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In Dixie-Land, I'll take my stand, to live and die in Dixie

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posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 12:52 PM
Now, I'm a southerner, and I'm proud of my heritage. There's been quite a smear campaign against the south, and it frustrates me. The South has a rich cultural tradition, it's not the cabal of racism and ignorance the media portrays it as. The Civil War was not civil.

We allied with the Indians when the federal government began to put a stranglehold on both of our people. Then, after so many good men died, the federal government freed the slaves in the south, and killed all the Indians in the midwest. I don't know which is worse, slavery, or genocide.

They locked up people who were fighting for their homeland in barbaric prison camps with unfathomably awful conditions. They burnt Atlanta to the ground. Their generals were sociopaths and drunkards, while the generals of the South were honorable and moral men like Robert E. Lee.

These days, we need a Robert E. Lee. We need a Jefferson Davis.

We need to kick all the yankee condominium developers out. Or they can stay, but they gotta live with a twelve foot gator, and be responsible for it's up keep. The lousy shysters destroyed the poor gator's home when they drained some body of water, built a tacky home for New Yorkers there. Where's the gator going to live then? If there was any justice in the world, he'd live with them New Yorkers, or that condo developer.

The South will rise again. Not in a military way, or a violent way, but culturally. When the collapse hits, us good ol' boys will be better off than those yankees trapped in the big cities they stole from the indians all them years ago.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 12:57 PM
Why can't we all just be Americans, Untied in the fight against injustice, and standing for the freedom of all our fellow man.

As long as their is a "north" and "south", a "black" and "White", or basically anything-American, division will win the day.

And the agenda against the people will only advance.

I am Not a Dem, Not a Rep, not A Liberal or Conservative, I am an American first and foremost.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by benrl

Because we can't and won't ever get past our petty human nature.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:05 PM
Awww, come on. We fought off the British together didn't we?

Besides, I'm a yankee red neck country girl. My sister is a southern city girl. I will be looking after her, if the whole thing collapses. Because we are family.
And all Americans, so we are in this together!

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Grifter42

Southern values caused "patriots" like yourself to segregate from the nation and urinate on what was left, including the constitution. It was a bloody, violent failure before and it will fail again.

All the same dynamics and "patriots" are in place.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by benrl

That's the way to be. But that divide is driven home mostly by the attitude of northern and western states whose attitude is very influenced by a biased media. The masses are given a simplified black and white version of history that just isn't accurate. The south is the cultural hub of the nation in all reality. Hell, rock and roll, blues, jazz, folk, country music all born in the southern regions. There would be nothing inherently American without the south.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by benrl

Star for you my friend! I couldn't have said it any better.....

Can I also add that the so called environment of "Political Correctness" has kind of slow walked us to a point where, no matter what "GROUP" you might be compartmentalized into, it seems that we have lost sight of "RESPECT" towards those whom are "different". We have been forced into such a narrow thought process that if, "You don't believe as I do, then by God, I am going to scream and yell to have your rights and beliefs taken away from you! But be DAMNED, if you try to take away mine!"....

What a vicious cycle.....
edit on 3-12-2013 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by benrl

I like your sentiment, but the term "American" is very vague, don't you think? There's a lot of countries on the American continents.

And should we all be homogenized generic Americans, then? You're right that black, white, that sort of thing doesn't matter. And neither does political orientation. Democans, Republicrats, they're puppets on different hands of the same rich guy.

But what does matter is culture. And I love my culture and my heritage. We have bad times in our history, but the Union has done worse. Being united isn't always a good thing. Ask the Indians. They were so grateful to be inducted into the Union. Or they were massacred and those that survived were gentrified and stripped of their culture. I forget which.

reply to post by Grifter42

Southern values caused "patriots" like yourself to segregate from the nation and urinate on what was left, including the constitution.

All the same dynamics and "patriots" are in place.

Now, that I take offense to. I ain't gonna repeat your defamatory and derogative allegation, but the south wasn't the one who micturated upon the constitution. Find a map and take a look at where DC is. In the North. You make assumptions about me that aren't true. I love my country, my community, and culture.
So what? Is that a crime?

I'm not so fond of the government. The federal government and the state government, the hydra head that sprang forth from it. I'd appreciate it if we could all act like gentlemen here.
edit on 3-12-2013 by Grifter42 because: clarity

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:19 PM

The lousy shysters destroyed the poor gator's home when they drained some body of water, built a tacky home for New Yorkers there. Where's the gator going to live then? If there was any justice in the world, he'd live with them New Yorkers, or that condo developer.

You Sir sound like a good man , I wish you and your State a prosperous future .

edit on 3-12-2013 by gortex because: edit to edit

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by benrl

Why can't we all just be Americans, Untied in the fight against injustice, and standing for the freedom of all our fellow man.

Freudian slip or fast fingers?

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by gortex

The way they portray the South in the media, it's all lies. The media will tell you Coca-Cola is good for you, that radiation promotes hair growth and makes for tastier livestock, that JFK was killed by Oswald, that Lincoln was a good person, that green is red, and yellow is the new number three. It's just a constant stream of gibberish and pandering propaganda.

I miss the old days of the south. When our generals were real men. Stonewall Jackson, standing and fighting along side his brothers in arms. Robert E. Lee, with his keen intuition and experience in battle, his strong moral code. Now, we're a pale reflection of what we used to be. If a man is a great tactician these days, and he is from the south, if he wants to pursue a military career, he has to work for the entity that waged war against his homeland.

The war of the 1860s, to use a neutral term, was worth fighting. Today, the wars of the U.S. are fought in as unsporting a manner as possible. Who needs experience, wisdom, moral code like Lee had, when you have unmanned drones with hellfire missiles? We're on the cusp of 2014 and it's going down hill.
edit on 3-12-2013 by Grifter42 because: Clarity

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:58 PM

Awww, come on. We fought off the British together didn't we?

Only with the aid of The French, The Spanish and The Dutch.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:58 PM



Find a map and take a look at where DC is. In the North.

I am pretty sure that Robert E. Lee would take offense to the fact that you just called him a Northerner.

This is the view from the front porch of Arlington House. The home of Lee.

Yes, that is the Washington Monument, the Capital and the Lincoln Memorial.
edit on 3-12-2013 by LordOfArcadia because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-12-2013 by LordOfArcadia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by LordOfArcadia

There's a long story to that.

Let's bring it way back, to 1860. Virginia has just seceded. Lincoln offers command of the Union Army to Lee while he's living in Arlington House. But Lee has ethics. He can't fight his native commonwealth. He refuses the offer, and leaves a letter of resignation in Arlington.

He then reports to Richmond, takes up the command of the Virginia Provisional Army, and joins up with the confederates.

The Union then ransacked Arlington House, taking anything of value. The house had been built by George Washington's adopted son, and was looted by folks who were supposed to defend the values Washington set forth.

General Lee might have lived in DC for a measure of time, but he stayed a southerner, regardless.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 03:09 PM
The irony and hypocracy of fighting to end slavery is that many of the northern workers lived worse than the slaves did.
Many of the new immigrants who were arriving in america were drafted into the union army while their families were forced into sweatshops working 18 hours a day, for a nickle, to try and support themselves while their husbands,brothers and sons who were drafted were sent off to fight a rich mans war in the south.

The rich had an endless supply of these immigrant slaves to prey on and force into horrendous working conditions.The only difference between the southern slaves and the northern slaves is that the northern slaves had the "freedom" to quit working and die of hunger or live as a homeless beggar.The southern slaves didn`t have that freedom because they had everything paid for by someone else, living quarters,food,healthcare,clothes, etc.
if the north really was sincere about ending slavery maybe they should have started in their own backyard.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

Well said. Anyone who's read through Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" should know that northern life wasn't so free as they said. Folks had to sell their soul to the company store.

If the North is so anti-slavery, why didn't they pay their menial workers a living wage? Why'd they have them Pinkertons shoot a bunch of organized labor folks?

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 04:24 PM
Many don't realize that the north did not "end slavery" to end it.

They ended it because the financial return from slavery was not as valuable as the political drawbacks internationally.

First they made it illegal to buy a slave but not to sell one.
Consequently, all of the northern slave owners that could sold their slaves the slave a profit...knowing they would soon be compelled to free them.

The emancipation proclamation was a political move to prevent foreign governments from supporting the south. The ultimate goal of the north was to end slavery but to force as many blacks to live in the south as possible.

Northern industry and immigrant labor supplanted slavery in the north but not because it was a big decision by the good northern states to do so. It was the economic and social inevitability.

Southern states were well aware that slavery would end eventually. Just not on a convenient timeline for the agricultural south.

The northern and southern slave owners were in the rich minority. Most Americans did not own slaves.

As one of the southern generals put it, "We should have freed the slaves and then fired on Ft. Sumter.

There were no angels in civil war politics and the innocents on both sides died on the battlefields and under the lash.

The media and political games that still vilify the south and glorify the north are aimed at people who weren't even alive at the time these things happened while the big money and political families from north and south today have histories of slave ownership but all want to pose as the liberators.

Politics is twisted so much that people actually think Lincoln was a Democrat. He won the White House in 1860 as a Republican.

Modern history has been twisted to manipulate and divide Americans so they can be controlled by the establishment.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by badgerprints

You sound like a very well informed individual. From the look of it, you may have a better understanding than myself of the war.

May I ask you a question? Why was the north so industrialized in comparison to the south?

Tell you the truth, I think not having a bunch of machinery around is a good thing. Lots of southern places have a sort of untouched beauty. I just wish I could go back in time and feed the guy who figured out how to drain the everglades to the crocodiles that were still alive back then.

I guess industrialization during war is good. But there's beauty in nature.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Grifter42

I'm a Louisiana boy myself. I could'nt agree more about your sentiments of being a Southerner. The area I'm in has not only Southern American, but French, Creole, indian and Spanish cultures here also. Heck, the town I live in was originally settled as a Spanish fort 300 years ago. So there is alot of history and culture here.

Unfortunately, most people just accept the simplified black and white version and leave it at that. Then they get mad when you discuss things like:

The emancipation proclomation and the gettysburg address should have been done at the start of the war if the purpose of the war was really to free the slaves.

They ignore the fact that black men signed up in droves for the confederate armies.

They usually look befuddled when you talk about the "wage slaves" in the North.

They have never heard of how Lincoln deliberately positioned the Federals in such a manner at fort Sumpter that the south had no choice but to attack effectively making the South look like the aggressors when in fact the North had long been waging a "tariff war" on Southern imports.

Every time I have ever read a soldiers account of the war, not one time have I ever seen a soldier say he joined the confederate army to keep slavery. There are quite a few of them that talked about an oppressive federal government that they wanted to get away from though.

And yes, movies and TV do nothing but reinforce the "bad whitey" stereotypical white southerner KKK redneck racist.

The American government did then what it still does now, history is written by the victors. So what sounds better for the history books? That you waged a war that killed millions of Americans becasue you were freeing the slaves? Or that you put down a rebellion of a bunch of good ol boys that wanted to govern themselves.

it does'nt faze me though, let them think what they want. I know what really happened. And I have the facts to tell people who want to argue with me over it.

Don't let it bother you though OP, that's why I have Early Cuyler as my avatar. Embrace the stereotype and people can't bother you with it. I have an aunt from new york who is always talking about dumb Southerners this and that. All I have to say to her when she starts is one word. Pennsylvania. I have been there and they make the folks in gulf coast Mississippi look like geniuses. I've never been anywhere in the world where stupid people did'nt exist, if anyone finds one please let me know.
edit on 4-12-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:11 AM


May I ask you a question? Why was the north so industrialized in comparison to the south?

That mainly comes town to economics, politics and population.

The big money at the time was in the northern cities where industrial innovation was most rigorously applied.

The south was primarily agricultural.

When the northern states political factions saw that the slaves were becoming a liability, they made it economically and politically advantageous to the northern tier states to sell their slaves off to the south. The financial and political motivations are obvious but the social motivation in the north was to move a soon to be freed black population away from them geographically.

The northerners acceded to the inevitability of emancipation but didn't want those emancipated slaves living in their neighborhood.

Racism was just as prevalent in the Northern slave holding states as it was in the southern slave holding states. Recent changes to allow the sales of slaves but not to buy them led to a large scale movement of most slaves to the southern states even as the northern states were politically calling for freeing of all slaves.

These northern states had the recently developed benefit of industry and a lot of white immigrant labor that worked at wages that were nearly the same as it cost to keep slaves. It was more preferable to the white population of the north to "free the slaves" and "end slavery" as political pressure mounted worldwide so they sold the bulk of slaves to the south and replaced them with poor immigrants, many of whom were indentured.

The institution of slavery was on the way out. The north just figured a way to profit on the situation economically and politically while claiming the moral high ground and getting all of the soon to be freed slaves located as far away as they could.

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