posted on Dec, 2 2013 @ 10:00 PM
Adam and Eve wasn't the first male and female humans! In fact they was the first of that model! The other models wasn't able to procreate. Otherwise
don't you think incest would have deteriorated the genes and health to extinction? They had many other humans of that MODEL around them.
The only way I could honestly see humans surviving generational incest breeding. is if Adam and Eve had such strong alien gene influence that would
otherwise be diluted to almost non existence now to keep the degeneration at bay atleast for awhile.
But that's grasping at straws!
Noah didn't build a boat to house animals. The vehicle he was in housed human genetics. Ah yes Ea tells Ziusudra, that the known world (Known to Noah)
is going to flood. When Ziusudra gets aboard this ship it has all the genetic material to restart population.
You don't really believe Noah and his wife can breed together and through incest breeding restart there area of the world? Let alone the popular
belief of the whole world?
The reason no one believed Noah about the flood was because the other gods Enlil who planned to wipe them out and had many worshipers basically told
them it was disinformation.
Besides lets be honest here. Ziusudra was probably a future model! And most likely a demigod!
But in any event the whole world didn't flood and it wasn't animals it was human genetic makeup!
Adam and Eve were't the first they was the first of that model and the first hybrids to procreate!
edit on 2-12-2013 by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t
because: (no reason given)