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Lucid Dreaming and Demon Encounters

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posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 06:37 PM
Whenever I encounter something evil in a dream OR in real life I pray the Lord's prayer. Maybe your not a Christian... I don't think that matters so much as believing that I will be protected. I truely, truely believe that Jesus will protect me, that he will save me and he has never failed me. This faith has protected me. If its just God for you or something else to put your faith in altogether then so be it.
I have come across the path of a few dark entities and for me calling on God has never failed.
As for lucid dreaming, its weird, I've been aware I was dreaming and doing what I wanted within the dream, but I can't remember ever having ultimate control over the scenery or my size or anything like that.
I've never practiced dreaming though, it has always come very natural to me. My dreams are incredibly vivid and often times they take place in a dreamscape that I could literally map out for you because I've been there so many times. I've also had prophetic dreams... Nothing apocalyptic or anything... Seemingly unimportant prophecies... I'd say enough to prove to me that that is in fact what they were.
So there's no doubt in my mind that the dream world is either the other side or a gateway to it.
Something to note... Your first instinct is usually the right one, so if you got the impression it was a demon, then it most likely was.
That's just my take! Opinions always welcome!

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:21 AM
I have alot of terrible dreams. Or rather have had alot of terrible dreams. This is what sparked my interest in lucid dreaming, because there was a time in my life that I was actually afraid to sleep lol. However, one time I was sitting in my apartment watching a movie, sitting up on my bed. I must have fell asleep, because I suddenly got that terrifying, hair on the back of your neck standing up sensation you get when you feel like your being watched. But this was intense. I mean INTENSE. so I look around my room, I had a leopard skin comforter hanging in the doorway to my room, and when I looked at it, it was pulled back. There was just this black amorphous shape looking at me (I actually didn't see any features at all, I use looking loosley, I just mean its attention was fully on me) That is when the paralysis came. As soon as I noticed it, I honestly can't even describe the feeling, it just felt like it was taking something from me. I struggled and eventually ended up on the floor. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I am not religious at all. I wouldn't say I'm an atheist, and I am open to the idea of a god, i believe nothing, and am certainly not a Christian. But i, in my desperate struggling, yelled out Jesus Christ. Not calling for help, more of an exclamation of my complete helplessness at being so overpowered. I woke up on my bed. That was the only time an entity in my sleep had overcame me. She I am lucid and dreaming everything I have encountered I have been able to will away. And poof, they just go. But none the less that is a very interesting dream man. I would try and talk to it next time you encounter it.

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 05:49 PM
Hmmm, thanks to everyone to shared.... Those are some very interesting experiences. I have no experience with lucid dreaming, but I do have some ideas on how to combat the negative entities. I have a technique that I use while meditating (and in everyday life), and it works in the waking state against demons/negative entities. I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work in the dreamscape/astral planes. I would try it out myself first, but I have yet to have a lucid dream... I know, I know... I'm workin on it. Anyways, what I do is imagine a sphere of radiating white light around my body. Kind of like an aura, but you can make it however big you want too. No limitations. I also use the technique to cover my house/neighborhood/car or what vessel/structure that surrounds me. I started using it ever since I had a demonic attack while meditating... I was laying down on my bed, doing some breathing exercises, getting ready to meditate. All of a sudden I felt like someone slammed a sledge hammer on my chest, and something was standing on top of me so that I couldn't breathe. I knew immediately that it was a demonic attack. Don't ask me how I know, I just know... You'll just have to trust me on this one. I prayed about it, and this is the solution that came to mind. Haven't had any problems since... I would probably do the exercise and imagine the sphere around you before going to bed. I have a feeling it will carry over to the dream state, and bam... you'll be untouchable. If those imps give you trouble, and it bites you in the hand for example. Try imagining a sphere of white light around your hand, and keep expanding it so that it engulfs the imp. It will probably explode... Kinda like in the first Maxtrix, when Neo realizes the nature of reality, and the control/power he has over it, and he jumps into agent smith and he just explodes... Now this is all just speculation, I have no idea if it will work. But, I have a strong feeling it will, almost a knowing... I hope that helps. Looking forward to any updates on the "Dream-master". Lol... Don't blast him with white light

edit on 19-9-2015 by MustardSeed because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-9-2015 by MustardSeed because: typos

posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 11:51 PM
I have encountered a few types over the course of my life and although I have not met one exactly like you describe I have met one minutely similar. He was more as you would expect an old "Merlin, Wizard type", just old, long white beard, a slight hint of Chinese, bald, long robe like you'd imagine from ancient times.

He had the same type of resistance and while your Dream Master did not communicate or attack you, mine tried to have his will be dominant. It wasn't like he was engaging me in a fight, it was more like he wanted me to know he was more strong willed than I was. It was telepathic as well as radiated aura.

I kind of thought I couldn't match him and was trying to figure out why I was there and why this was taking place. I was in a room with one wall missing with just the black void outside but also small points of light as though it might be stars in the distance.

This is when I realized I had it within me to affect him and the encounter and then it felt like he took that away. I almost began to succumb to his willful dominance but somehow found it inside me to fight back once more. I guess my ultimate power comes from my connection to lore from comics/cartoons in the form of the X-man Jean Grey who possesses the Phoenix Force. Like I do when often challenged, I let my Phoenix shaped aura fire up in mystic blue flamed energy surrounding me and other entities tend to back off. This guy was totally shocked when I did this. I could feel his willful dominance fade and I'll never forget the look in his eyes. He threw up one hand as if a bright light was shining in his eyes and slight turned his head and looked back and said, "Wait!" and it caused me to stand down my energy. He stared at me as if to say good job and that was all of the encounter.

After a moment of relaxation, I lost lucidity and popped back in my body. I recounted the encounter and my feelings was that this was a tutor/watcher of sorts and I passed a test. That whole episode came to mind while reading your encounter.

Just as a mention, others I have ran into include a Nosferatu vampire type who drained my energy so bad I couldn't get out of bed for 2 days. There is another I have only read about 2 other times and that is the big black smoke mass that has black smoky tendrils that come out and after you. I ran into this one twice and once I almost didn't get away, it somehow negated my attempts to leave the plane and return to my it nullified my process somehow and is maybe my most fearful experience.

I see that you have not replied in a few years but if you read this along with any other seasoned travelers, I wanted to know if you were interested in forming a Lucid/Astral Team...a type of dream warriors if you will (Nightmare on Elm Street 3/4 anyone?) We could meet up astrally and find out more about different planes of existence? It is something I have wanted to do my whole life but never felt like advertising until now. What say you?

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: NaughtyLibrarian

I'm of the idea that belief/knowing something will happen is critical to controlling anything in your dreams.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: QuietSpeech

Huh, that's really interesting. Do you know any techniques for turning the lucidity on? I read once that you should always be in the practice of checking to see if your dreaming all day long and then when your in the habit of doing it, you'll do it in your dreams too. It said to read something, and if it changes, your in a dream.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: NaughtyLibrarian

I am no pro by any means but things that have worked for me are reality checks, and logic checks. You can get apps for your smart phone that will randomly go off, and each time it does you just do a reality check. An easy reality check is pressing your index and forefinger of one hand into the palm of your opposite hand and telling yourself if this is a dream your fingers will pass through. It will become such a habit that you find yourself doing it in your dreams. Or even without the phone app you can ask yourself if you are dreaming every time you walk through a doorway and perform a reality check. Just be consistent.

Logic checks work the best for me though. Just asking yourself if things make sense on a regular basis translates into you doing it while you dream. The most realistic dreams often have things or people that don't belong. Once I had a pipe leak water under my home in the crawl space. I could not do much about it as it was the middle of the night so I resigned to go back to sleep and deal with it the morning. I dreamt that the water level had risen up to the floor boards (impossible) and realized I was dreaming. There was that instant of excitement when you realize your are dreaming, and then I promptly took flight because earlier that day I wanted to know what it would be like to fly through the clouds, and after that right into the sun(on purpose).

There is all kinds of free information on the web regarding Lucid Dreaming, but it will all come down to you applying yourself and sticking with it. I am a lazy dreamer, when it happens that is great, but I have not actively attempted to do so for over a year now. You have me thinking I should start following that path again, I hear meditation can get you to that same point and give you even better focus and control when you dream.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 11:15 AM
Drugs help. I'm taking a peptide increases melatonin think I make extra DeeMT from that for some reason. Super vividness. Reality checks are the way to go, but people usually aren't aware enough to start the test. Take drugs (legal are best) and it should help you out.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

Foods as well, seaweed of all things greatly improves my dream recall/vividness.

posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 05:05 PM
Lucid dreamer here, too! I can't recall ever encountering an evil or dark being but, then again, when things start to sour, I just change the course of the dream. Usually whenever that happens, it is more along the lines of real life things that I fear--needles, wasps, getting kidnapped--but I do recall on a couple of times, the object or person that was frightening me seemed to come from nowhere. I can't speak for all of my dreams, though, as sometimes I am a "viewer" watching something play out. Almost like watching a movie or television show but still able to interact with the "cast" or mix up the "plot" if it starts to get bored.

posted on Sep, 27 2015 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: QuietSpeech

Thanks I'll try that one.

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: therealguyfawkes

I know this is a old post but I don't believe in coincidences. I came across this while searching about entities I've come across recently.

I think ironically this describes the person in your dream

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master

Life imitates art more than not..

posted on Apr, 22 2017 @ 03:44 PM
There will not be any deity or demon going to announce itself as the dreamaster. It does not happen that way however cool story.

However if you're looking for the Dreamaster contact Freddy Krueger .

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 12:38 PM
It seems every time I go lucid which is only been maybe a handful + of times it always has to do with these clown demons almost like the characters from mad magazine they're more like playful elementals I'd say not your traditional Hollywood scary demon...and you realize that you must be dreaming because their characteristics are so dramatic or their faces are morphiing and that's when you start to go lucid. last night though I realized that my RV suddenly became in a completely different location and then I became lucid and that's when the clowns came out they kept saying to me do you want to hurt us?do you want to hurt us? They knew I knew they were demons from previous dream cycles . . this time one of them announced to me that they wear masks and he took his mask off and it was a little more scary...these dreams a pretty intense some are somewhat playful
edit on 8-10-2019 by shhips because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2019 by shhips because: (no reason given)
I have found it a little difficult to manifest while observing these dreams i I've succeeded maybe a couple times but usually I'm just kind of in it for the ride
edit on 8-10-2019 by shhips because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2019 @ 02:24 PM
Another thing... I don't think these dream characters/entities find themselves very happy with you if you let them know that you know that you're dreaming....I had a dream where I was in my childhood skating rink and as I walked through everybody was so dramatized there were pirates and all kinds of fascinating looking people...became lucid.... I found myself sitting in some sort of social circle
Where everybody was talking randomly and I decided I was going to shout out to everybody that I knew that they were all in my dream!! this one lady from across me walked up to me super fast pointing her finger at me and she yelled you ought not to say that! before I finished the sentence.... I went into sleep paralysis for maybe 10 seconds and then I woke up
edit on 8-10-2019 by shhips because: (no reason given)

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