchicken]

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 02:54 PM
Since trust is so hard to obtain so is truth. Lack of truth means like of knowledge. I can't lack in knowledge. Knowledge is what I live for. Yet in these days knowledge has become an opinion due to the spins of political manipulation. This spin has my head going in circles. When my head stops to adjust it won't be able to See. For the spin has spun my world.

You See?

[Edited on 21-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 02:57 PM
There are different types of trust.

I trust the school crossing guard to get my kids safely over the road.

I trust my government to do it's best for me.

But is that really trust? It seems to me that it is, but it isn't complete trust. If I found out that the crossing guard was an alcoholic or that the government had been trying to kill me I'd soon drop them like a hot brick.

We want to be able to give trust because it eases our minds, gives us comfort - makes us happy. But sometimes we're far too quick to give it. Trust is something that builds up after years and years of experience but at the end of the day it is still a gamble. There are people and institutions in whom I have varying degrees of trust, but the vast majority of them have not so far proven to me that I can throw caution to the wind and fully give them my blessing. Complete trust is a very precious thing to give. When it is betrayed, the effects can be devestating.

There are only two people in whom I have complete trust.

I've lived with one of those people for a long time and after that period you get to know somebody. You can tell where their limits are and just how far you can push them before they betray your trust. I try to stay between the boundaries of human behaviour so I can build further on that trust.

The other person I trust is me. I tried to find out who I am. What makes me tick. I didn't necessarily like all of the answers that I got back but I found that I can live with them.

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
That program that has started to destroy my trust in others is Judge Judy.


NC... dude...

You really don't think all those head-cases are real people do you?

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 03:12 PM
Ahh ... yeah i did... you mean they are actors? I thought it was a typical cross slice of middle america...

Originally posted by William

NC... dude...

You really don't think all those head-cases are real people do you?

[Edited on 21-5-2003 by Netchicken]

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 03:30 PM
I guess I never really thought about that. I guess that is because I figured that those people had no trust in one another anyway. Now, I don't see how the X-Files or any other show can relate to my next point, which is this:

When it comes down to the truth, can we really say that we trust anyone, including ourselves, entirely??? I just don't think that our primative minds are capable of doing so. I think that in order to have a mind that works in common agreement with threat assesments, then one cannot fully cease to second guess and look over with caution. The trust I am talking about is deeper than between two people, or two nations.

The trust I am talking about is a universal trust. The conception that one could just be casted into some oblivion by the forces of change. For it is well known that we live in the world, and that the world doesn't live in us.

I think that trust cannot ever fully be attained with respect to the forces of time, and matter. Does anyone else understand what I mean???

[Edited on 21-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on May, 21 2003 @ 11:43 PM
Judge Judy is a fake???

Are those people in a fake court with fake everything about them???

Any way , 'trust'' such an easy word, but not so hard to do!!!

Trusting someone should be like you ''trust'' yourself........
Now, do we 'trust'' ourselves ???
It is all good when someone has trust because it shows that as a person we allow our Judgements'' not to surface........but i guess that is part of our weakness.......our lack of ''trust'' toward has become that way , so that we cannot have ''faith'' in what it is that is suppose to be ''trust''.....
we allow ''our human mind'' to think that there is no trust out there and we become ''hostile'' to that which is given to us'''trust'' is a good thing.............
and it takes ''faith'' to trust .................
We ''trust'' in the goodness of mankind........but mankind has twisted that trust into ''untrustworthy'' because it wants to enslave us into believing that we are only to trust hypocritical is that !!!
Do i trust???
Well i try..........i get let down sometimes.........but then , i fall...........i get up.............and trust is a part of life .......then ,that ''trust'' can be perfected..............but then again..........
Who do we ''trust''
Who do we think we are to ''condem'' someone and we ourselves are doing that same thing ............
We are not any different from the person that we condemn.............because we make that 'judgement'' according to our thinking and 'know how' of who it is we ''trust '' in............oh boy...........have i made any sense???

I think i might have talked too much..........

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